Volume 11, Issue 3, March 2023 Edition - GSJ Journal Publication

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ABSTRACT The main objective of this research is to analyze the effects Stakeholders involvement and implementation of motorcycle transport project. Evidence from Tubane hafi Motorcycle Cooperative in Rwanda, Kigali City. The study was conducted within Tubane Hafi motorcycle Cooperative in Kigali City the, Rwanda country office. The study covered a period of five years; from 2016 to 2020. Stakeholder theory and Social Network Theories (SNT) was applied to understand community Involvement in the sense that it is assumed that people were considered the implication of their actions before they decide to engage or not to engage in certain behavior. This study adopted descriptive survey research design. This is because it portrays an accurate profile of persons, events or situations and allows the collection of large amounts of data from a sizeable population in a highly economical way. The target population of the study was Stakeholders of Tubane Hafi Motorcycle Cooperative making total of 820 members. The study adopted stratified random sampling technique to select respondents who represented the target population. Stratified sampling method was used as it involved dividing the target population into various units based on any unifying characteristics as age, gender etc. The study used primary data. The questionnaire used to collect primary data was close-ended questions. Quantitative data was analyzed using descriptive analysis and correlation analysis techniques with the help of Statistical Packages for Social Sciences (SPSS Version 23). Results indicate that ratio of β test modal results into t value was t=27.086. which is greater than 1.96, p=.000 is less than p value (0.05) and this respond the first question of this research by saying that Stakeholder Involvement in project Monitoring affect the implementation of TUBANE HAFI motorcycle cooperative. The ratio of β test modal results into t value. t = 33.313 t value is greater than 1.96, sig= .000, p value (0.05) and this respond the second question of this research which says that Stakeholder Involvement in project Planning influence the implementation of TUBANE HAFI motorcycle cooperative. The ratio of β test modal results into t value was t=30.892. which is greater than 1.96, p=.000 is less than p value (0.05) and this respond the third question of this research by saying that Stakeholder Involvement in project Implementation contributes to the implementation and project success of TUBANE HAFI motorcycle cooperative. Key terms: Stakeholder’s, Involvement, Implementation


This study aims to determine the effect of service quality, role conflict, and public service motivation on community satisfaction. The method used in this research is quantitative research with a descriptive approach. The population in this study were the people in the South Padang sub-district office. The sample used was 144 people using a saturated sampling technique (census). The data analysis technique is multiple linear regression. The results of the study show that: (1) Service quality has a positive and significant effect on community satisfaction. (2) Role conflict has a negative and significant effect on community satisfaction. (3) Public service motivation has a positive and significant effect on community satisfaction. (4) Quality of service, role conflict.


This study aims to determine and analyze the effect of remuneration, integrity, and job satisfaction both partially and jointly on the performance of West Pasaman Police Traffic Unit members. The sample in this study were 35 members of the Solok City Police Traffic Unit. The sampling technique is a census technique because the number of members is only 35 people. The type of data used is primary data, the data collection method uses a questionnaire with a Likert scale. Test the research instrument to test the validity and reliability. Data analysis techniques consist of data description test, classic assumption test, path analysis and hypothesis testing. The results of the study found that remuneration, integrity, and job satisfaction had a significant positive effect on the performance of members of the Solok City Police Traffic Unit partially and collectively.


This study aims to see the effect of 1) The effect of role conflict on the emotional exhaustion of Bappeda Sijunjung employees. 2) The effect of financial compensation on the emotional exhaustion of Bappeda Sijunjung employees. 3) The effect of emotional exhaustion on job satisfaction of Bappeda Sijunjung employees. 4) The influence of role conflict on job satisfaction of Bappeda Sijunjung employees. 5) The effect of financial compensation on job satisfaction of Bappeda Sijunjung employees. 6) Effect of role conflict on job satisfaction of Bappeda Sijunjung employees with emotional exhaustion as an intervening variable. 7) The effect of financial compensation on job satisfaction of Bappeda Sijunjung employees with emotional exhaustion as an intervening variable. This type of research uses a quantitative approach to the method of analysis with the Partial Least Square (PLS) approach. Data collection techniques with questionnaires, observation and interviews. Respondents in this study were 59 employees at Bappeda Sijunjung Regency. The sampling method uses the total sampling method where the entire population in this study is used as the research sample. Hypothesis testing is calculated using the SmartPLS version 3 program. The results of this study indicate that role conflict and financial compensation have a significant effect on emotional exhaustion Sijunjung Regency Bappeda employee. Besides that, role conflict, financial compensation and emotional exhaustion also have a significant effect on job satisfaction of Bappeda Sijunjung employees.


