Volume 11, Issue 3, March 2023 Edition - GSJ Journal Publication

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This study aims to determine: 1. Influence internal communication, work attitudes ,and work ethics on employee performance. 2. Influence internal communication, against employee performance. 3. Influence work attitude towards employee performance. 4.The effect of work ethics on employee performance. The design of this research is associative explanatory research. The population of this study was all employees of the Kendari City Land Office, namely as many as 37 people. The sample of this research was determined by the census. Data collection using a questionnaire. Data analysis using multiple linear regression analysis. The results showed that all the relationships between variables had a positive and significant effect so that all hypotheses could be accepted.

A Study on the Relationship between Dividend Policy and Corporate Performance – A Case of Listed Companies in the Financial Sector in Zambia []

Abstract Dividend policy is one of the most complex aspects in finance. The reality is that dividend policy is more commonly an instrument of wealth distribution than it is an instrument of wealth creation. The study of firm performance determinants is a central question for strategic management. This study examines whether dividend policy influences financial firms’ performance in Zambia. The choice for the study stems from the important role financial firms play in the financial development of the economy and therefore if not given the critical look could lead to spiraling adverse effects on the other sectors of the economy in which case studies in this area have not received much attention in Zambia. The analysis has been performed using data derived from the financial statements of seven financial firms listed on the Lusaka Securities Exchange (LUSE) during the recent seven-year period 2013 – 2019 on which data were easily accessible. Statistical package for social science (SPSS) was used to estimate the Pearson correlation and analysis of variance (ANOVA) results. The results show negative relationships between firm performance (ROE) and dividend policy. The results further reveal that earnings per share (EPS), dividend per share (DPS) and financial leverage are insignificant in determining the financial firms’ performance in Zambia. To the contrary, firm size proved to be a determinant of the financial firms’ performance for the present study though it was used as a control variable. Based on the results of the findings, investors should not only depend on dividend policy as espoused by the rational expectations hypothesis when making their investment decisions. Instead, they should analyze the trend in share price movements so that when share prices increase, they can sell their shares and when share prices are low, they can buy new shares. This in turn will increase their capital and value of their investments through capital gains. It is also recommended that firms should strive to utilize all idle resources (assets) if desirable, merge with other firms to reap the benefit of synergy alongside. Specifically, amount of cash being held for precautionary measures may be reduced or reinvested in short term securities. In their propensity to reduce leverage, unprofitable ventures that command huge sums of money may be abandoned. These projects push firms to increase gearing; else firms should associate them-selves with risky investments promising higher returns. Thus, firms should not build empires. There is therefore the need for proper feasibility studies before such projects may be carried out. Key Words: Dividend Policy, Corporate Performance, Earnings Per Share, Dividend Per Share, Financial Leverage, Re-turn on Equity, Dividend.

Hierarchical clustering to predict the response of cardiac resynchronization therapy in patients with heart failure []


Role of Digital India Initiative in Financial Inclusion: An Assessment []

Financial inclusion refers to providing fair, transparent, and equitable access to finance and financial services to everyone at a reasonable price. One of the essential requirements for an economy to accomplish balanced growth in its economy is the presence of a smart financial system. If the majority of the population has access to banking services, the banking system is considered to have developed. By creating a number of commissions, RBI has taken some noteworthy measures to address the problems with financial inclusion. The most important program, dubbed "Digital India," was introduced by Mr. Narendra Modi, the Indian Prime Minister, on July 1, 2015, with the goal of enhancing digital literacy and connecting rural areas to high-speed Internet networks. Of course, the success of the Digital India plan will have an immense effect on expanding the scope of financial inclusion. In considering this context, the current article makes an effort to evaluate how the Digital India programme has affected financial inclusion. The problem was addressed using secondary data.


