Volume 10, Issue 4, April 2022 Edition - GSJ Journal Publication

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The Impact of Job Satisfaction on Employee Turnover Intention in the Insurance Industry of Zambia []

The objective of this study was to analyze how job satisfaction influences employee turnover intentions in Zambia's insurance industry. A descriptive survey was used to answer the study's questions. Employees from seven randomly chosen insurance companies in Zambia were surveyed using a three-part questionnaire, which included a job satisfaction survey with 36 items to capture various aspects of job satisfaction, a three-item scale to capture employees' turnover intention, and demographic and job characteristics. Using 208 pertinent questionnaires, the data was analyzed using descriptive statistics, analysis of variance, Pearson's correlation, and multiple regression analysis. A Pearson correlation was used to evaluate 19 hypotheses. Both the R2 standard coefficient and the F-value were within acceptable limits. Job satisfaction and the nine components evaluated in the study account for around 41.4 percent of systematic differences in employee turnover intention, according to the R2 value. According to the data, job satisfaction and a few of the variables (pay, nature of work, fringe benefits, contingent rewards, and supervision) had a strong negative link with turnover intention. The study also discovered that fringe benefits, contingent rewards, pay, and promotions are the most significant factors influencing employee turnover intentions in Zambia's insurance industry. The study's conclusion is that the higher job satisfaction, the lower the likelihood of employee turnover. According to the research, Zambian insurance companies should consider improving the job satisfaction of their employees, which will help them retain staff and generate a return on their investment. Keywords: Job Satisfaction, Employee, Turnover Intention, Insurance Industry, Zambia

Mise au point de techniques culturales d’herbacées fourragères autochtones : Cas de Pennisetum pedicellatum Trin, Cenchrus biflorus Roxb et de Brachiaria ruziziensis R. Germ. & C.M.Evrard en zone soudanienne au Mali. []

Cette étude a été réalisée à Badalabougou, au Laboratoire d’Ecologie Tropicale (LET) de la Faculté des Sciences et Techniques de Bamako (FST) au Mali. Elle avait pour objectif de mettre au point des techniques culturales des herbacées fourragères autochtones rencontrées dans les pâturages naturels au Mali. Un dispositif expérimental mono factoriel à randomisation totale a été mis en place sous serre avec trois traitements répétés trois fois. Les paramètres collectés étaient relatifs à la germination, la phénologie, la croissance, la production de biomasses aérienne et racinaire des trois espèces cultivées. Le taux de germination était de 95% pour P. pedicellatum et de 70% pour C. biflorus. L’épiaison a eu lieu le 60e jour chez C. biflorus, 72e jour chez P. pedicellatum et 114e jour chez B. ruziziensis. La formation des graines a commencé le 73e jour chez C. biflorus, 90e jour chez P. pedicellatum et 127e jour chez B. ruziziensis. La croissance en hauteur à 85 jours de semis a été de 81 cm chez P. pedicellatum, suivi de 61 cm chez B. ruziziensis et 58 cm chez C. biflorus. Une moyenne de 2 talles a été observée chez P. pedicellatum, suivi de 3 talles chez B. ruziziensis et 4 talles pour C. biflorus à la 10e semaine. La biomasse aérienne d’un pied est de 15 grammes chez B. ruziziensis, 12 grammes pour P. pedicellatum et 9,5 grammes pour C. biflorus. La longueur de la partie aérienne est de 100,75 cm chez P. pedicellatum contre 55,50 cm chez C. biflorus. Cependant, C. biflorus et P. pedicellatum ont enregistré respectivement 68,75 cm et 63,25 cm pour la longueur de leur partie souterraine. Par ailleurs, il s’avère indispensable d’établir les techniques culturales de nos herbacées fourragères pour mieux comprendre leur comportement biologique et les exploiter davantage. Mots clés : herbacée fourragère, germination, phénologie, cycle végétatif, biomasse.