This study aims to see the effect of (1)Talent management for the career development of employees of Bank Indonesia, West Sumatra Province. (2) Knowledge management on the career development of employees of Bank Indonesia, West Sumatra Province. (3) Performance appraisal of career development for employees of Bank Indonesia, West Sumatra Province. (4) Personality towards Bank Indonesia employee career development West Sumatra Province Personality towards Bank Indonesia employee career development West Sumatra Province (5) Creativity in the career development of employees of Bank Indonesia, West Sumatra Province. Personality in the career development of employees of Bank Indonesia, West Sumatra Province. (6) Talent management, performance appraisal knowledge management, personality, creativity have a joint effect on the career development of employees of Bank Indonesia, West Sumatra Province. The entire population in this study 62 employees of Bank Indonesia in West Sumatra Province. And the technique of determining the number of samples taken as respondents with the technique in taking this sample uses a total sampling technique (overall sample) total sampling is a sampling technique where the number of samples is the same as the population (Sugiyono, 2017). The reason for taking total sampling is because according to (Sugiyono, 2017) the total population is less than 100, all populations are used as research samples. Resultsthis study shows that (1) Talent manage menthas a positive influence on employee career development West Sumatra Province. Personality in the career development of employees of Bank Indonesia. (2) Knowledge management provide a positive influence on the career development of employees of Bank Indonesia West Sumatra Province. (3) Performance assessment provide a positive influence on the career development of employees of Bank Indonesia West Sumatra Province. (4) Personality provide a positive influence on the career development of employees of Bank Indonesia West Sumatra Province. (5) Creativity provide a positive influence on the career development of employees of Bank Indonesia West Sumatra Province. (6) Talent management, performance appraisal knowledge management, personality and creativity collectively have a significant influence on the career development of employees of Bank Indonesia in West Sumatra Province.


E-learning is a type of learning conducted via electronic devices using the internet. It can be accessed through most electronic devices which consist of a computer, laptops, tablets, smartphones, etc. It is an easy way for students to learn where ever they are. Recently, most of the Sri Lankan Higher educational institutes are compelled to start e-learning as a new method to facilitate teaching and learning during the COVID-19 pandemic situation. This study is aimed to find out the students' perceptions of implementing e-learning among English diploma holders. This study includes the learners' purposes, level of exposure, driving factors, and barriers to place e-learning. A sample of 15 students was selected randomly from ATI Dehiwala. A structured questionnaire was used to collect data from respondents. The results revealed that almost all the respondents were well exposed to e-learning types and different platforms. The most significant findings were learners use e-learning to maintain social distance during COVID-19, to continue distance learning, and to improve Listening, reading, writing, speaking, and comprehension skills. Moreover, poor network coverage, less student-teacher interaction, and difficulty in performing group work weakened e-learning. On the other hand, respondents believed that e-learning is a suitable teaching method to proceed during dynamic teaching-learning conditions. Also, the respondents were self-motivated to learn English through e-learning. For successful e-learning in higher educational institutes, it is recommended to pay concerns to drivers and barriers found in students’ views. Key Words: e-learning, driving factors, barriers, teaching and learning, electronic devices

Molecular study of PKD1 Gene in Iraqi People suffered with autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD) []

The objectives of this study are to determine the genetic pattern, estimate gene frequency, estimate the prevalence of PKD, and provide a suitable plan for genetic counseling tailored to these participants in the study. A serious, life-threatening monogenic illness with a high rate of morbidity and mortality is autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD). This condition affects between 1 in 400 and 1 in 1000 people worldwide. The polycystic kidney disease (PKD)1 and PKD2 genes have been substantially implicated in the development of ADPKD. However, it is unclear how harmful the various PDK1 polymorphisms are for the emergence of ADPKD. In this research, a total of 71 patients who were living in Iraq were enrolled. This study demonstrated that the PKD1 gene abnormalities cause the disease to be transmitted via an autosomal dominant gene. According to the results, the proportion of patients with (ADPKD), who carried the wild genotype GG was largest (42%) and the proportion who observed the mutant genotype CC was the lowest (27%), while the proportion of patients carrying the heterogeneous GC was (31%) as compared to the healthy group. The results, shows an increase in the levels of biochemical parameters in ADPKD patients, Glucose (70 mg\dl), Urea (27 mg\dl), creatinine (0.98 mg\dl), albumin (4.39 g\dl), GOT (21 IU\L), GPT (22 U\L) total bilirubin (0.59 mg\dl) and Calcium (10.31 mg\dl)


