Volume 10, Issue 5, May 2022 Edition - GSJ Journal Publication

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Introduction : Ce travail vise à déterminer les causes du début tardif de la consultation prénatale. Matériel et méthode : Cette recherche a été menée dans les 8 aires de santé de l’axe ouest de la zone de santé de KABINDA chez les femmes enceintes durant la période allant du 01 Octobre au 01 Décembre 2021. Résultats : 89% des femmes disent avoir fréquenté la CPN avec retard à cause de la Paresse/Négligence , suivies de 69,4% des femmes qui déclarent avoir fréquenté la CPN en retard par Ignorance de leur état gestationnel (manque d’informations), 58,9% des femmes qui ne l’ont pas fait à cause de Multiples voyages, 21,6% des femmes parlent de la faible sensibilisation par les RECO, 20% ont fréquenté tardivement à cause de la longue distance à parcourir pour atteindre une maternité, 17,2% par honte de leur état gestationnel (jeunes adolescentes) et 11,7% qui ne l’ont pas fait par manque des moyens financiers. Conclusion : Les soins prénatals à l'accouchement administrés au bon moment sont décisifs pour une maternité sans risque. Les complications de la grossesse et ses suites menacent la santé des femmes en âge de procréer. Elles sont la première cause mondiale de morbidité, d'infirmité et de décès dans cette population cible. Un grand nombre de décès maternels pourrait à coup sûr être évités par un suivi correct de la grossesse.


