Volume 10, Issue 1, January 2022 Edition - GSJ Journal Publication

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Distance Education in Piano Pedagogy Amidst Covid-19 []

Covid-19 cases are on the rise once again with Omicron variant sweeping through the globe. The effect on music education has never been poignant with schools closing down and face-to-face instruction halted in order to mitigate the effects of the highly transmissible variant. Given the current situation, studying piano in distance mode whether online, technology based such as using print, DVDs, among others forms, has prompted teachers and students to harness technological affordance in order to deliver optimal learning amidst learning disrup-tion. This paper discusses theoretical underpinnings, applications, challenges and recommendations of distance education as applied in piano pedagogy among piano students in University of Miami, Florida. While learning to play the piano is generally conceived as a face-to-face interaction between a student and teacher, 21st learning with the use of Information, Communication Technology (ICT) attests to the notion that technology based learning enhances deep learning-content interaction in self-directed learning (SDL) where a high degree of learning autonomy optimizes learning outcomes even with interdependence among students in a socio-constructivist setting as in the case of video conferencing conducted by a lecturer where a highly structured presentation diminishes dialogue between learner and teacher, increases transactional distance which signals autonomous learning to take effect. The use of Distance Education in Music Pedagogy is already being done in many institutions. The benefits of adopting technology based learning answer to challenges in 21st century learning where Information, Communication Technology (ICT) is critical in flexible learning where learning control is maximized by the student anywhere, anytime. In today’s high uptake of internet tools and applications, piano peda-gogy adopts to changing platforms while delivering optimal result to aspiring pianists.


The study sought to have in depth understanding of how important the service eligibility results of learners with mild intellectual disability were to their parents and teachers in terms of placement in inclusive classes. In order to achieve this objective, a case study design was used. The sample size was 29 participants consisting of one Head Teacher, nine Class Teachers who taught the learners with mild intellectual disability in inclusive classes, ten parents of learners with mild intellectual disability in inclusive classes and nine learners with mild intellectual disability from grade one to nine. Typical case purposive sampling procedure was used to select the sample. Data was collected through interviews and non-participant observations. It was found that the service eligibility results were not only important to parents and teachers but also to the learners who were placed in the inclusive classes. Based on the service eligibility results, learners were able to be placed in inclusive classes and teachers were able to offer them individualized lessons using activities for daily living. However, some learners in the inclusive classes did not benefit from being placed in an inclusive class due to the fact that despite eligibility results showing that they needed individualized education plans, they were placed in overcrowded classes which compromised individual attention. Therefore, the study recommended that the school, teachers and parents adhere to the service eligibility results. Keywords: Special education, service eligibility results, inclusive classes, placement, learners with mild intellectual disability Corresponding Author: Daniel Ndhlovu. Email: ndhlovu2010@gmail.com


The frail performance of commercial banks in the real sector of the economy is a major concern for policy makers and other key stakeholders. This study examined the operations in the money market and it role on the performance of commercial banks in Sierra Leone. To accomplish the objective of this research, 9 commercial banks from 2014 to 2020 in Freetown were interviewed. A descriptive statistical analysis of data with narration was done and results were presented in bar chart, figures and tables. The investigation empirically proved that there is a strong correlation between money market operations and the performance of commercial banks. Therefore, it was recommended that government should guarantee policies to reform the Central Bank discount window operations that would develop and strengthen the money market. As a way of improving corporate performance, banks should be encouraged to come up with a sound working capital policy. This will help in effective conduct of the monetary policy.

Elimination of feedback acoustic noise in hearing aid using improved NLMS adaptive filter []

ABSTRACT Adaptive filtering constitutes one of the core technologies in digital signal processing and has numerous application areas in science as well as in the industries. Adaptive filtering techniques are used in a wide range of applications, including echo cancellation, adaptive equalization, adaptive noise cancellation, and adaptive beam forming. Acoustic echo cancellation is a common occurrence in today’s telecommunication systems. The signal interference caused by acoustic echo is distraction to users and causes a reduction in the quality of the communication. The method used in carrying this research work is known as the normalized least mean square. This focuses on the use of the combination of Finite impulse response digital filter and Normalized least mean square algorithms to reduce this unwanted echo, thus increasing communication quality. This research work further did some comparative analysis of Finite impulse response digital filter, Least mean square, Normalized least mean square. But the improved Normalized least mean square adaptive filter response obtained in this research work turns out to be a positive result, with the highest signal to noise ratio and lower mean square error at 0.2 steps and 25 filter size. We are also recommending this method to be used in noise elimination in hearing aids, electrocardiograph systems, communication industries and any area that requires noise cancellation. KEYWORDS: Adaptive Filter, Finite Impulse Response, Hearing Aid, Noise, Acoustic, Feedback, Low pass Filter, High pass Filter

Effect of Corrosion on Heat Transfer through Boiler Tube []

Boiler treatment chemistry has been shown to be critical in maintaining clean heat transfer surfaces and minimizing corrosion in higher pressure industrial boilers. Monitoring boiler feed water contamination, especially iron and copper, from condensate leakage and upsets is a critical parameter required to maintain control parameters which promote passivation and clean heat transfer surfaces. Hydrogen analysis has also been shown to detect FAC (Flow Assisted Corrosion) and UDC (Under Deposit Corrosion) subsequently monitor corrective procedures. Hydrogen analysis remains the only dynamic continuous monitoring technique available for corrosion monitoring in feed water and boiler systems.