The study aimed to design and develop an Abstract Corpus Analysis of Capstone Projects Using a Latent Dirichlet Allocation Algorithm for Aemilianum College Inc. to categorize and evaluate the thematic corpus analysis model along Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations and CHED CMO No. 07, a series of 2010; and, to evaluate the Capstone Project Corpus Analysis System for Aemilianum College Inc. using the industry software quality model – the ISO 25010 evaluation tool. Based on the findings, the proposed corpus analysis system of the Capstone projects for Aemilianum College Inc. included features like data cleaning, thematic analysis showing the word coherence and automatic labels, and visualization to translate information into a visual context. The Capstone project conducted was within the Sustainable Development Goals and it met the research standard set for a Master in Information Technology (MIT) student. The evaluation made by the experts and users obtained an overall weighted average rating of 4.80 and 4.50 respectively which were both interpreted as far more than what is expected. Furthermore, as warranted by conclusions, the system is recommended to be utilized by the target beneficiary. Likewise, it is also recommended to utilize an algorithm aside from LDA to generate thematic analysis. Also, there is a need to explore other classifiers and consider other word intrusion methods in evaluating the topic labels generated. Key Words: Abstract Corpus Analysis, Aemilianum College Inc., Algorithm, Capstone Project, Latent Dirichlet Allocation, Natural Language Processing, Theses Abstracts, Thesis, Project Study


The purpose of this research is to give access to and manage your library's resources. A well-chosen system will boost the library's productivity, save time in administration, improve students' educational experiences, and foster independent learning. The framework enables the librarian to manage library resources in a more efficient manner, thus saving time. This system would reduce all manual work, allowing the whole process to be handled with only a few clicks and changes. Students can quickly access the information in the books with the aid of this device. This research, which employed the agile approach, provided unrivaled versatility. The work was done in smaller bursts and was aided by continuous feedback. The technique was iterative, which ensures that each sprint is better than the previous one and that previous errors are not replicated. Agile methodologies promote an open culture of concept sharing and collaboration, allowing team members to learn from one another's mistakes and grow together. Agile teams have more control and power over their actions since they are self-organized and managed. Furthermore, the system has been evaluated by three sets of respondents using an industry-accepted quality model –ISO25010. It has passed the software evaluation and is therefore ready for deployment. Key Words: Android-Based System, Android-Based Book Information System, Information System, Learning Resources Information System, Library System, Quick Response Code System

The effects of consumer’s objective knowledge on perceptions and attitude towards GMF in Morocco []

The topic of Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) has become a contentious issue in recent years, due to the potential benefits for food producers and consumers, as well as the possible biomedical risks and environmental side effects. GMOs are organisms whose genetic material has been altered using genetic engineering techniques to improve their traits or characteristics. This advanced biotechnology offers numerous advantages, including increased crop yield, resistance to pests and diseases, and improved nutritional value. However, the use of GMOs has also raised concerns among consumers and activists, who worry about the long-term health and environmental impacts of genetically modified foods. Some studies have suggested that consuming GM foods may cause allergies or contribute to the development of antibiotic-resistant bacteria. Additionally, there are concerns that GMOs may contaminate non-GM crops, leading to unintended consequences in the environment. Despite these concerns, independent studies have been conducted worldwide to assess the pros and cons of GM foods. The results of these studies have been mixed, with some suggesting that GM foods are safe for human consumption and the environment, while others have raised concerns about the long-term effects of consuming genetically modified foods. Recent technological advancements in genetic engineering have allowed for even more precise modification of genetic material, which may further enhance the potential benefits of GMOs. For example, researchers have developed genetically modified crops that can tolerate extreme weather conditions, such as drought or flooding, which could help to increase crop yield and improve food security in areas where these conditions are common. In conclusion, the topic of GMOs remains a complex and controversial issue, with both potential benefits and risks. Further research is needed to fully understand the long-term effects of genetically modified foods on human health and the environment. As the technology continues to advance, it will be important for policymakers, scientists, and consumers to carefully evaluate the benefits and drawbacks of GMOs in order to make informed decisions about their use. Keywords: Trust, perceived risk and benefit, consumer’s acceptance, Attitude, genetically modified food (GM food).