Notre étude intitulé « Etude comparative des paramètres physico-chimiques des légumes vendues sur les marchés de Mweneditu » avait comme objectif d’aider nos populations à améliorer, tant soit peu, leur niveau d’alimentation, en procédant à la détermination des propriétés organoleptiques et des principes nutritifs majeurs des légumes feuillent consommés à Mweneditu. Le contre analytique basé sur la détermination des indices chimiques et physiques caractéristiques des légumes (Fe2+, Fe3+, Ca++, Mg2+, K+, Na+, Cl–, P), nous ont permis de comparé les données théoriques de quelques légumes aux résultats que nous avons obtenus – ci-dessous :  Fe2+ : La teneur moyenne en Fe++ en g%, dans les feuilles des légumes Soumis à l’étude, est plus élevée dans le Matembele Bangui (181 ) suivi du Matembele Mbata (177,4 1), le Ngaingai (160,2 0,6), Nsampu (64 et les autres légumes ne contiennent pas le Fe2+.la différence de teneur en Fe ++ obtenue entre les différentes légumes couplés deux à deux est significative car au seuil de probabilité de 5 % avec d.d.l = 18 le ttab = 2,1 est inférieur aux calculés et non significative pour les couples Caoutu- Kampata, Amarante-Kampata et Amarante noire (tcal ≥ ttab)  Fe3+ : La teneur moyenne en Fe 3+ en g% dans les feuilles de légumes étudiés est considérable beaucoup dans le Kampata (199,8 0,4) suivie de Nsampu (111,3 et Matembele Bangui, Matembele Mbata et le Ngaingai ont des valeurs nulles. l’écart de teneur moyenne en Fe++ en g% observée est significatif à la marge d’erreur de 5 % avec d.d.l = 18 car les tcal sont > aux ttab sauf pour les couples Matembele Mbata – Ngaingai – Matembele- Bangui.  Ca++ La teneur moyenne en Ca++ dans les feuilles de légumes soumis à l’étude en g% est plus élevée pour le Matembele Mbata soit (99,4 1), suivit respectivement de Kampata (82,52 11,8), caoutu (77,8 Nsampu (9,66 9), Matembele Bangui (9,47 0,7), et Amarante (7,5 0,7). les différences observées entre la teneur en Ca++ pour les feuilles de légumes de Caoutu , Kampata , amarante , et amarante noir , sont hautement significative car les tcal, sont de loin supérieur aux ttab .Ce qui implique que celui qui consomme plus les feuilles de caoutchouc ,Kampata , amarante et amarante noir ont plus de ca++ que celui qui consomme les feuilles de Matembele Bangui , Matembele Mbata et Ngaingai et Nsampu .  Mg2+ La teneur moyenne en Mg2++ dans les feuilles de légumes soumis à l’étude en g% est plus élevée dans les amarantes (89,1 0,6), elle est de 84,98 8 pour le Matembele Mbata. La moyenne la plus basse est observé (9,7 0,4) pour le Caoutu. Les différences observées entre la teneur en Mg2+ des feuilles de légumes de Matembele Bangui, Matembele Mbata, Ngaingai, Nsampu, Amarante sont significative car les tcal sont > aux ttab soit 5,8 > 2,10 ; 9,8 > 2 ,10 ; 8 > 2,10. Ceci montre que la consommation des feuilles de Matembele Bangui, Matembele Mbata, Nsampu, Amarante sont préférables pour Mg2+ que Caoutu, Kampata et Amarante Noir.  K+ La teneur moyenne en K+ en g% est plus importante pour Matembele Mbata (95,0 0,9), suivi respectivement de 72,0 1 pour le Kampata ; (34,3 6) pour le Caoutchouc ; (30,44 0,7) pour le Ngaingai et du reste la teneur est inférieur à 10, avec la teneur la plus faible à 6,2 0,4 pour l’amarante noir. Les différences observés entre la teneur en K+ dans les feuilles de Ngaingai et Nsampu est significative car tcal ttab soit 10,2 2,10 et celle d’Amarante sont aussi significative car tcal ttab soit 8,5 2,10 et celle de Caoutu et Kampata, Matembele Bangui et Matembele Mbata ne sont pas significatives car tcal = 0. Ceci démontre que Ngaingai, Nsampu et Amarante ont plus de K+ que les feuilles de Caoutu, Kampata, Matembele Bangui et Matembele Mbata.  Na+ La teneur en Na+ en g% est élevée pour les amarantes (30,8 2), suivi de Ngaingai (7,6 1) et le Caoutu à la plus basse teneur (1,2 0,6). Les différences observés entre la teneur Na+ des feuilles de Caoutu et Kampata est significative car tcal ttab soit 9 2,10 et celle de Nsampu et Ngaingai est significative tcal ttab soit 9,5 2,10, les Amarantes noirs sont également significative soit 20,6 2,10.  Cl– La teneur en Cl – en g% est élevée pour les amarantes noirs (2,32 0,004), suivi de Kampata (1,2 0,006) et le reste de teneur est en dessous d’une unité et celle le plus basse est (0,139 0,002) pour le Nsampu. Les analyses statistiques au seuil de risque 5% avec d.d.l = 18 les écarts constatés sont due au hasard car les tcal= 0 ttab.  P la teneur moyenne en phosphore est élevée pour Kampata (49,7 0,16), suivit respectivement par Amarantes noires (13,44 7), Matembele Mbata (9,08 0,2), Nsampu (8,81 3), Matembele Bangui (8,62 6), Amarante (7,63 0,4), Ngaingai (7,54 0,7), Caoutu (7,0 1), la teneur la plus basse. Les différences observées entre la teneur en phosphore dans les feuilles de légumes Caoutu et Kampata tcal est significative soit 3,6 2,10, celle de Matembele Bangui et Matembele Mbata significative 4,1 2,10 et celle de Ngaingai et Nsampu n’est pas significative tcal = 1 suivi des Amarantes noirs qui ne sont pas aussi significative. 5.2. Résultats liés à la détermination de teneur dans les légumes selon le moment de cueillette soit le jour même et plus un jour en g/100 La teneur en fe2+en g% est plus élevée dans les légumes cueillie le même jour dont Matembele Bangui avec (181 ) Matembele Mbata (177 ), Ngaingai plus faible pour Nsampu seulement Matembele Bangui et Matembele Mbata qui ont des teneurs élevé dans plus un jour. La teneur de Fe 3+en g% est plus élevée dans les légumes cueillie le même jour à l’exception de Kampata qui est plus élevé dans plus un jour avec ( ), suivies de Caoutu, Nsampu pour les légumes de même jour et faible dans les Amarantes de plus un jour. La cotation de moyenne en Ca+en g% des légumes cueillie le même jour et de plus un jour pour toutes les substances, Matembele Bangui occupe la tête avec suivies respectivement de Ngaingai que les Amarantes noirs occupent la dernière position avec 6, 24 . Ce qui implique que le taux de Ca+en g % est plus élevé dans Matembele Bangui et Ngaingai de plus un jour. La moyenne en Mg2+en g %des légumes cueillie le même jour sont plus élevé pour toutes les substances a l’exception d’amarante noir qui à la moyenne de 71, 4 dans plus un jour. La teneur en K+en g% est plus élevée dans les légumes cueillie le même jour à l’exception des amarantes noirs qui est plus élevé dans plus un jour avec ( ), suivies de Matembele Mbata, Kampata, Caoutu, Ngaingai pour les légumes de même jour et plus faible dans le Caoutu de plus un jour. La teneur de Na+en g% est plus élevée dans les feuilles d’amarante cueillie le même jour avec 30, 8 tandis que Kampata, Matembele Bangui ont des teneurs élevé dans plus un jour. La moyenne en Cl–en g % des légumes cueillie le même jour est élevé l’amarante noir qui à la moyenne de 2, 32 dans et 1,63 dans plus un jour suivi de 1,47 pour le Caoutu. La teneur en P– en g% est plus élevée dans les légumes cueillie dans plus un jour pour Matembele Bangui avec la moyenne de 9, 48 , suivi de Matembele Mbata le même 9, 23 0, 2 et plus faible dans le Kampata de plus un jour 4, 97 . La teneur en protéine est plus élevé dans les feuilles de Nsampu de plus un jour avec 21,4g% et de 20,5g% dans le Nsampu de même jour suivi de 5, 32 g% de d’amarante de même jour ; la teneur en protéine est plus faible dans les feuilles de manioc de champs de plus un jour avec 0,92 g%. La teneur en glucide est élevé dans les feuilles de de manioc domestique (Caoutu) et de champs (Kampata) de plus un jour respectivement de 25,7g% dans le Caoutu et 23,6g% dans le Kampata suivi des feuilles de Nsampu qui est aussi élevé dans plus un jour avec 21,2g% celles des amarantes et des amantes noir contient plus de glucide le même jour de la cueillette avec 25,9g% pour les amarantes et 24,5g% pour les amarante noir.