Impact of Job Stress on Employee Turnover Intention In Nepalese Commercial Bank Inside Kathmandu Valley []

The main purpose of the study is to examine the impact of job stress on employee intention to turnover in Nepalese commercial banks inside Kathmandu Valley. This study is based on descriptive and causal-comparative research design. This study includes 3660 approximate employees from 21 commercial banks as a population and 360 respondents as a sample of the study. The primary data were used to extract the information from the employees. For data collection, Convenience sampling is used to track the respondents for the study. Correlation and regression analysis is used to analyze the data. The study shows that work overload, work ambiguity and work life conflict are positively correlated to employee turnover intention. However, working environment, job insecurity and peer relationship are negatively correlated to employee turnover intention. The study also shows that work overload and work life conflict have positive and significant and work ambiguity, working environment, job insecurity and peer relationship have negative and insignificant impact on employee turnover intention in Nepalese commercial banks inside Kathmandu valley. Further, overall regression model is significant. This Study concluded that there is positive impact of job stress on employee turnover intention.

Analysis of the Effect of Inflation and Exchange Rates on the Volume of Palm Oil Exports passing through the Tanjung Perak Port of Surabaya in 2017-2019 []

One of the most important and strategic economic activities is export activities. The increase in export activities of commodities other than oil and gas is expected to increase national income and employment as well as foreign exchange. Export activities are activities that generate currency to finance the development of the real and non-real sectors. Oil and gas are affected by many factors, including exchange rates and inflation. This study aims to analyze the effects of exchange rates and inflation on the export of commodities other than crude oil as well as palm oil and gas. Passing Surabaya Tanjung Perak Port in 2017-2019. Research is a literature study or library search using time series data from 2017 to 2019. Data processing is carried out with the SPSS version 23 program, with the analysis method using multiple regression analysis. This study states that inflation affects exports of gas and oil products. Palm oil passes through theTanjung Perak port of Surabaya the exchange rate has a relevant negative effect on the export of non-oil and gas products through the Tanjung Perak port in Surabaya. Inflation has a dominant impact on the exchange rate of non-oil and gas commodity exports, with palm oil passing through the Tanjung Perak port in Surabaya. Keywords: inflation, exchange rate, exports of non-oil and gas commodities

Clash of Civilizations revenue []

Man and conflict, they are the love of survival, and the secret of life represented by good and evil, such as water and air and conflict with the earth... It is the constant conflict that has existed since the creation of man, with himself, his thoughts, instincts and ambitions, for leadership or submission... It is the rooted, transforming, changing, changing conflict, with its environment and its surroundings for individuality and possession... It is the endless struggle, with its development and progress in all sciences, in order to control the efforts, capabilities and wills, control the capabilities and possessions of resources and wealth, and influence interests in terms of production and consumption... It is the real and virtual conflict, the situation and the impossible, and the endless in terms of illusion, imagination and truth, to reach the absolute of actions and actions, to achieve goals and pay the costs at the expense of the human being.


The use of alternative feeds is mostly done by using local feed raw materials that are easily available and usually in the form of waste that has not been utilized optimally. However, these local ingredients have limitations as the ingredients are still experiencing problems, namely the high content of crude fiber, low content of crude protein raw materials, low balance of amino acids, and the presence of anti-nutritional substances. This causes the need for processing local feed raw materials before being used as feed ingredients. Various ways of processing that can be done one of them physically and biologically to improve and improve the quality of feed ingredients. In general, physical and biological feed processing technology is able to produce products that have a simpler structure and are easier to digest than the original ingredients. Through the application of physical and biological feed processing technology, improvements and improvements can be made to the nutritional value of local feed raw materials so that they can be used optimally for fish feed raw materials.

Effectiveness of Community of Inquiry Model in an Online Class: A Content Analysis []

This research was conducted in order to verify empirically the presence and effectiveness of the Community of Inquiry (CoI) model in an online class, EDDE 206 (Research in Distance Education), a course requirement in Master of Distance Education at the University of the Phil-ippines Open University. Results indicated strong interactive relationship among the independent variables (social, cognitive and teacher) following a non- significant difference among the means of the variables based on One Way ANOVA conducted. This result was consistent with the Community of Inquiry (CoI) model of educational experience as a result of the interaction of the three variables (Garisson, Anderson, and Archer, 2000). In establishing the effectiveness of the CoI Model, results indicated positive causal relationship between learning out-come as the dependent variable in the form of coded teacher replies and the three independent variables such that high presence of variables indicated high learning outcome and conversely low presence of variables indicated low learning outcome. The issue on effectiveness of CoI was dealt in the manner that interactive presence of the variables sufficed to say that profound impact occurred based on positive causal relationship.