The main goal of the study was to establish whether there is any relationship between the use of technology in policing the crime of unlawful entry and theft and the reduction of the crime rate in Gweru Urban Police District in the Midlands Province of Zimbabwe. As such the objectives were to determine whether CCTV cameras are being used in policing the crime of unlawful entry and theft in Gweru Urban Police District, to establish whether Gweru Urban Police District utilizes drones in policing, focusing on the specific crime of unlawful entry and theft, to ascertain if the community and Gweru Urban Police District adopted the use of intrusion detectors and monitoring systems in fighting the crime of unlawful entry and theft and to examine the extent at which Gweru Urban Police District employs GPS tracking system in tracking well known criminals of unlawful entry and theft within its policing area with the aim of deterring them from re-committing the offence. Target population was police officers of the rank of Chief Inspector and below who are directly involved in crime management on a daily basis in Gweru Urban Police District. The researchers employed the quantitative research approach and a positivist research philosophy in which a descriptive research design was used in gathering data. Stratified random sampling was adopted for the research. Structured Questionnaire was used as research instrument in which the gathered data was analysed using SPSS version 23. Data obtained was presented in the form of tables and charts. Hypothesis was tested using chi square. The major findings were that, that use of CCTVs system reduce the crime rate of unlawful entry and theft if used in policing. Also research supported the fact that drones are effective and efficient in reducing the crime of unlawful entry and theft. Research also concurred that installation of intrusion detectors in houses and business premises significantly reduce the crime of unlawful entry and theft in Gweru Urban Police District. The study also revealed that Gweru District is not using of GPS tracking system in tracking well known offenders does not deter these offenders from re-committing the crime of unlawful entry and theft. The study recommended that Gweru Urban Police District must utilize CCTV systems and drones in policing crime of unlawful entry and theft and also encourage the district to encourage residents and business people to install intrusion detectors on houses and business to manage unlawful entry and theft. Researchers also recommended the use of GPS tracking system in tracking well known offenders does not deter these offenders from re-committing the crime of unlawful entry and theft in Gweru


There are different types of learners in the world. Some people learn best in a traditional classroom setting, while others learn best through alternative methods. The modular instructional material is designed for those who learn best in an alternative setting. Modular instructional material is a set of materials that can be used to teach a variety of subjects. The modular instructional material is flexible and can be used to teach a variety of subjects in a variety of ways. The modular instructional material is also motivating for learners who are looking for an alternative to traditional learning methods. Modular instructional material is a great way for learners to get the education they need in a way that is best for them. The difficulty of learning in the presence of other students and lack of family support and encouragement had a frequency of 51 and ranked 5.5. Encouragement from their teachers, relatives, and classmates has the biggest impact on ALS students' enthusiasm to study through modular education. Students frequently struggle with poor comprehension of module contents, occasional interest, connectivity issues, financial constraints, and the CLC's remote location. Adopting a reward system be considered to encourage ALS students to perform at their highest level or go above and beyond their learning goals. KEYWORDS: MOTIVATIONAL LEVEL, ALTERNATIVE LEARNING SYSTEM, LEARNERS, LEARNING AND MODULAR INSTRUCTION


Abstract This study which aimed to investigate the action research engagement of teacher of Doña Susana Elementary School was conducted during the School Year 2022-2023. The researcher gathered the necessary and needed data from the fifty (50) teachers who served as the respondents. They were chosen using purposive sampling technique. Quantitative descriptive research design was used in analyzing the level of competence of teachers and factors that affect them in writing action research utilizing questionnaire-checklist in the form of Google Form. Based on the result, it was found out that majority of the teacher-respondents did not conduct research, half of had attended local and/or international research conferences, and most of them have no conceptualized, completed, and/or published paper. In addition, teachers, even on the competent scale, still need to further improve their knowledge and skills in conducting action research. More so, it can be noted that have no enough knowledge on the basic steps on how to write action research paper, teachers are not aware of the benefits of writing action research especially on their professional growth and development, and financial matter really plays big part on the endeavors that teachers want to pursue including writing of action research. It was recommended that teacher-training programs and other activities on research can further strengthen competence in research, recognition they can get from conducting research should be explained to teachers, and financial support should be given to them.