Contexte et justification : L’appréciation de la qualité des soins par la satisfaction des bénéficiaires devient un exercice extrêmement intéressant en ce sens qu’elle permet aux décideurs du système de faire les ajustements nécessaires en leur donnant une idée précise de l’écart perceptible ou avéré entre l’offre des services et les besoins. L'une des manières d'évaluer la qualité est de mesurer l'opinion des usagers à l'égard des organisations de soins. Cette étude avait pour objectif de déterminer les facteurs explicatifs de la satisfaction des bénéficiaires de l’Hôpital Général de TSHIAMALA dans la zone de santé de Mwene- Ditu. Méthodologie : Il s’agit d’une étude transversale analytique avec un volet quantitatif et qualitatif à l’Hôpital Général de Référence de Tshiamala, Zone de santé de Mwene-Ditu, qui a consisté à interroger 300 bénéficiaires et 20 participants lors de l’entretien focalisé, ce choix d’une double approche nous a permis ainsi d’avoir une vision quantitative et qualitative du problème. Le test de khi-carré a permis de rechercher les associations. Résultats : le niveau de satisfaction globale des bénéficiaires était de 62,3%, les facteurs prédicteurs de la satisfaction des bénéficiaires sont : l’occupation principale de l’enquêté (OR=1,697 ; p=0,031), l’accueil (OR=2,330 ; p=0,001), le temps d’attente(OR=1,981 ; p=0,003), le respect des heures prévues pour les soins (OR=2,595 ; p=0,000), la procédure administrative (OR=3,852 ; p=0,000) ,le coût (OR=1,912 ; p=0,006), la prise en charge (OR=4,431 ; p=0,000), la disponibilité du personnel (OR=3,186 ; p=0,000), le comportement de l’infirmier (OR= 4,487 ; p=0,000), la compétence du médecin (OR=2,814 ; p=0,000), la communication du diagnostic (0R=2,208,p=0,034) l’état des salles d’hospitalisation (OR=2,551 ; p=0,000), l’état des douches OR=1,727 ; p=0,019) et approvisionnement en eau (OR=3,335 ; p=0,000). Conclusion : La satisfaction des bénéficiaires des soins est de 62,3% plusieurs facteurs l’influencent négativement notamment : un mauvais accueil, la lenteur de la procédure administrative, le mauvais comportement des infirmiers et médecins, le manque de communication du diagnostic aux patients, le non-respect des heures prévues pour les soins, le coût élevé des soins, l’indisponibilité du personnel, le manque d’eau potable, le mauvais état des salles d’hospitalisation et des douches. Et si certaines mesures sont prises la qualité des soins peut être améliorée. Mots- clés : la qualité des soins, la satisfaction , bénéficiaires des soins