Staphylococcal species are one of the common causes of biofilm-associated infections. Several methods are available for the detection of this ability. In the present study, oral Staphylococci were checked for biofilm formation by different methods to compare their reliability and to find their association with antibiotic resistance. For isolation of Staphylococcus species, saliva samples were collected from 102 healthy individuals. Purified and confirmed isolates from samples were checked for antimicrobial susceptibility against recommended antibiotics according to CLSI guidelines and biofilm-forming ability by using Congo red agar (CRA), Microtiter plate (MTP) and amplification of intercellular adhesion (Ica) genes. The validity of methods and metrics for test performance was also determined. Among the Staphylococcus group, S. aureus was the prevalent species. By CRA, 62% and by MTP, 38% of Staphylococcus isolates were able to produce biofilms. Ica A, B, C, D genes were found in 77%, 38%, 27% and 57% of the isolates, respectively. About 15% and 25% of isolates were bio-film formers by MTP and CRA, respectively, despite of the absence of Ica AD genes. CRA and MTP exhibited a lower sensitivity in comparison to PCR method. Biofilm formers also showed high resistance against cephalothin, ceftriaxone, cefoxitin, penicillin, tetracycline and chloramphenicol. The PCR method remains a better tool to screen biofilm production in Staphylococcus species. Biofilm-forming species showed high antibiotic resistance compared to non-biofilm formers.

Business Planning Application ‘Escore’ Livescore Esport Match: Case Study Revival TV []

Electronic Sport, commonly abbreviated as Esport, is one of the newest forms of competition that is contested at Seagames 2018 as one of its sports. In the world itself, the esport ecosystem has been developing since the early 2000s and as its peak in 2017, one of the world-scale tournaments in the League of Legends game reached an audience of 216 million pairs of eyes, more than the Superbowl audience or the Champions League final as the top two matches in each the competition. In Indonesia itself, esport has been very developed and several companies have started their business lines, wanting to be a professional team, media escort, event organizer, and provider of electronic money as a means of currency exchange in the game. All esport practitioners need data in the form of statistics that can be made as material for analysis, reviews, or references as a basic number in the overall growth of their business. For that reason, Revival TV as an esport media that embraces the ecosystem and the esport community wants to start a new business unit in terms of Livescore. Livescore itself is a fast real-time data system that can generate millions of numbers in every esport match in any game.

« Sur les déterminants de l’accroissement des dépenses publiques en République Démocratique du Congo après les guerres de la révolution » []

Le phénomène de la croissance des dépenses publiques ne cesse de susciter une plus grande attention aux économistes. Pour preuve, nous pouvons citer la tenue de plusieurs sommets au niveau africain voir même mondial sur le développement durable ; le cas du nouveau partenariat pour le développement dont l’objectif principal est l’orientation des dépenses publiques vers les secteurs productifs en vue de réduire la pauvreté. L’un des moyens les mieux indiqués dont dispose les Pouvoirs Publics pour une orientation des ressources financières est la politique budgétaire ciblée, efficace et efficiente dans le but d’accroitre la taille du Gouvernement. Le rôle de l’Etat est de fournir les biens et services non marchands à la population. Pour atteindre cet objectif, chaque Gouvernement passe par plusieurs stratégies qui sont contraints parfois par des crises économiques et financières, matérialisées par la modicité des ressources publiques.L’objectif de la présente étude est d’identifier les déterminants classiques et modernes de l’accroissement des dépenses publiques ou du ratio dépenses publiques-PIB en République démocratique du Congo.

Prevalence of traumatic injuries among street children in Mbujimayi, Democratic Republic of the Congo []

Background The street kids are facing critical issues, including violence, because of the lack of safety in their living environment. There is no known study on health conditions of street kids in Mbujimayi. This study aims to assess the extent of traumatic injuries among street children in the city of Mbujimayi. Methods It is a cross-sectional study that spanned a year, from April 2018 to March 2019. It focused on street children based in markets and public spaces in the city of Mbujimayi. Children who completed the survey questionnaire were included in the study. Their ages were between 7 and 24 years old. Results Out of 408 street children encountered, 346 (84.8%) were victims of traumatic injuries, among them 89.3% were male. Traumatic lesions were more common in children whose age varied between 13 and 18 years (52%). Aggressions by adults (32.4%), fights (29.2%) and falls (28%) were the most frequent traumatic circumstances. Wounds and bruises were the most frequent lesions, with 59.5% and 27.5% respectively. The lesions were more often localized to the head (43.4%) and to the thoracic limbs (31.1%). Children resorted more often to traditional medicine (45.9%). Conclusion Street children in the city of Mbujimayi live in an environment of violence and are exposed to traumatic injuries following attacks by adults and fights. They willingly resort to traditional medicine.