This study seeks to investigate the effects of job dissatisfaction on employee turnover in the Nigerian banking sector using some selected branches of First Bank plc in Osun state. The study adopts a quantitative research method. As such, the questionnaire was used to obtain data from the 200 randomly selected samples from each branch. Inferential statistics, including linear regression and correlation, were applied to evaluate the relationships between the dependent variable (employee turnover) and the independent variable (job dissatisfaction). The results show a significant positive relationship between job dissatisfaction and employee turnover. This means that the higher the level of job dissatisfaction, the higher the employee turnover rate. It also shows a 26% rate of employee turnover in the bank, which indicates that employees are leaving the bank at a higher rate due to a poor work environment, poor compensation system, lack of recognition, job insecurity, stress, and work-life imbalance. The study recommends that bank management focus on restructuring their organizational culture and creating a flexible work environment for employees.

Conversion of Archival data to machine readable format using Semantic Web Technologies []

With the rise of digitization, there has been a substantial growth in the amount of archival data being produced, making it difficult to preserve and access. However, the use of Semantic Web Technologies offers a promising solution to the problem of converting archival data into machine-readable format[1]. This research article discusses the use of Semantic Web Technologies in converting archival data to machine-readable format, the benefits and challenges of this approach, and the tools and methods used in the process.

Implementation of a Channel-Aware Routing Protocol in the Network Simulator for Underwater Acoustic Communication Networking []

Over two-thirds of the earth’s surface is occupied by water, however, the level of research in the field of Underwater Wireless Sensor Networking (UWSN) does not necessarily commensurate with the size and potential. Importantly, the underwater acoustic channel is susceptible to signal degradation as a result of the dynamic and harsh state of the environment such as high propagation delay and limited channel bandwidth. The above challenges are the motivation behind the Implementation of The Channel-aware Routing Protocol (CARP) in Underwater Wireless Sensor Networking. CARP [1] is a cross-layer routing paradigm that collaboratively leverages the link quality estimation between neighboring sensor nodes and the hop counts from the sink to determine the next relay node for packet forwarding. In this work, CARP was implemented in Aqua-Sim-NG, an ns-3-based underwater wireless sensor network simulator that simulates underwater acoustic channels with high fidelity. The goal of this work is the optimization of routing performance in underwater acoustic communication networking.


Over the last decade social media has become a principal of digital communication avenue through which customers learn about them and spilt information. This has become dominant channel of communication since over 40% of the world population are online. This study sought to determine the effect of project initiation through social media on project performance in telecommunication companies in Rwanda, a case of Airtel Touching Lives project. Data were collected using structured questionnaires and analysed using Statistical Package for Social Scientists (SPSS 21). The findings from this research revealed that feasibility study, stakeholders’ mapping and project communication which are the indicators of project initiation are positively related to project performance. The reported R2 was 0.896 showing that 89.6% of changes in project performance is influenced by project initiation through social media. The regression model was also found to be significant with p=0.000 which is less than 5%. We therefore recommend that telecommunication industries should embrace the use of social media not only for initiating projects by also during other phases of project lifecycle. Moreover, the adoption of these modern technological tools can enhance the project awareness among the population. Key words: Project communication, Project initiation, Project Performance, Social Media, Telecommunication companies, Rwanda

Influence of Local Language Use on Students’ Academic Performance in Lower Primary Schools in Gatsibo District, Rwanda []