PT. Karya Tunggal Properti is a state-owned company that has recently experienced a decline in productivity. The 2020 productivity is dropping by 67.2%, a huge drop in manpower productivity compared with the year before. The researcher is interested to know the variables causing this issue. This paper is intended to develop a conceptual model to determine the effect of workload on employee productivity by using work fatigue and work stress as mediators. This paper proposes a conceptual model for decreasing employee productivity, along with literature review, hypotheses, and research methodology. The implementation of this paper can provide information about the effects of workload on work fatigue and work stress with a case study of employees at the PT. Karya Tunggal Properti.


This study aims to find out and analyze: (1) Whether electricity tariffs affect sales. (2) Does the quality of service affect sales. (3) Whether electricity tariffs affect customer satisfaction. (4) Does the quality of service affect customer satisfaction. (5) Does customer satisfaction affect the sale of electrical energy in PT PLN (Persero) Bombana District. The population in this study is the value of the company's performance every month PT. PLN (Persero) Bombana District throughout 2015-2019 (60 samples). This study uses alternative analysis techniques Partial Least Square (PLS) and this study will use Smart PLS software version 3.0 M3. The results of this study show that: (1) Electric power tariffs have a positive and significant influence on the value of sales. (2) Quality of service has a positive and significant influence on the sale of electrical energy. (3) Electric power tariffs have a negative and significant influence on customer satisfaction. (4) The quality of service has a positive and significant influence on customer satisfaction. (5) Customer satisfaction has a positive and significant influence on the sales of electrical energy of PT PLN (Persero) Bombana District.

If Others Can, Why Can’t I?: Coping Strategies of At-Risk 4P’s Beneficiaries in Finishing Senior High School []

Finishing senior high school is a challenging task and even more challenging for those students who are at-risk of dropping out. Several literature have pointed to coping strategies as the main ingredient in positively achieving goals and objectives (Park and Adler, 2003; Santrock, 2003). The pivotal role of coping strategies cannot be underestimated. However, literature pertaining to the use of coping strategies among at-risk students in the Philippine context is hard to locate. Hence, this qualitative case study was conducted to capture the coping strategies of at-risk 4P’s beneficiaries in finishing senior high school. Five students were identified as at-risk. From the results of this study, it revealed three categories of coping strategies namely: problem-focused strategies, appraisal-focused strategies, and emotion-focused strategies. Through understanding the coping strategies of at-risk students, this study provides insights to develop a program to aid failing students. Keywords: at-risk, coping strategies, senior high school

Mukhtar-collatz rule []

The proof of collatz conjecture that every odd natural number reach to one after applying collatz rule.

Assessing Employee Morale in the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Zambia Country office: A pragmatic approach []

The study was undertaken to assess employee morale at the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Zambia Country Office. The specific objectives were to examine the factors influencing employee morale at UNDP Zambia Country office, to assess the levels of employee morale at UNDP Zambia country office, and to establish the strategies of improving employee morale at UNDP Zambia Country office. The research methods for this study were a mixed methods research based on a pragmatic approach. The findings of the study showed that 70.97% of respondents indicated that the levels of employee morale at UNDP Zambia country office were low and that factors attributed to this were excellent performance not recognized, unclear job description, poor conflict management, low engagement between employees and supervisors, lack of clear instructions from supervisors. Similarly, the findings of the study showed that 16.13% of respondents indicated that the levels of morale at UNDP Zambia country office were high and the factors attributed to this were friendly working environment, networking, and flexible working arrangement. The implication of the study to UNDP Zambia country office is that there is an indication of low levels of employee morale which affects a significant number of employees. Therefore, the researchers recommended the organisation should implement mechanisms of identifying high performing employees and reward their performance and ensuring that job descriptions are clear so that the performance of the employees can be assessed fairly, promote transparently. Key words: United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Zambia Country office, Employee, Morale, Levels.