Soil Type Determination of Remolded Soil Samples from Indang, Amadeo, and Naic, Cavite by Performing Direct Shear Test []

Soil type is a technical term of soil classification, the science that deals with the systematic categorization of soils. Most soil in the Philippines is composed of a combination of clay, silt, sand, and humus at different ratios. The direct shear test is the oldest test method for determining soil shear strength at a given normal stress. It is based on forcing the sample to fail along a predefined plane while being subjected to nor-mal load. This gives a direct measure of the shear force capacity at specific conditions and enables determination of the angle of internal friction and cohesion. Since we can compute for the angle of internal friction by plotting the normal stress vs the shear stress, hence the direct shear test can be used as a method to determine the type of soil based on the angle of internal friction characteristics of a particular soil type.


ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to determine directly or indirectly the effect of competence and organizational culture on organizational commitment and employee performance of the Tarakan City National Private Bank. The number of samples is all 72 employees. The analysis technique uses Path analysis using the SPSS program. The results of data analysis show that: 1) The commitment variable has a positive and insignificant effect on performance. 2) Organizational culture variable has a positive and significant effect on performance. 3) The competence variable has a positive and insignificant effect on organizational commitment. 4) Organizational culture variable has a positive and significant effect on organizational commitment. 5) Organizational commitment variable has a positive and insignificant effect on performance. 6) Competence has no significant effect on performance through organizational commitment. 7) Organizational culture has no significant effect on performance through organizational commitment. Keywords : competence, organizational culture, organizational commitment, and performance

Impact of Community Involvement in Government Developmental Programmes In Rivers South-East Senatorial Zone Rivers state Nigeria []

Abstract The paper is aimed at assessing community involvement and government developmental programmes in Rivers State. Three purposes, research questions and hypotheses guided the study. This study adopted a descriptive survey research design. This study was conducted in Rivers South East Senatorial zone and wards. The population of the study includes all councilors, community members and ward leaders. From this group data was collected on the level of awareness of political leaders and community members on the importance of community members to participate in different development activities like construction of schools, dispensaries and road construction. The researcher used a sample of 80 individuals, this helped to obtain fairly accurately the characteristic of the population. In this study the researcher used data collection method such as interviews, documentary sources and observation. The findings of the study showed the homogeneity of the respondents. The findings all indicates that community where there is collaboration in which people, voluntarily, or because of some persuasion or incentives; agree to collaborate with an externally determined development project have impact on community involvement on governmental project planning in Rivers South East Senatorial zone. The findings of the study revealed that the act of putting into action what was planned is the most vital stage of the project cycle which involves the procurement of equipment and resources, recruitment of personnel and allocation of tasks and resources within the project organization and the involvement of community have impact on governmental project execution in Rivers East. The findings of the study revealed that there are benefits of community involvement on government developmental programmes in Rivers South-East. Based on the findings of the study, the following recommendations were made: The researcher recommends that communities should be given the opportunity of make decisions about project selection because it is good to participate in project with their good senses and the project selected by them could be the ones to be implemented. Keyword: Community, Government, Projects Planning and Project Execution

Investigating settlement behavior of tropical Laterite soils in case of Assosa Town. []

In general, the settlement due to applied load is achieved in a number of ways, including the rearrangement of the soil solid or extrusion of the pore air and/or water. According to this, a decrease of the water content of saturated soil without replacement of the water by air is called a process of consolidation/settlement. However, calculating and determining of the settlement behavior of laterite soils is very challenging full due to their sensitivity behavior to sampling techniques. This study was aimed at; investigating the consolidation and settlement behavior of tropical residual laterite soils of Assosa, investigating how fast the rate of settlement of the soil of the study area was, and comparing and discussing the results with other similar studies. The behavior of the soil for the logarithmic plot shows that, it is stiff at the beginning of loading and continuously increase with load after the load exceeds the pre-consolidation pressure. But for the linear plots the compression increase with load continuously started from the beginning. The OCR for all tests pits were 9.9, 5.2, 6.6, 6.2, and 3.15 for TP-1, Tp-2, TP-3, Tp-4 and TP-5 respectively. Hence, the soils under investigation are overconsolidated as their over consolidation ratios were greater than”1”and the settlement behavior of these soils doesn’t show significant variation with in 3m depth. This study recommends that, a further investigation is recommended to investigate the consolidation behavior these soils along the soil profile

Phenomenological Study of Seasoned Teachers on the Use of Online Teaching Platforms []