Climate change is the phenomenon of rise in average surface temperatures on Earth, mostly due to anthropogenic activities such as burning of fossil fuels (oil and coal), which emits greenhouse gases (GHGs) into the atmosphere mainly carbon dioxide (CO2) and its long term process usually takes 40 years. Developing countries like Pakistan agriculture sector accounts for a large share in its gross domes-tic product (GDP). Pakistan is basically an agro based country and climatic situations are very drastic in Pakistan as climate of Pakistan is humid. The agriculture sector consists of several sub sectors like crops, livestock, fishing and forestry. Rising temperatures, intense rains, droughts and production losses in agricultural sector are expected in Pakistan is due to climate change. On the basis of above background the objective of this study is to review the impacts of climate change on agriculture of Pakistan. Systematic review of litera-ture method id used and descriptive analysis is done to narrate the results. Previous studies show that climate change has large impact in agriculture production and shows negative impact on productive and reproductive performance of livestock, increased incidence of livestock diseases and parasitic infestation, decreasing trend of feed and fodder resources and water availability. Climate change poses to be a serious threat to agriculture and aqua culture in Pakistan. Hilly and mountainous regions of Northern Khyber Pakhtun Khwa (KPK) province are more vulnerable to climate change in Pakistan. Little information is available on the impact of climate change on ag-riculture in the mountainous regions of KPK. Adaptation should be made to cope with seasonal variations as seasons emerge with each other and behavioral modifications should also done.

The contribution of off grid electrical power on socio-economic development of households in rural areas of Rwanda, a case of KAYONZA District []

Development benefits greatly from reliable and efficient energy facilities for heating, lighting, cooking, transit, telecommunications, and transportation. According to this research on "the contribution of off grid electrical power on socioeconomic development of households in rural areas of Rwanda: a case study of the Kayonza district," the following objectives served as the study's direction: to evaluate the accessibility of off grid energy services in the Mwiri and Ndego sectors of district, to examine the relationship between off grid energy services and socio-economic development of households in both sectors of the district. The study adopts Yamane formula to select good sample size of 268 from 810 households in sectors. Questionnaires were used in the research to collect data. Data were analyzed by descriptive statistics (by mean and standard deviation) and inferential statistics (multiple linear regression). The results showed that off grid electrical power services in Kayonza district have high available but low access to the users from higher cost issues. The results on off grid electrical power services indicated a significant impact on the socioeconomic development on households in district, via job creation, saving and income improvement to households. Therefore, recommendation from the study was to Rwandan government must find answers to the various issues in order to increase access to electricity for more people living in rural areas and also raising the standard of grid electricity services provided to its customers


Education is an essential avenue of one’s life. It may serve as foundation in molding the 21st century learners by providing them knowledge and skills to be locally and globally competitive individuals. It may be along life’s process, hierarchically structured, chronologically graded education system, or any organized educational activities outside the established formal system. Every child has the right to receive quality, equitable, and complete basic education and gain necessary skills and knowledge he or she needed to be successful individual. This is the primary goal of the education sector in our country through the collaborative effort of all the key players of educational community. This task should not solely be done by educators. Parents, as educators as well, have a vital stake on the achievement of the learners. Every parent must be involved in meeting the goal of education. This study investigated the Parental Involvement on Academic Performance in English and Mathematics of Grade Three pupils of Cresdaville Elementary School, The researcher utilized the combination of quantitative and qualitative methods of research. An online research questionnaire utilizing Google Form was used to gather necessary information from the seventy (70) parents, who served as the respondents of this paper. Based on the results, The results show that, because the majority of parents are unemployed, they have plenty of time to assist their kids with their academic work. The responders also have strong academic credentials, making them qualified to offer academic support. The professionals who are the school head validated the questionnaire-checklist. The study's permission to proceed was obtained. The researcher himself administered the questionnaire-checklist when permitted and under the direction of the school head. The information on the level of parental participation and the barriers to that participation was gathered using an online version of the questionnaire-checklist through Google Form. To determine their profile, frequency and percentage distribution were employed. Mean was used to gauge how involved parents were, and qualitative conversation was taken into account to pinpoint the barriers to their involvement. The results show that even though parents participate in school activities, their involvement is restricted, particularly in literacy and numeracy. This may also be the result of their lack of understanding of how the aforementioned programs work. The researcher wishes to acknowledge with the deepest gratitude, sincere appreciation, and indebtedness to those who contributed significantly to the completion of this study. Dr. Susan DL Oribiana, Schools Division Superintendent for her advice to all the teachers and school heads to always undergo research work. Dr. Frederico B. Cabalang, Public Schools District Supervisors of Taytay Sub-office, for his untiring support and guidance, for stimulating interest and direction in the preparation of the study. Thank you to all of the Grade three PUPILS of Cresdaville Elementary School, PARENTS, and TEACHERS for your support and willing participation. my family for moral assistance. And most importantly, to ALL-MIGHTY GOD, who has guided me during this study.