Enhancing Community Participation in the Use of the Public Libraries: Case Study of Peckham Library, London and Surrey Library, Canada []

Library, being a hub of information; used to be of great value to the society, although it was regarded as a quiet place of knowledge where informative materials were provided in numerous languages and dialects to reply desires of a different nearby communities. As a result, frequent visits to the library was imperative to students and experts within the 1990s for nonstop learning and for proficient progression. For decades, libraries have been neglected by the public due to lack of funds and the inability of librarians to meet up the pace of modernization, leaving the internet as a reliable and faster means of accessing information. This has drawn the attention of many researchers to the idea of re-envisioning the public library to go beyond its traditional mission of preserving knowledge or being a repository of books to being a fully digitized library that meets the growing needs of community thereby encouraging frequent patronization of the public library. This research was be carried out through qualitative research approach with the use of case study research method. Within which case studies were carried out on some outstanding Public libraries, and carrying out rigorous researches to provide practical and effective measures to make the library facility welcoming to the intended user’s thereby enhancing public participation in public libraries. This research aimed at promoting public participation in the design and implementation processes to create user-friendly and sustainable public libraries that will meet the need of the time and society. Key words: All-inclusive Design; Information Communication Technology; Digitalization; Library Service


We have developed mathematical models and designed a simple and practical computer interface based on the experimental results obtained during the calculation of density, absorption, desorption of water and its vapour of PVC tubes extruded and loaded with 4.02%, 12.54%, 23.01%, 32.02%, 38.02% and 51.02% of micronized palm kernel shell powder respectively. Thus, we took the unloaded PVC tubes and the PVC tubes loaded with the shell powder extruded industrially in the past. We calculated their density, water absorption and desorption with their vapor using standard classical methods. We obtained the results that we exploited respectively, to study the influence of the shell powder on the physical behavior of the extruded PVC, to elaborate the mathematical models and to design a computer interface for the calculation of the basic physical parameters of the composite according to the dosage with the shell powder. We obtained that the interface is simple, fast, convenient and suitable for all operating systems. That interface will allow engineers and standard teams, businessmen and hardware stores to control their work, satisfy their customers, print and archive the data.


Shopping malls are enclosed shopping streets established for the purpose of public shopping and execution of other leisure activities. Shopping malls are not just designed for shopping activities alone, but are versatile and contains other facilities such as entertainment, cultural and recreational facilities that are well arranged together in an enclosure. The internal spaces of regional shopping malls are usually designed in such a way that it imitates the metropolitan streets and lifestyle which creates the impression of shops scattered along the streets. The layout and circulation patterns used as well as the links between the different spaces in a shopping mall forms a composite system which users are required to move through in and within the facility. Most times, improper circulation in a shopping mall creates an uneasy shopping atmosphere, poor wayfinding and difficulty in movement in and within the shopping mall either by poor orientation of spaces or improper positioning of vertical circulation systems in the facility. These factors above are some of the demerits of adopting a complex circulation plan. Hence it is essential to link all the spaces and services together in and within the facility. The priority of this study is to integrate the researched circulation and movement patterns into the designs of shopping malls in Abakaliki. Deductive research method was adopted (collection of data from primary sources and secondary sources). From the research, the results showed that there are different circulation patterns that enhances movement and circulation consistency. From the research, it is also proven that circulation design is one of the determinant factors to achieve success or failure in the design of shopping malls. Thus, I recommend that circulation and movement pattern should be put into serious consideration during the preliminary design stages of any mega design project such as a shopping mall in Abakaliki.

Knowledge, Attitude, and Practices of women regarding breast cancer screening and associated factors in Nyarugenge District, Rwanda []