Abstract The current shift in the educational system brought by the COVID-19 pandemic have greatly affected the lives of the teachers and the learners. The usual face to face classes were switched to online or modular classes to prevent the spread of the virus. This qualitative phenomenological study described the experiences of seasoned teachers of the General Santos City SPED Integrated School who are handling online classes using online teaching platforms. Five (5) participants were purposively selected for an interview. This study focused on the seasoned teachers’ views, and feelings in handling online classes using online teaching platforms. The participants have common ideas and experiences being seasoned teachers who are assigned to handle online class using online teaching platforms. They have juggled their time and effort adjusting to the current situation and have experienced anxiety, stress, and difficulties in using online teaching platforms. Moreover, as they embrace the challenges and adopt the innovation in education, they have realized that teaching in online could also be meaningful and exciting. Through their experiences in educating the learners for a long time, it has a great impact in the teaching learning process. Keywords: educational management, phenomenology, seasoned teachers, online teaching platforms, COVID-19 pandemic, Philippines


Abstract. This study descriptive survey assessed the financial status of public elementary teachers in Malapatan 1 District towards a development of Financial Literacy Program. It involved one hundred fifty-six (156) public elementary teachers who were officially teaching in Malapatan District 1, Malapatan Sarangani Province, during the school year 2020-2021. The data were gathered using adapted survey questionnaire. The data were analyzed using mean and weighted mean. Based on the findings of the study, it was found out that the public elementary teachers have set priorities in setting financial goals and their budget plans. However, it is revealed that savings management practices are needed to be prioritized. It is recommended to integrate financial literacy to the curriculum to enrich the academic training of public elementary teachers as well as to empower them to secure a wealthier and prosperous future for themselves and for their family. Keywords: Educational Management, Financial Status; Elementary Teachers; Financial Literacy Program, Philippines

School Heads’ Micro Politics Abilities, Shared Leadership, Capacity Building Skills and School Performance []

Abstract: This prediction correlation study determined the significant relationship between micropolitics abilities, shared leadership skills, school capacity building skills, and performance of school heads of Alabel 4 District, Alabel, Sarangani Province during the school year 2020-2021. Data were gathered through survey questionnaires from 13 school heads and 125 teachers- respondents chosen via stratified proportional sampling. Slovin’s formula was employed to determine the sample size. Data were treated with weighted average mean and Multiple Regression Analysis. Significant relationships were found between micropolitics abilities, shared leadership skills, school capacity building skills and the performance of school heads. School heads have a high level of micropolitics abilities, shared leadership skills, school capacity building skills. They have a very satisfactory level of performance. Keywords: educational management, school head, micro politics, shared leadership, capacity, building skills, school performance, Philippines

Working in the Pandemic: Evaluating User-Factors in Zoom Meeting App Usage among the Academic Staff of Selected Tertiary Institutions in Anambra State, Nigeria []

The pandemic created a number of challenges in the workplace; to adapt to the workplace in the face of the pandemic threat, there is need to de-emphasize human contact and embrace digital technology. This study therefore evaluated the user human factor challenges which abound in the use of digital technology typically Zoom meeting app to manage workplace communication and routines. Zoom meeting is designed to provide a contactless tele-conference and online gathering, adjudged to be beneficial especially in this COVID-19 pandemic; however, their usage has remained poor among Nigerians. The design utilized correlation design to evaluated 229 lecturers (81 males and 48 females) whose ages ranged from 25 to 60 years with an average age of 47yrs were sample with a multi-stage sampling technique. The result indicated that correlation among human factors factor was significant with behavioural intention to use webinar while beta weight coefficient analysis of the human factors (anxiety, facilitating conditions and attitude towards technology) were confirmed in model 3 as predictors of behavioural intention to use webinar at β(3, 226) = -.29, .40 and .31, p < .05 respectively as reported in the joint model 3. It is recommended that stakeholder invest in attitudinal change in order to improve on behavioural intention to use webinar and other related technology.