Compensating Vessel-Source and Pipelines Oil Pollution to Mitigate Environmental Pollution []

The paper seeks to investigate if the compensation schemes within the Nigerian oil landscape have the mettle necessary to effectively compensate victims and engage the powerful concerns of multinational oil companies in the country against the backdrop of persistent oil spills. Notably, there is no absence of legislation to prosecute oil spill accidents, judging from the plethora of regimes available to protect and preserve the environment, restore damaged areas and compensate victims of oil spills. However, in view of deficiencies with some of the regimes, and the general apathy of the judiciary to implement the provisions to the letter; the suspicion of collusion between some judicial officials and multinational companies is rive. Thus, the Oil in Navigable Waters Act, 1968 which is based on OILPOL, 1954 will be best served if it were amended to reflect the current dynamics in the oil transportation industry. Moreover, shortcomings within the Petroleum Act, 1969 with regards to oil spill compensation, limitation of liability and sanctions are examined in order to ascertain some of the excesses of oil companies’ complacent practices in the country. In addition, the Oil Pipelines Act, 1956 gives room for oil companies to launch the ‘sabotage defense’ which they have successfully used to win cases against impoverished oil spill victims whose livelihoods have been negatively impacted by years of oil spill and pollution. Moreover, the incorporation of provisions of the African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights,1981 (Banjul Convention) into the Nigerian domestic landscape constitutes the generation of legislation which was, hitherto, non-existent, in order to foster environmental safety. Therefore, the paper questions whether the devious practices of some in the judiciary that berefts oil spill victims of their rights to compensation could benefit or harm the environment.


This paper examines the current trend in waste management which is drifting towards a ‘blue economy’ designed to address sustainability and counter environmental pollution. It explores the prospects and challenges of developing an anaerobic digestion sector for the generation of alternative energy from food waste feedstock in Cameroon. At the present time, waste in the country is managed in a an uncontrolled manner; with small waste operators undertaking different and uncoordinated waste management activities, without real efforts designed to reap the full benefits that could be garnered from sustainably managing food waste. However, harnessing this sector with dedicated structures to oversee its activities will contribute to transforming not only lives, but the whole environmental and economic strata of the country. In focusing on food waste transformation for biogas generation and digestate production, the country could create jobs, reduce pressures on natural resources and uplift most of its youthful population from the throes of poverty and underdevelopment. With the energy sector facing real pressures as a result of the growing population, growth in the industrial sector without a corresponding investment in the country’s energy infrastructure, lack of real political will to tackle the energy problems and other crisis that have come to bear on the country, the need to diversify the energy portfolio is now very critical. By generating methane and carbon dioxide for heating, cooking and electricity for its fast growing population, anaerobic digestion also has the added potential of providing the rural agricultural sector with digestate that has little or no negative environmental effect as compared to artificial imported fertilizer that the country has come to depend on so heavily, with its antecedent impact on the country’s ecosystem. The proposal is that government should diversify its energy portfolio by investing in the transformation of food waste as a means of supplementing its current weak energy sector.

Cybersecurity enhancement capabilities for legal and security officers in Cameroon []

This work examines some of the complexities faced by judicial and security officers in the country in tackling the menace posed by cybercriminality which has permeated almost every facet of modern day society. With advancements in technology, the new arena for the commission of crimes is the cyber space, where criminals use the benefit of the internet to commit crimes from the comfort of their bedrooms, mobile phones, computers, and computer systems, while victims (companies, governments and individuals) suffer huge losses. Since this is a new pathway used by criminals, the law is slow to catch-up, and judicial police officers (police and gendarmes), lawyers (advocates), and magistrates in the country are still entrenched in solving traditional crimes. Indeed, it is not enough to understand the laws needed to investigate and prosecute; it is now critical that they also learn the craft of the cybercrime enterprise, by acquiring the fundamental technical skills necessary to help them match these online ‘wizards’. Their new training curricular should incorporate a cybersecurity component which will equip them with the requisite technical skills needed to combat cybercriminality. Most especially, police and gendarmerie branches, and courts across the country should have cybercrime units that are dedicated to solving this menace. ENAM 1 recently revised its curriculum to incorporate a component on firearms deployment; a cybersecurity component should also be added to the academic curricular/programs of these investigating and prosecuting institutions in the country, as the damage caused to organizations and governments by burglary, even armed robbery, is now miniscule in comparison to that done by a compromised network security system.