Background: This research assessed the influence of local language use on students’ academic performance in lower primary schools in Gatsibo district, Rwanda. Specifically, the research identified the factors influencing local language use in lower primary schools of Gatsibo District, in Rwanda; to analyze the students’ academic performance in lower primary schools that is due to local language use and to assess influence of local language use on students’ academic performance in lower primary schools in Gatsibo district, Rwanda. Materials and Methods : The study used descriptive and correlation design with a mixed approach. The population of the study was 718 respondents including 118 teachers and 600 parents, the researcher determined the sample size of 259 respondents using Yamane formula. Respondents were chosen through purposive sampling technique, where questionnaire and documentation research techniques were used as instruments of data collection and pilot study were considered. The findings were analyzed through SPSS version 21 wand interpretations were made basing on results given by respondents. Results : To the first objective, results indicate that 91.2% agreed with class group work discussion in local language, 91.2% with the provision of tests in local language. To the second objective, the study indicates that 90.0% agreed with low level of speech development in English, 88.3% agreed with low level of writing English language, 81.9% with agreed low level of reading skills acquisition. Results to the third objective indicated that 93% agreed that government educational policies class group work discussion in local language lead to low level of language acquisition at .473 and with low level of English reading skulls acquisition at .455. The study reveal that teaching in local language is positively influencing the level of language acquisition at .434, with Low level of speaking development at .474, with low level of writing at .404 were correlated with low level of language acquisition at .430, with low level of speech at .426, with low level of writing skills at .396 and with low level of reading skills at .474. Tests in local language was correlated with low level of language acquisition at .413, with low level of speech at .396, with low level of writing at .358 and with low level of reading skills at .485. Conclusion : In conclusion, the study shows that factors influencing local language use are to class group work discussion, teaching, explanations, and examination tests in local language. The study felt that low level of acquisition, speech development, writing and reading skills acquisition were the results obtained by student in national exams. Finally, the above factors have a positive significance with low performance in English language since the p-value are less than 0.05. The study recommends that education stakeholders should work together to master English use. The ministry of education should to provide instructional material for English language. Further studies should be carried out in on importance of English language among students at all levels of education, effect of English language on other factors that affect the performance of pupil in English among lower primary schools. Key Words : Local Language Use, Students’ Academic Performance, Lower Primary Schools, Gatsibo District, Rwanda.

Molecular study of CDKN2B Gene in Iraqi KIDS suffered with Leukemia []

The objectives of this study are to determine the genetic variation and detection new mutation of CDKN2B in child with leukemia in Mosul city. Cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor 2B (CDKN2B) and Cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor 2A (CDKN2A) are two genes located adjacent to each other at INK4 locus in a stretch of about 80 kb. They encode tumor suppressor proteins p16INK4A and p15INK4B, respectively that inhibit cell cycle progression by forming complexes with cyclindependent kinase CDK4 or CDK6, This study included (91) patient of an age group ranging from (1-15) years of reviews to the private pathological analysis laboratories in the city of Mosul for a period ranging from June to September of 2022, According to the study's results, the proportion of Kids with leukemia, who observed the wild genotype AA was largest (33%) and the proportion who observed the mutant genotype TT was lowest (24%), and the proportion of observing for the heterogeneous AT was (43%) comparison to healthy group

Molecular study of ICAM-1 Gene in Iraqi girls suffered with Acne Vulgares []

Acne vulgaris is a long-lasting skin disorder that causes the pilosebaceous glands to become inflamed. Acne vulgaris develops as a result of four different pathogenesis theories, including sebum production, follicular skin, bacterial colonization by Propionibacterium acnes, and inflammatory mediators. The American Academy of Dermatology's categorization system must be used to identify lesions in order to make the diagnosis of acne vulgaris. Due to the complex origins of acne, there are many different approaches to managing it, such as monotherapy or combinations of different medications that work to decrease the anti-inflammatory and antibacterial activity. DNA was extracted from the blood of (71) patient who were subjected to this study, Determination of the genetic variation of the ICAM-1 gene byTetra–ARMS-PCR technology. Determination of nucleotide sequencing of amplified pieces using DNA sequencing technology. . According to the study's results, the proportion of patients with Acne Vulgares, who observed the wild genotype AA was lowest (17%) and the proportion who observed the mutant genotype GG was largest (32%), and the proportion of observing for the heterogeneous AG was (51%) comparison to healthy group, who observed the wild genotype AA was largest (50%) and the proportion who observed the mutant genotype GG was lowest (20%), and the proportion of observing for the heterogeneous AG was (31%), The allelic observation rate in patients with Acne Vulgares was 58 percent for the mutant G allele and 42 percent for the normal A allele