Oral health status of Pakistani females during pregnancy and its association with adverse pregnancy outcomes []

During pregnancy female body undergo various physiological and hormonal changes. Literature showed link between these changes with oral disorders leading to adverse pregnancy outcomes (APOs). However, no conclusive evidence is available in this regard. In the present study demographic, obstetric, oral health, and practices associated data was collected from 267 postpartum females post one day of delivery by using a structured questionnaire and their medical history. Dental health was examined by qualified dentists. A high proportion (47.2%) of study subjects were presented with different type of oral disorders. Among these dental caries was present in 28.1% of females, while 27.3% were presented with gingivitis. Gingivitis and dental caries showed associations with low brushing frequency (P=0.004 and P=0.024, respectively). Gingivitis and dental caries risk were also increased with increasing sugary liquid intake. A significantly high prevalence of dental caries was seen in patients having a high intake of tea/coffee (P=0.032). The frequency of low weight birth (LWB) was 22.5% while preterm birth (PTB) was present in 21.7% of females. Preeclampsia was present in 11.6% cases. No association was found between gingivitis and dental caries with PTB and LWB. However, preeclampsia showed an association with gingivitis (P=0.018). Gingivitis and dental caries increased approximately two to a threefold risk for APOs. Preeclampsia and gestational hypertension were significantly associated with LWB (P=0.006 and P<0.001 respectively). The present study showed that pregnancy-associated changes, lack of oral hygienic practices and dietary habits, predispose females to develop various oral disorders which ultimately increases the risk of APOs.


The main objective of the research is to assess the effects of project risk management on the success of water supply projects in Rwanda. The specific objectives of the research are: to evaluate the effects of project risk identification on the success of water supply projects in Rwanda, to find out the effects of project risk analysis on the success of water supply projects in Rwanda, to determine the effects of project risk response on the success of water supply projects in Rwanda and to define the effects of project risk monitoring and control on the success of water supply projects in Rwanda. Therefore, our population is comprised of 174 persons. The respondents include project managers, engineers, technicians, District and WASAC staff, Sector land, infrastructure and settlement officer (Sector level), Cell economic development officer (Cell level), water users and project funders. Slovin’s formula for determining sample size: This provides a sample size of 121 for the population of 174 with an assumption of 5% as a level of precision level for purposive sampling survey. Among the available methods in collecting data two methods were used. These are literature review and questionnaires. The researcher used Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) to analyze primary data that were collected from the questionnaires. R-square in this study is 0.635 means that any change on success of water supply projects is explained by project risk identification at 63.5%. R-square in this study is 0.405 means that any change on success of water supply projects is explained by project risk analysis at 40.5%. R-square in this study is 0.640 means that any change on success of water supply projects is explained by project risk response at 64.0%. R-square in this study is 0.502 means that any change on success of water supply projects is explained by project risk monitoring and control at 50.2%. According to the findings of this research project, a formal and structured risk management practice should be implemented during project planning, with the participation of all project stakeholders.

H-MAIN Hostel Maintenance System []

Traditional maintenance management techniques at Karunya Institute of Technology and Sciences (KITS) had a number of challenges, including bad maintenance plan with repair backlogs. The goal of this research and the Project is to improve the ineffective traditional approach methods and make it Convenient for the Students and Faculty. This study's overall findings revealed poor service delivery, poor maintenance planning, and repair backlogs. In addition, there is a need to overcome the lack of manpower competencies.


This study identified the indicators for evaluation of performance of Microfinance Banks in Nigeria.. The study was guided by three specific purposes and three corresponding research questions. Descriptive survey design was adopted. The population was eighty (80) staff of registered microfinance banks operating in Abakaliki Ebonyi State which were all accommodated as the sample size for the study. Data was collected through the use of structured questionnaire. The instrument was validated by three experts from the Department of Business Education, while reliability was assured through a test-retest procedure. Data was analyzed using mean and standard deviation statistics. The result showed that the indictors for evaluating performance of micro-finance banks in Ebonyi State included: funding expenses, cost of fund, profitability measures and debt/equity. Based on the findings, the study recommended that management of microfinance bank should coordinate the customer in other to improve their customers, service and that management of micro finance banks should intensify their operations so as to capture the confidence of their customers.