Education has been one of the driving forces through which the government of Cameroon has sought to extri-cate poverty alleviation, a key tenet of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). In order to achieve this goal, the government, in consultation with the World Bank, adopted a new higher education policy in 2001. This research examines the outcome of this new policy revised on the labour market for graduates in the South West region of the country. The impact of the implementation and implications of the new policy on the la-bour market for graduates is examined within the context of the country’s bilingual culture. The research complemented desk-based information with field data. Findings indicate that the new higher education policy has led to a democratization of the higher education sector with a corresponding proliferation of higher educa-tion institutions, an explosion in graduate numbers, but without corresponding employment opportunities. It is therefore recommended that more emphasis be placed on professional programmes in the region’s institutions in order to reinforce the job-readiness of its graduates. These professional programmes should be designed in partnership with industries to satisfy their specific needs which will have a direct impact on the absorption of unemployed graduates. Most especially, Alumni Relations Offices should be created and reinforced in all in-stitutions of higher learning which should cater for the employment of graduates through alumni relations, creation of entrepreneurship hubs that are meaningful, and Endowment Funds to manage graduate growth. In addition, there should be a revision of the policy to accommodate a General Graduate Service Corps (GGSC) - designed to deploy all new graduates to serve a one year mandatory period on a small stipend in other parts of the country. This would provide graduates with language skills, practical hands-on experience to gain compe-tences, reduce the frustration of graduates, curb mass migration, foster national integration and eventually re-duce unemployment.


The main objective of this study was to carry out an analysis of the effects of risk management practices on the performance of public infrastructure projects in Rwanda. The study was carried out in the City of Kigali using the Rwanda Urban Development Project (RUDP II) as a case study. This study follows the following objectives: to evaluate the influence of risk identification practices on the performance of RUDP II project, to assess the influence of risk analysis practices on the performance of RUDP II project, and to determine the influence of risk mitigation practices on performance of RUDP II project. The study population comprised 70 staff of the city of Kigali involved in the implementation of the RUDP II and 62 from private companies within the project, a total population of 132. The sample size of 99 was determinate using the Slovin's Formula, and only 95 respondents returned well filled responses. The researcher used primary and secondary data in this study. Descriptive research design, correlation analysis and multiple regression were used to assess the data. The results in Table 4.2 show that majority of respondents agreed with the statement about the influence of risk identification on performance of RUDIPII project. Whereby 31.6% agree and 63.2% strongly agree that RUDPII project record the risks in risk identification. The findings are supported by overall mean of 4.55 which is high mean as evidence on existence of the facts and also standard deviation of 0.50 which shows that there was homogeneity of responses. The results in Table 4.3 show that majority of the respondents 34.7% agreed and 50.5% strongly agreed that risk analysis begins at the quantitative analysis stage in RUDP II, with high mean of 4.21 and a standard deviation of 0.52 in heterogeneity. The results in Table 4.4 show that 27.4% agreed and 15.8% strong agreed that RUDIPII project consistently picked the most effective risk-acceptance to mitigate the risk with a moderate mean of 3.02 and achieved a 0.57 standard deviation heterogeneity. The regression analysis on model summary results indicated that there is significant positive relationship between risk management practices and performance of RUDP II, as it was revealed in table 4.18 that a greater variation of 54.6% in performance of RUDP II was due to changes in risk management practices measured by risks identification, risks analysis and risks mitigation practices. The results in Tables 4. (11, 14 and 17) show that risk identification (P=0.02<0.05), risk analysis (P = 0.000<0.05), risk mitigation (P = 0.000<0.05) are statistically significant influence the performance of RUDP II project in the city of Kigali. Hereby, the researcher rejected null hypotheses (Ho1, Ho2, and Ho3). The study recommended that RUDP II should enhance the way it manages the delayed payment and risk connected with supplier in order to improve its performance.

Motivation Factors and Teacher Retention in Private Secondary Schools of Rwanda. []