Purpose: This study aimed to assess knowledge, attitudes, practices towards breast cancer screening and associated factors among women in Nyarugenge District Rwanda. Materials and Methods: We conducted a community-based cross-sectional study among women in Nyarugenge District, Kigali town Rwanda, from January 2022 to March 2022. A multistage and simple random sampling methods were used to select 423 females aged 20 to 49 years old from households, villages and cells of each sector in Nyarugenge District. The KAP (Knowledge, Attitude and Practices) levels were assessed by calculating the overall scores using SPSS score assessment tool. Bivariate and multivariate logistic regression analyses were used to determine the factors associated with Breast Cancer screening practices. Results: Most of study participants (80%) were aged between 21-35 years and at least 47.9% of attained at tertiary level of education and about 90% of them were married. Less than a half, 154 (40.1%) have low level of knowledge and more than sixty percent, 263 (68.5%) had negative attitudes. More than sixty percent of study participants 235 (61.2%) had ever been screened for breast cancer in their lifetime. Females with positive attitude were 3.2 times more likely to have ever been screened for breast cancer compared to those with negative attitude [AOR=3.233; 95%CI=1.048-6.528; p=0.047]. Furthermore, females with high level of knowledge were 2 times more likely to have ever been screened for breast cancer compared to those with low knowledge [AOR=2.043; 95%CI=1.026-4.145; p=0.036]. Moreover, women with tertiary level of education were 2.4 times more likely to have ever been screened for breast cancer compared to those with secondary level of education [AOR=2.374; 95%CI=1.715-5.623; p=0.027]. Furthermore, females aged 31 years and above were 3.2 times more likely to have ever been screened for breast cancer compared to those aged 20 years and below [AOR=3.219; 95%CI=1.732-7.419; p=0.008]. Conclusion: The overall knowledge was slightly high while the attitudes towards breast cancer screening were low, while screening practice was considerably high. Age group, education, high knowledge and positive attitudes were predictors of good practices. Community education interventions targeting young women, utilizing peers or community health educators are expected to increase the level of knowledge, attitudes and practice thus reduce the burden of breast cancer among women in Rwanda. Keywords: Attitudes, breast cancer, screening, knowledge, practice, Rwanda

Hypoglycemic study of aqueous ultrasound assisted crude extracts obtained from Moringa oleifera leaves on glucocorticoid induced diabetic mice []

Diabetes mellitus is a metabolic disorder connected to the insulin dependent elevated blood glucose level. The mechanism of action of most of the antidiabetic drugs is to reduce the elevated glucose level to the normal level. Ethnobotanical studies on several ethnic groups in Bangladesh observed the popular uses of Moringa oleifera leaves for the management of diabetes. The antidiabetic properties of M. oleifera leaves were assessed on glucocorticoid hormone induced diabetic mice. The hypoglycemic properties of aqueous ultrasound assisted extract (UAE) from fresh leaves and ethanolic extracts from dried leaves of M. oleifera were compared to the standard antidiabetic drug glibenclamide. Both the extracts showed drastic action of reducing plasma glucose level. Additionally weight gaining effects were also observed by administering the crude extracts of M. oleifera. Statistically the aqueous UAE was significantly similar to the conventional ethanolic extract.


Pre-eclampsia has a huge adverse impact on maternal and perinatal health especially in low and middle income countries. The magnitude of this problem in some places across the world is still somehow not fully known, especially in low and middle-income countries. This study aimed to assess the prevalence and factors associated with pre-eclampsia among pregnant women attending Muhima district hospital, Rwanda. The School of Postgraduate study Mount Kenya University Rwanda, was first approved the research proposal and ethical clearance was obtained from the Institutional Research and Ethics committee of Mount Kenya University Rwanda. The study design was cross sectional conducted between March and June 2021. Pregnant women of gestational age 20 weeks and above who had attended antenatal care (ANC) at Muhima hospital were targeted in this study. Women meeting eligibility criteria were interviewed until a sample size of 336 was achieved. Data were collected using WHO standardized observation checklists through a face-to-face interview technique. Data was entered into Microsoft Excel software and then transferred to SPSS v.21 for further analyses. Logistic regression analysis was used to identify the factors associated with preeclampsia development. Study findings revealed that 21.7% were diagnosed with pre-eclamspia. Thus, the majority of respondents was married 86.0%, had mean age of 28.8 years [6.02 ± 28.8], and completed primary education 57.7%. worked in private or public sector 70.2%, protestants 43.2%, had got a diversified diet 42.8% and 66.4% were insured under RSSB. The present study revealed that most of pregnant women 63.1% had not had fetal complications, 55.7% of respondents were multigravidity while 53.6% had given at most one birth,45.2% were attending their first ANC, 79.8% had ever had a history of chronic disease especially pregnancy induced hypertension (PIH) 52.9% and 77.7% have not encounterd maternal complications during their pregnancie 20.5% had had preterm births, 12.3% experienced still births while 4.1% experienced IUGR during their pregnancy. Less than a half 31.5% had had NICU admission during their post delivery, 28.8% had known low APGAR sore, 8.2% had had early neonatal birth while 31.5% had no neonatal complications. Factors such as smoking (AOR=6.1; 95% CI: [3.03–35.7]; p < 0.001), having psychological stress during pregnancy (AOR=5.2; 95% CI: [1.97-13.89]; p<0.001), multiparity (AOR=2.7; 95% CI: [1.25–4.60]; p=0.036), history of chronic disease (AOR=1.5; 95%CI: [1.18–3.81]; p=0.024), stillbirth (AOR=2.7; 95% CI: [1.42–7.46]; p=0.015) and by NICU admission (AOR=3.1; 95% CI: [1.65–9.76]; p=0.020) were found to be statistically significantly associated with preeclampsia. The study discovered that one in five women who attended ANC at Muhima district hospital were diagnosed with preeclampsia. Predictor variables like the psychological stress, having multiple pregnancies, having a history of chronic disease, stillbirth, and NICU admission were factors associated with pre-eclampsia. Thus, antenatal care sessions should empharize on obstetric and neonatal danger signs, health seeking behavior towards pregnant women’s should be encouraged, which provide a chance to diagnose preeclampsia as early as possible and to prevent the coming imminent complication towards preeclampsia. Key words: Prevalence, Preeclampsia, Factors associated, Pregnant women