Evaluation de la Production des Produits Forestiers non Ligneux d’origine Végétale commercialisés dans le Sud Ouest de la République Centrafricaine. []

Abstract: The forest in the southwest of the Central African Republic (CAR) is full of enormous potential in Non-Wood Forest Products (NTFPs) of plant origin playing a major role in the daily life and well-being of the population. This study was carried out in the forest concession of kadéi (PEA 175) and the objective of quantifying the main non-timber forest products food of plant origin with high commercial potential in the southwest of the Central African Republic. The methodological approaches (bibliographic review, interview, etc.) adopted made it possible to collect and analyze information on the quantification of the production of NTFPs marketed. The results obtained showed that 679.8 tons of Gnetum sp; 348.4 tons of Dorstenia sp; 1153.3 tons of Elaeis guineenses; 1.989.000 packages of leaves of Maranthaceae, etc… are produced and marketed in local and national markets. A sustainable management strategy must be put in place to regulate the amount of harvesting of these resources for the benefit of sustainable generations. Keywords: Production; Plant NWFP; Food, Commercial; Ethnoecology; South West; Central African Republic Résumé: La forêt du Sud-Ouest de la République Centrafricaine (RCA) regorge d’énormes potentialités en Produit Forestier Non Ligneux (PFNL) d’origine végétale jouant un rôle prépondérant dans le quotidien et le bien-être de la population. Cette étude a été réalisée dans la concession forestière de kadéi (PEA 175) et à pour l’objectif de quantifier les principaux produits forestiers non ligneux alimentaires d’origine végétale à haut potentiel commercial dans le Sud-Ouest de la République Centrafricaine. Les approches méthodologiques (revue bibliographique, entretien, etc…) adoptées ont permis de collecter et analyser les informations sur la quantification de la production des PFNL commercialisée. Les résultats obtenus ont montré que 679,8 tonnes de Gnetum sp ; 348,4 tonnes de Dorstenia sp ; 1153,3 tonnes de Elaeis guineenses ; 1 989 000 paquets de feuilles de Maranthaceae, etc… sont produits et commercialisés sur les marchés locaux et nationaux. Une stratégie de gestion durable doit être mise en place, afin de réguler la quantité de prélèvement de ces ressources au profit des générations durables. Keywords: Production ; PFNL végétal ; Alimentaire, Commercial ; Ethnoécologie ; Sud-Ouest ; République Centrafricaine.

Impact d’exploitation forestière raisonnée sur la reconstruction des espèces végétales dans le Sud-Ouest de la République Centrafricaine. []

Abstract Nowadays, logging must be practiced in a rational manner in order to reduce the negative impacts on the environment and thus leading to the perpetuation of natural resources. This study was carried out in one of the concessions of logging company Vicwood Centrafrique « VICA »” in the South-West of the Central African Republic. The objective was to evaluate the effects of rational logging on the reconstruction of plant species. From the different methodologies (bibliographic review, semi- structured interview, technical evaluation), data were collected, processed and analysed. Results obtained showed that the rise in diameter also had an impact on the volume to be sampled. These are observed from the DME of each series of red wood, of which N> DME = 54.6% and the N> DMA = 71.6% and of series of white wood, fixed after raising the diameter N> DME = 27.9% and N> DMA = 52.8%. The higher the DMA, the less the volume to be sampled. Strict compliance with upstream planning based on a good phenological journey has made it possible to identify the DME and DMA of the species to be exploited with a low impact on the reconstruction of plant resources. The beneficial role of the management team to support the units on the field according to the management rules focused on (i) social aspects, (ii) mapping Geographical Information System and (iii) the traceability system for monitoring of the log from the prospecting period to when evacuation takes place. This has effectively contributed to the sustainable management of these ecosystems for the benefit of the future generation. Keywords: Rational Logging, Reconstruction, Plant Species, Central African Republic. Résumé De nos jours, une exploitation forestière doit être pratiquée de manière raisonnée afin de réduire les impacts négatifs sur l’environnement et conduisant ainsi à une pérennisation des ressources naturelles. Cette étude a été réalisée dans l’une des concessions de la Société d’exploitation forestière VICWOOD CENTRAFRIQUE « VICA » située au Sud-Ouest de la République Centrafricaine. Elle a pour objectif l’évaluation des effets d’exploitation forestière raisonnée sur la reconstitution des espèces végétales. A partir des différentes méthodologies (Revue bibliographique, dispositif de suivi, etc.), les données ont été collectées, traitées et analysées. Les résultats obtenus ont révélé que les remontées de diamètre ont également un impact sur le volume à prélever. Plus, on remonte le DMA moins se trouve le volume à prélever. Le respect strict de la planification en amont basée sur un bon parcours phénologique a permis d’identifier le DMA des espèces à exploiter présentant un faible impact sur la reconstitution des ressources végétales. Le rôle salutaire de la cellule d’aménagement dans l’appui des équipes sur le terrain selon les règles de gestion axées sur (i) les aspects sociaux, (ii) une cartographie Système d’Information Géographique et (iii) le système de traçabilité pour le suivi depuis la prospection jusqu’à l’évacuation ont contribué efficacement dans le mode de gestion durable de ces écosystèmes au profit de la génération durable. Mots clés : Exploitation forestière raisonnée, régénération, espèces végétales, République Centrafricaine