Teacher retention is one of the pillars that lead to higher academic performance of students. Unfortunately, school administrators invest much time and effort in recruiting the teaching personnel but use little effort to motivate teachers to remain in their respective schools. The purpose of this study was to assess the effect of motivation factors on teacher retention in private secondary schools in Rwanda, with a case of Huye District. The specific objectives were: to examine the effect of recognition on teacher retention, to assess the effect of work environment on teacher retention, to determine the effect of professional development on teacher retention, and to evaluate the effect of remuneration on teacher retention, in private secondary schools in Rwanda. The research used census as a sampling technique for a target population of 59 teachers, the total number of teachers working in private secondary schools in the district. The data analysis was done using descriptive and mixed method model and the Statistical Packages for Social Science Software (SPSS) version 21.0 was used to process the acquired data. From the analysis, the study came up with the following findings: teacher retention was not influenced by recognition since the majority of teachers; (70.1%) said that they were not aware of any recognition system in their schools. The findings revealed that 82.4% of the respondents had been motivated to stay in the school by the work environment. The study revealed that in-service training was a factor that could lead to teacher retention in the profession but not necessarily in their respective schools; only 27.5% of the respondents agreed that they had in-service training in their respective schools. In the same line, 56.1% of respondents agreed that remuneration is a teacher motivation factor, but only 17.6% of teachers stated that their remuneration was enough to cater for basic needs; with a Mean of 2.58 and Sd. of 1.22. Consequently, only 8.8% (with Mean of 2.58 and Sd. 0.96) of respondents agreed that they are willing to remain in their schools. Finally, the study concluded that mainly teachers would like to remain in schools which provide them with a favorable work environment and regular in-service trainings. In the second place, with considerate remuneration and recognition, teachers’ motivation would be increased and lead to their retention. Based on the findings from the study, the researcher recommended that school administration and stakeholders should provide teachers with in-service trainings, recognize teachers’ achievement and a considerate remuneration that could at least cater for their basic needs. Future studies should be conducted to assess the impact of teacher retention on students’ academic performance in private secondary schools in Rwanda.

Effects of Capital Allowances on the Performance of Small and Medium Scale Enterprises; Case Study of Construction Companies in Lusaka. []

Abstract The main objective of this study was to examine the effects of capital allowances on the performance of most consistent small and medium scale construction companies in Lusaka. Descriptive survey design was employed in the study and the population of interest in this study was made up of One Hundred and thirty-five (135) consistent Small and Medium construction businesses. The sample of 60 respondents was purposively drown to successfully complete the study. The data that was collected from respondents through questionnaires was analyzed using SPSS. The findings of the study showed that taxes charged to SMEs in the Construction sector are not fair thus it was concluded that construction companies perform poorly without Capital Allowances. The study also revealed that the most common capital allowances in the construction companies include capital allowances on furniture and fittings, computers; capital allowances on motor vehicles; capital allowances on plant, machinery and equipment; and capital allowances on buildings and in the same vain it was noted that SMEs in the construction sector have full Tax Information. In addition to this, regression analysis was used in order to examine how the performance of construction SMEs is affected by capital allowances and it was noted that there is a positive relationship between capital allowances and performance of construction SMEs. All in all, the findings of the study have shown how well tax incentives influence the growth of SMEs in the areas of firm growth. Nonetheless, the study will act as a guide to government in their quest to provide good fiscal policies which would enhance the growth of SMEs in Zambia. This study is important because its findings will help government in addressing impediments to the growth of SMEs through the formulation of right fiscal policies towards SMEs development in Zambia. Government will also be able to identify the importance of small and medium enterprises sector in the achievement of economic development and national growth in Zambia. Key Words; Capital Allowances, Performance, Growth and Profit after Tax.


The purpose of the study was to investigate the influence of mother tongue on mastery of English language among lower primary school pupils in Rwanda. A case study of Nyamata Sector-Bugesera District. The study used a descriptive survey design which used both quantitative and qualitative approaches to collect the data. The participants included school head teachers and lower primary teachers. The research questions of the study wanted to know how is mother tongue used in teaching-learning process in lower primary school pupils in Rwanda. The research found out that mother tongue is the language used mostly at home and at school. About the level of performance of pupils in English subject, the study found out that the level of performance in English is too low as shown by table no 4. The research wanted also to know to what extent mother tongue influence the performance of pupils in English. Here, according to result obtained, the study found out that use of mother tongue had a negative influence on performance of English in lower primary pupils.


The purposes of this research are: (1) To find out and analyze the effect of work skills, work discipline, and work environment on employee performance; (2) The effect of work skills on employee performance; (3) The influence of Work Discipline on Employee Performance; (4) The influence of the Work Environment on Employee Performance. Respondents in this study were employees of the Kendari City Notary and PPAT Office, totaling 92 employees with 13 Notaries in Kendari City. The types of data used in this research are primary data and secondary data. The data analysis technique used is multiple linear regression. The results of the study state that: (1) work skills, work discipline, and work environment have a significant effect on employee performance; (2) Work skills have a significant effect on employee performance; (3) Work discipline has a significant effect on employee performance; (4) The work environment has a significant effect on employee performance.