ABSTRACT As mobile phone technology continues its rapid development, the device appears capable of contributing to student learning and improved academic performance. The recent rapid increase in cell phones has influenced multiple aspects of our daily lives, particularly those of Students. Therefore, the aims of the current study are to determine the influence of mobile phone usage on academic performance among students of some secondary schools, in Somalia. This study employed a survey design in investigating the influence of mobile phone usage on academic performance among secondary school students in Mogadishu, Somalia. The sample for the study was 104 respondents selected from a total population of 140 respondents. Results depict that the Internet, Spending time on a mobile phone, and Playing game has a significant positive effect on students’ academic performance. Cell phones are undeniably convenient, helpful tools for study and can be a hurtful source of distraction depending on the attitude and use pattern of a student. The author, however, suggests that mobile phone designers must take into account how young people use cell phones for educational purposes.


Abstract Introduction: Underutilization of postnatal care (PNC) services remains a public health concern in Sub-Sahara Africa in spite of the fact that it’s associated with reduction of maternal and neonatal deaths. In Rwanda, only 70% of women had PNC checkup within the first two days after birth and the coverage decreases as mothers finish the first PNC check-up thus not completing the four visits. The study aimed to assess factors influencing PNC visit among mothers attending health centres within Rwinkwavu Hospital, Kayonza district, Rwanda. Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted among the mothers whose children had been scheduled for their 2nd visit of vaccination (which corresponds with PNC4 visit) in June 2021. A semi-structured questionnaire was used for data collection which was later exported to SPSS version 21 for analysis. The respondents comprised mothers whose children are scheduled on the second visit of vaccination (at six weeks, the same time with the 4th visit of PNC). Ethical clearance from Mount Kenya University was sought and permission to collect the data was granted prior the data collection. Participants were informed on the right to withdraw from the study at any time. Data were analyzed by descriptive and inferential statistics, relationship between utilization of postnatal care and factors associated to it were reported by chi-square test at the level of significance < or = to 0.05 and confidence intervals. Results: Out of 254 women who participated in the study, only 133 women (52%) reported to have attended to PNC4 visit. Among those who attended PNCs, only 25% had prior attended 4 or more antenatal care visits. Factors that influenced utilization of PNC4 included; being in income three category(ubudehe) compared to those in lower income category[AOR: 6.628; CI: 1.814-24.215; P=0.004]; ; maternal formal education, at least primary education [ AOR: 0.98; CI: 0011-0.0909; P=0.041]; and utilized family planning [ AOR: 3.542; CI: 1.680- 7.466; P=0.001]. The main source of information on postnatal care were radio, television, newspapers, internet, nurse or doctor, CHWs, friends and at home; and the study found that those who received information from radio, nurse or doctor and friends are likely to have a high level of utilization of PNCs compared to their colleagues who did not get that information. Conclusion: One out of two women had attended PNC4 in health centres from Kayonza district. Therefore, we recommend that ANC sessions should emphase on the importance of PNC, educate mothers on obstetric and neonatal danger signs especially during postpartum period. Future qualitative studies to explore barriers and facilitators influencing utilization of PNC services from providers and beneficiaries’ perspective to maintain the quality of PNC would be paramount. Key words: Postnatal care, Postpartum, Risk factor, Rwanda