This study was conceived upon the realization that many candidates who sit for examinations organised by the Cameroon GCE Board over the years underperform. This underperformance has been blamed on several factors by researchers, teachers, parents, subject panel officials, the Cameroon GCE Board and education stakeholders without a particular attention to the role of the Board itself. This study was therefore designed to determine the validity evidence for the Cameroon GCE Board organised examinations and their relation to the academic performance of candidates at the GCE Ordinary level History. The focus was placed on validity evidence based on content and evidence based on response processes. Three research questions and hypotheses were postulated. The research design used for this study was the correlational research design. The researcher used stratified random sampling to draw a sample of 313 GCE Subject panel officials from a population of 1751 of some selected subjects and simple random sampling to draw a sample of 306 GCE candidates from a population of 1534. Two self-designed questionnaires were used to collect data from subject panel officials and candidates. Data were analysed using descriptive statistics, bivariate regression analysis and t test. The Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) version 20 was used to determine correlation and regression results. The test construction and test administration practices of the Cameroon GCE Board were found to significantly predict candidates’ academic performance. The influence of the evaluation or scoring practices of the Board on candidates’ academic performance was found to be insignificant. The study proffers far reaching recommendations to the Cameroon Government and the Cameroon GCE Board for the improvement and maintenance of standards by the latter. To the Cameroon Government, the study recommends the creation of an office of the qualification and examinations regulator, which should be a quality assurance bureau or regulatory agency that will monitor the activities of the Cameroon GCE Board. The government should employ external assessors to constantly evaluate the activities of the Board. It should also ensure the allocation of more funds to the Cameroon GCE Board for efficiency. To the Cameroon GCE Board, the study recommends efficiency in test development, co-operative effort to ensure quality assurance in the examinations they organise through manpower exchange and development programmes, payment of all workers according to the provisions of the labour code to deter them from examination malpractices.Key words: GCE, Test development, validity evidence


Tax socialization is the process whereby taxpayers learn the behavior of evading or not evading remitting taxation to the revenue authorities. Individual taxpayers are a product of tax socialization. Taxpayers who are raised through the background of evading taxation tend to behave in accordance to the manner in which the are raised. Also, individuals who are raised from compliant taxpayers tend to comply with tax payment. Quantitative methodology was used. Regression analysis was used to analyze the data through STATA Version 16.

Effect of Positive Deviance HEARTH intervention on dietary diversity among Children under Five in Burera District, Rwanda []

Infant and Young Children Feeding practices consist of initiating of breastfeeding since the first hour after the delivery, exclusively breastfeeding during the first six months, continuing breastfeeding up to 2 years and intro-ducing appropriate, safe and adequate food since the age of six months. According to Rwanda Demographic Health System 2020 about 85 children who are born in Rwanda were put on breast within the first hour of their lives. Positive Deviance (PD) is an approach that helps to discover the problems that are in the community and find solutions to respond to them by using the community available resources. This approach aims to create groups in the communities that have the same resources with other remaining people in the same community and that have the sustainable and better standard of life. These groups help to teach other people how to use available resources to find solutions to solve the problems. In Rwanda little is known about the effectiveness of Positive Deviance Hearth To fill this gap, the present study had the aim of determining the effect of PDH on feeding practices among children under five in Burera District. Feeding practices and stunting prevalence in the intervention area was compared with that in the non-intervention area. A comparative quasi experimental design was used. The study population comprised mothers with children will 6-59 months old in two sectors Gitovu and Rugengabari of Burera district. Sample sizes of 196 children whose mothers/caregivers attend PDH session and the same number of children from mothers/caregivers who did not attend PDH sessions were recruited. The interviewed structured questionnaire was used data collection. Data were entered and analyzed with SPSS de-scriptive statistics, logistic regression with odds ratio estimated at 95%CI and p-value were performed. Prior to conduct the research, the approvals from Mount Kenya University, School of Postgraduate and Burera Dis-trictwere provided to the researcher and each participant signed consent before interview. The majority (55.6%) of children in both groups were male. Children in the HEARTH intervention group were significantly more to have high score for dietary diversity compared to the Non-HEARTH area (p value = 0.002). The prevalence acute malnutrition persistence was significantly higher among the Non-HEARTH intervention compared to the HEARTH intervention area (p value<0.001). After adjustment for other confounders, persistent acute malnutrition was 0.13 times less likely in the Hearth intervention than in the Non Hearth Intervention. The rate of PDH model use is still low hence Ministry of Health, Burera District have to put in place as recommended to put a system of implementation of positive Deviance Hearth in community for the whole country and all training concerning and perform a research on positive Deviance Hearth at national level for having a picture of PDH and more sensitize the school attendance for having future educated people at least secondary level.