The purpose of this research is to find out the relationship between goal formulation and project performance at Compassion International Rwanda. In particular, the study looked at how personnel, group, and organizational goals affect the stability of the mission. For this study, the grades were greater than 0.7, which is generally considered satisfactory. The SPSS program was used to do the descriptive and correlational analyses. regression analysis on model summary results that indicate the effect of organization goal formulation, employee goal formulation, and team goal formulation on project performance. The results indicated an R of 0.800, an R square of 0.640, and an adjusted R square of 0.628. Based on the R square, it shows that 64.0% of the total variation in the performance of the child survival project is explained by the goal formulation of Compassion International Rwanda. The standard level of significance is set at F = 52.171 and p 0.000<0.05, as determined by ANOVA. This means that the surveyor can confirm there is an influence of employee goal formulation, team goal formulation, and organization goal formulation on the performance of the child survival project at Compassion International Rwanda. It is recommended to evaluate each employee’s skill level before setting objectives, since setting goals that are excessively ambitious may lead to dishonesty and other unethical practices.

Project Implementation Strategies and Performance of Rwanda Utility Regulatory Authority Head Quarters (Twin Towers) Project []

Abstract The study focused on the assessment of the effect of project implementation strategies and performance of the Rwanda Utility Regulatory Authority Twin Towers building project with highlighted objectives :To establish the effects of stakeholders involvement on performance of the Rwanda Utility Regulatory Authority Twin Towers Building project, to ascertain the effects of project communication on performance of the Rwanda Utility Regulatory Authority Twin Tower building project lastly to ascertain the effects of financial resource management on performance of the Rwanda Utility Regulatory Authority Twin Tower building project. Descriptive research design was applied; the target population was 86 employees of Rwanda Housing Authority (RHA). By using census, the sample size was 86 who are involved in project implementation to represent the group in sampling. A questionnaire, containing close-ended questions was used as primary data collection tool and documentary read applied for collecting secondary data. The collected data analyzed by using SPSS version 24 for the mean, standard deviation correlation and regression analysis. The presentation of findings was done by using tables, the pilot study was performed to test validity and reliability of instruments used in data collection. The findings have shown that project stakeholder and performance of RURA TTP has strong positive correlation of 0.865 and sig=0.000 which was less than 0.01significance level. The result also shown that stakeholder communication was correlated with performance of RURA TTP at 0.872 which was a positive correlation and significance of 0.000 which was less than significance level of 0.01.Futher the findings have shown that financial resource management and RURA TTP of 0.794 and sig=0.000 which was below of significance level of 0.01. The overall correlation indicated that project implementation strategies contribute at Pearson correlation of .844 which indicates strong correlation between project implementation strategies and performance of RURA TTP. The study recommended that the contractors to strength the strategies formulated and organizational commitment during various aspects of project such as identification, implementation and evaluation in the way of allocation resource and attaining project objectives smoothly which help to gain competitive advantage in construction industry.

Analyzing modes of communication and Ideologies in Television Adverts: The Case of MTN TV Advert “Eto’o Peut”. []

This paper aims at examining how the modes of communication in TV advertisements interact to communicate the message to the consumer and bring out the hidden ideologies. These modes of communication which are: language, visuals, music and sound and paralinguistic elements are often seen and studied as semiotic resources. Very few look at it from a communication angle that is, how they are used to pass the advertising message to the consumer and even the ideologies present in the advert. Some studies have equally looked at each of these modes individually forgetting that in a TV advert, they automatically interact and share the message. This study is undertaken within the framework of Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) drawing from Multimodal Discourse Analysis (MMDA) which provide methodological tools which are applied in the analysis of the TV advert “Eto’o Peut”. The data of this study consists of the linguistic, visuals, music and sound and non-verbal elements obtained from the advert. This paper shows that trying to get the meaning of the advertising message without considering the modes of communication is a delusion and that each of these modes contribute to pass an ideology. This is because as this study shows, in each of the modes of communication, there is a level of the message but also some ideologies which is put across in a subtle manner and which may not be easily identified and so failing to look at each and their interaction leads to a partial understanding of the advert. The interaction of these modes of communication makes it easy to identify the ideologies prone in the advert.