Strategic Project Management Practices on Performance of Pharmaceutical Projects in Rwanda Case Study: Gomhs Ltd - Apex Farma Project []

Background: The purpose of this study was to investigate to assess the effect of strategic project management practices on the performance of pharmaceutical projects in Rwanda a case study of GOMHS Ltd - APEX Farma Project. The study specifically focused on Evaluation and control, Project Integration management and project Risk Management on performance of GOMHS Ltd - APEX Farma Project. Strategic project management practices as independent variable in this study was empirically examined and exposed to see whether they brought new knowledge and concepts to successful completion of pharmaceutical business projects in Rwanda. Materials and Methods: The data for this study was collected by of self-administrated questionnaire one institution specialized in pharmaceutical business in Rwanda for the last 20 years. Software SPSS-19 version will process data by adopting the statistical techniques regression. The results of the study were examined whether strategic project management concepts are significant and have positive impact on successful completion of pharmaceutical projects in Rwanda. At the end, this study served as guideline for pharmaceutical business industries in Rwanda to be more successful.

Comparisons between FIDIC (1999) and Ethiopian PPA (2011) Conditions of Contract in terms of Time []

The construction industry contributes significantly to a country's social and economic development, allowing for long-term and transformative growth. Many projects completed and in progress in Ethiopia have been seen to suffer time overruns due to delays and disruptions, resulting in cost overruns and improbable outcomes. In Ethiopia, the PPA 2011 General Conditions of Construction Contracts are widely utilized, while the FIDIC Conditions of Contract for Construction are used less frequently. In this paper, the PPA 2011 GCC is compared to the FIDIC Conditions of Contract for Construction 1999 in terms of delays, to guide potential contractors.

Gas Optimization in highly deviated wells. []

Although gas lift technology has been applied to lift oil production in highly deviated wells increasingly, the differences between the gas lift design of deviated and vertical wells still exist. How these differences vary with the increase of the angle of inclination, which parameters are more sensitive to the design differences and how to choose the design parameters reasonably to optimize the gas lift design in the deviated wells are all always the difficulties for gas lift design reasonable in the deviated wells and few studies have been done in this field. In view of these problems, this work takes a deviated well of an oilfield as an example. According to the measured data, the optimum method for productivity prediction calculation is chosen for the design for gas lift in the deviated and vertical wells in the same conditions. By keeping other parameters constant and only changing the value of important parameter one by one, the changing regularity of gas injection depth and production with the change of inclination angles are analyzed, and the sensitivity parameters of gas lifting design for the deviated wells are then obtained, which can provide an important reference for the optimization and adjustment of gas lift design parameters in the deviated wells, and also provide a strong guarantee for high efficiency production. The percentage difference in oil rate between the deviated well and vertical well is 17.32%, which is on a high side. Also, the formation productivity index, PI has a percentage difference of 2.49 %, which is significant. The maximum production rate possible from a deviated well will be less than for a vertical well due to additional pressure loss at the same operating conditions. To obtain the same rate from a highly deviated well, increase either the volume of injected gas.

Ferry Terminal Planning for the Revitalization of Nigerian Waterfronts []

Ferry terminals are a necessary resource for persons who often travel between islands or communities ashore. As a result, ensuring a smooth and efficient flow of people and vehicles while ensuring safety and convenience at the ferry port is critical. The goal of this research was to look at urban revitalization in port regions in Nigeria that are no longer used for port activities for a variety of reasons, notably in Port Harcourt, Yenagoa and Calabar. Because boat services have grown substantially in Nigeria, now is an excellent moment to build ferry systems that would aid in the regeneration of city waterfronts. Although there is no perfect formula for waterfront rehabilitation, certain principles may be developed. This study presents a framework of organizational, yet customizable, human well-being indicators for the administration and development of ferry terminals. Through the review of two terminals in the Puget Sound area of the United States, identifying many essential variables required to construct project-specific human well-being indicator frameworks for urban waterfront redevelopment projects. These factors include: defining the goals and objectives of a given project at the outset, acknowledging contextual conditions such as prospective land uses and projected users, identifying the stage of development or management to use appropriate indicators for that stage, and developing and utilizing data sources on a similar scale to the project's size.