The success of any organization depends on the effectiveness of staff employed, which in turn also depends on the effectiveness of the human resource department in the recruitment and selecting of capable staff as well as providing them with necessary training and development. In the absence of effective training and development of employees, most organizations fail to perform as expected. Therefore, it is imperative that organizations maintain effective human resource departments which will conduct employee training and development for the benefit of both the employees and organization. This study is aimed at investigating the perceived effect of training and development on employee performance and productivity. The study is quantitative in nature. Primary data was collected through a questionnaire survey. The study population consisted of 173 Patents and Companies Registration Agency employees from which 100 respondents were conveniently selected to make up the sample size. One hundred questionnaires were distributed via email (google document) for the collection of data and easy response. The goal was to see whether Training and Development has an impact on Employees Performance and Productivity. Data were analyzed using excel and discussed with recommendations being made at the end of the study.

Debt burden effect on growth of a mono-cultural economy, the Nigeria's experience []

The debt burden effect of a mono-cultural economy like Nigeria has hindered the economy from fixing the basic economic issues. Inflating and diversion of the project price to be financed by loan have crippled the economy. The stationary test (ADF & PP) shows that all the variables are stationary at 1. The short-run analysis FMOLS & 2SLS indicates that the local debt contribution to the economy is highly significant and more productive than the foreign debt. The robustness checks (DMOS & CCR) also show the positive and high significance of local debt to the growth of the economy. To save Nigeria's mono-cultural economy from the debt burden, priority should be placed on local debt at the expense of foreign debt, diversification of the economy, strict monitoring of loan utilization, quality should be placed ahead of politics and proper accounting system for check and balances.

Study of some phytochemicals in Almond plant (Prunus dulcis ) bark and leaves []

ABSTRACT Prunus dulcis is a significant nut tree which has a high potential values in nutrition and medicine. The phytochemical analysis of almond bark and its leaves using standard procedures shows it contains (%) saponin 6.0%, flavonoid 10.24%, alkal oid 8.18% and cyanogenic glycoside 2.5% while the saponin, flavoniod, alkaloid and cyanogenic glycoside in leaves are 4.15%, 11.32%, 4.95% and 1.78% respectively. This result shows that the presence of saponin, alkaloid and cyanogenic glycoside are higher in almond barks than its leaves while flavonoid is higher in concentration in almond leaves than its barks. . It has been shown from the analysis that the percentages of the phytochemicals are not lethal especially the cyanogenic glycoside in the sample which indicates less toxicity and a minor quantity of hydrogen cyanide which can easily be detoxified for better health benefits. Keywords: almond nut, saponin, alkaloid, cyanide etc


The work focuses mainly on controlled the release of Sotalol, formulating them in to matrix tablets by using various matrix materials like Locust Bean gum, Karaya gum and Xanthan gum. Plasma half–life of Sotalol Hcl after oral administration, about 12 hrs and its bioavailability is 90-100 %, So Sotalol is suitable for controlled drug delivery system, which may improve bioavailability. The granules were evaluated for angle of repose, loose bulk density, tapped bulk density and compressibility index. The tablets were subjected to various tests for physical parameters such as thickness, hardness, friability, drug content, and in vitro release studies. The prepared tablets were found to have better pharmacopoeial standard values. Among all the formulations F4 formulation showed maximum % drug release i.e., 98.36 % in 12 hours hence it is considered as optimized formulation F4 which contains Locust Bean gum (80mg). The drug release data fit well to the First order release. KEYWORDS: Sotalol, Locust Bean gum, Karaya gum and Xanthan gum, contolled release tablets