Effects of transition metal additives on the physicochemical properties of some selected glass []

This research work focused on the production of three coloured glasses namely; Amber, Green and Flint, assessment of the impact of various ratios of transition metal additives in glass, characterization of produced glass samples and ascertaining the level or existence of additional bonds formed. Comparisons were also made between normally produced glass and those infused with transition metal additives where the colour, intensities, bonding, and strength were studied

Effects of transition metal additives on the physicochemical properties of some selected glass []

This research work focused on the production of three coloured glasses namely; Amber, Green and Flint, assessment of the impact of various ratios of transition metal additives in glass, characterization of produced glass samples and ascertaining the level or existence of additional bonds formed. Comparisons were also made between normally produced glass and those infused with transition metal additives where the colour, intensities, bonding, and strength were studied


This research was assessed the status and challenges of plastic material recycling practices on environment protection in Rwanda. The specific objectives: to examine operation activities relating to plastic recycling as provided by Eco- Plastic recycling plant in Mageragere sector, to evaluate the status of plastic material recycling on environment protection provided by Eco- Plastic recycling plant, to analyse the variation of plastic emission on environment degradation in Rwanda and to establish relationship between plastic material recycling practices and environment protection in Rwanda. This study was designed as a case study of Eco- Plastic recycling plant Mageragere Sector using the survey method, questionnaires and interviews to the people of Eco- Plastic recycling plant Mageragere Sector; a case study was described as analysis of the study that help the researcher acquired knowledge and skills regarding the research study. The researcher used different methods to collect data, As far as this study was concerned, the population was comprised with population of Eco- Plastic recycling plant Mageragere Sector target population was 174 people who are working in different departments: waste collection department, production department, finance &accountants, technicians & experts, administrators and sorting department and sample size of 174 respondents were considered representative of the total population. The methods were based on the descriptive research design with Eco- Plastic recycling plant Mageragere Sector was selected as the study area for the data collection on the status and challenges of plastic material recycling practices on environment protection in Rwanda. The effects to the plastic material recycling practices on environment protection in Rwanda. The findings show the informal sector has a role in plastic waste management for facilitating for recycling of plastics practices of Eco- Plastic recycling plant. None of the respondents neither disagreed nor strongly disagreed to the informal sector has a role in plastic waste management for facilitating for recycling of plastics practices of Eco- Plastic recycling plant. The neutral responses comprised of 12(6.4%), 78(44.8%) respondents agreed to the informal sector has a role in plastic waste management for facilitating for recycling of plastics practices of Eco- Plastic recycling plant while 84(48.2%) strongly agreed that informal sector has a role in plastic waste management for facilitating for recycling of plastics practices of Eco- Plastic recycling plant, with a mean of 4.67 and standard deviation of 0.543 as shown. It was found that informal sector has a role in plastic waste management for facilitating for recycling of plastics practices of Eco- Plastic recycling plant. The level of public participation in solid waste management at present in Rwanda is still low. There is no structure that allows for a more synergistic relationship between the public and the local authority. Apart from involving the people is taking the initial decisions, the government of Rwanda should strategically plan for sensitization of the people. Several solutions may be brought at table and agreed upon. But just like the findings show, the people feel that the first step should be to sensitise the public about the whole issue of solid waste management. Although there is agreement that sensitisation should come prior to implementation of the solid waste management program, in actual sense, effective and meaningful sensitisation is planned when the whole program package is complete. That is when one can know what exactly to sensitise about and how. It is my suggestion therefore that sensitisation should not be done for the sake of it and basing on mere thought but after a common agreement on the program of solid waste management for purposes of being systematic and thorough. Keywords: Status, challenges, plastic material recycling practices and environment protection


The main purpose of this research is to examine the role of credit policy on loan performance of SACCOs in Rwanda focusing on a case of Umwalimu SACCO Rulindo Branch. The specific objectives to guide this study are to examine the effect of credit client appraisal on loan performance of SACCOs in Rwanda, to assess the effect of credit risk control on loan performance of SACCOs in Rwanda, and to evaluate the relationship between credit collection procedures and loan performance of SACCOs in Rwanda with a case of Umwalimu SACCO Rulindo Branch. Descriptive research design with a mixed approach of qualitative and quantitative data were used where the interview guide and questionnaire were used to collect data from 340 respondents from the 2624 members and staffs of Mwarimu SACCO where 5 are staffs and 2619 members. The questionnaire were distributed to 335 respondents from the members of SACCO and 5 respondents from the staffs of Rulindo SACCO. The descriptive statistics were analyzed with the use of mean and standard deviation while the inferential statistical analysis used Pearson correlation and regression analysis. The ethical principles were put into account during data collection, analysis procedure and presentation of findings. On the first objective, the findings showed that 53.2% of the participants strongly agreed that individual capacity is evaluated to see the degree of loan performance. On whether collaterals are also considered to evaluate capacity of loan performance, almost all the participants agreed to the statement. The overall mean score for all the statements concerned with credit client appraisal was 4.32(std=0.70) indicating that generally, the participants were in strong agreement, though with divergent views, that credit client appraisal is a key factor to consider in managing loan performance. The regression analysis provided a fairly good fit model with R2=0.413. The regression model (F=234.097, p=0.000) showed that the regression was statistically significant since the p-value was less than 5%. Hence, the first null hypothesis which was formulated to test the significance of credit client appraisal as part of credit policy used by SACCO was rejected. The findings on the second objective indicated that a total of 89.3% of the participants agreed to the statement that credit decision is applied in order to enhance loan performance. On the statement that borrowers of big amount of money give mortgages to avoid loss, a total of 93.4% of the participants were in agreement. The regression analysis also provided a fairly good fit model with R2=0.225. The regression model (F=96.486, p=0.000) showed that the regression was statistically significant since the p-value was less than 5%, hence the second null hypothesis which was formulated to test the significance of credit risk control as part of credit policy used by SACCO was rejected. The findings on the third objective showed that 95.5% of the participants were in strong agreement that Umwalimu SACCO monitors the payments of the debtors to ensure loan performance. The mean score of 4.5 and standard deviation of 0.58 attested to the high number of those participants in agreement. On whether Umwalimu SACCO offer effective payment parameters, a total of 76.4% of those in agreement. This level of agreement was confirmed by a high mean of 4.03 and standard deviation of 0.86. The regression analysis gave fit model with R2=0.487. The regression model (F=315.809, p=0.000) showed that the regression was statistically significant since the p-value was less than 5%, hence the third null hypothesis was also rejected. The researcher recommends that borrowers should be screened especially by SACCOs in form of credit assessment and client appraisal. The study also the recommends that the management of the SACCOs should continuously assess their risk management practices to see if they are still practical in the face of a continuously changing operating environment.

Graphing exercises for linear functions in A covariance-based algebra classroom []

Graphing is a fundamental topic in algebra that is notoriously difficult for students. Much of the past research has focused on conceptions and misconceptions. This study extends past research by looking at the mathematical practices of a practitioner, specifically one instructor of a function-based covariation-focused algebra class in the linear functions unit. Considering practices in addition to conception adds dramatically to our understanding of mathematical activity because it leads to explicit descriptions of normative purposes that are connected to particular situations or problems and also specifies how tools and symbols are coordinated to achieve these purposes. The results of this study are three levels of empirically proven practices associated with the conception of one advanced level of covariational reasoning, chunky continuous covariation. This study not only describes how practices may be described at different levels of complexity, but also demonstrates how smaller practices may be combined to form larger, more complex practices.

Evaluation de l'entreprise publique Lignes Maritimes Congolaises (LMC) transformée en société commerciale en RDCongo []

Le gouvernement de la République Démocratique du Congo, par son adhésion à l’espace ohada, fut contraint d’entamer une série des réformes au niveau de l’administration publique et dans le secteur économique en général, la réforme des entreprises publiques en particulier. Cette adhésion à l’ohada visait l’assainissement du climat des affaires des pays membres dont la RDC. De ce fait, cette réforme des entreprises publiques permettrait de souffleter tant soit peu une nouvelle dynamique capable de favoriser leur compétitivité et leur rentabilité car elles ont fait faillite et constituent un goulot d’étranglement pour l’Etat-actionnaire. Cette descente aux enfers des entreprises publiques, a amené certains observateurs de les qualifier des canards boiteux ou éléphants à pieds d’argile. Dans ce contexte, cet article se veut une réflexion, tentant, dans une approche purement évaluative sur le plan de la performance financière, à s’assurer de la pertinence de leur transformation en sociétés commerciales, en général et de lignes Maritimes Congolaises en particulier, et ce dans la perspective de l’atteinte du double objectif assigné à ce processus de transformation. L’intérêt de cette étude est d’offrir aux lecteurs un certain nombre d’éléments de réponse conséquente sur la nécessité de cette réforme dont le résultat paraît mitigé et laisse perplexe l’opinion publique nationale.