Climate change is a global phenomenon that occurs due to human activities. Aware of the importance of environmental issues, especially the impact of climate change, the United Nations has formed multilateral cooperation, namely the UNFCCC (United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change) to stabilize the concentration of greenhouse gases that trigger global warming. In its development, the UNFCCC succeeded in producing a new protocol and agreement that became an integral part of the UNFCCC, namely the Kyoto Protocol and the Paris Agreement. In Indonesia, efforts to mitigate the impact of climate change are to maintain mangrove and seagrass ecosystems on the coast through the development of Marine Protected Areas that can prevent the impact of problems due to climate change and coastal pollution, as well as maintain marine biota and coastal fishery areas.

Knowledge of Primary Care Provider Regarding Basic Home Care Skills of the Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia children []

Acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) is the most common type of childhood leukemia that is about 75-80% of all types of leukemia. In Pakistan the prevalence rate of ALL in childhood is 34% and the total patient survival is 51.06%. Study Objective: To assess the knowledge of primary care providers having children with ALL regarding basic home care skills. Methods: A descriptive cross sectional survey was carried out at the out-patient department of the Pediatric Oncology at the Children Hospital, Islamabad. Census method of sampling was used to estimate 100 primary care providers of children with ALL. An adapted, modified, pilot tested and interviewer-administered questionnaire was used to assess the knowledge of study participants regarding home care skills. Primary care provider who, spent less than 2-3 hours per day in ALL child care, health professional and cannot speak and understand Urdu, Punjabi and Pashto were excluded from study. Study was approved by IRB of Shifa International Hospital. Written informed consent from participants was taken. Results: The study findings indicated that most of the study participants (50%) had poor knowledge level regarding home care management of ALL children, 43% were good knowledge level and only 07% has very good knowledge level. More than (80%) participants has knowledge about most of the infection control components, , while 81% participants were not encouraging their children for tooth brushing practices in oral care section and 78% of the participants were not prohibiting black tea for their children in Nutrition care section. Conclusion: This research concluded that most of the primary care providers had deficit in knowledge regarding basic home care skills of the children with ALL.


ABSTRACT It is very important that individuals actively participate in the learning process, starting from the early ages, their awareness be raised about the efficiency of the learning styles in developing their academic success and self-confidence. For this reason, this study aimed to reveal the learning styles having great importance for succeeding in the learning process and to determine the efficiency of these styles in learning process. The study determines the effect of learning styles on education and the teaching processes. The research identifies the different learning styles or preferred learning styles of learners and determines the most popular style of learning at The Federal Polytechnic Ile Oluji.

The Influence Of Brand Ambassador And E-Service Quality To Purchasing Decisions Through Testimonials (Shopee User Case Study in Makassar) []

Abstract This research aims to explain the influence of Brand Ambassador and E-Service Quality on Purchasing Decisions through Testimonials in Makassar City. This study uses survey methods in data retrieval. The sample of this study was 154 shopee users domiciled in the city of Makassar. Data analysis uses Path analysis with the help of SPSS 25. The results of this study show that brand ambassador and E-service quality variables have a positive and significant effect on purchasing decisions through testimonials. Keywords: Brand Ambassador, E-Service Quality, Testimonials, Purchasing Decisions

An Examination of Theory X Leadership Style and its Impact in the Business Environment – Literature Review []

The literature study focuses on autocratic leadership as a barrier to success in the workplace and other institutions where it is used. The study accomplishes this goal by reviewing and synthesizing the present scholarly literature on this burgeoning topic. The review was conducted by using the Web of Science academic search engines to identify papers from top publications in operations and management. Leaders in developing economy organizations have been reported to have an autocratic leadership style. This review is intended to remind leaders that authoritarian leadership, no matter what color it is painted, is a style of leadership that is generally despised by the people who lead in enterprises. The majority of the time, employees do not have a favorable work attitude. Leaders have mostly ignored employees by adhering to an out-of-date set of principles because they stuck to Theory X, whereas most employees would be more aligned with Theory Y. The different definitions proposed by researchers were emphasized and explored in this review. The advantages and disadvantages of utilizing an authoritarian leadership style were also discussed. It was found that using an autocratic leadership style to solve problems hinders the development of creative ideas; as a result, executives should learn to apply restraint while employing the technique in their organizations.

Eigenvalue Buckling and Static Analysis Behavior of Truss-Beam Structure []

This study for eigenvalue buckling and the static analysis behavior of truss beam structure, where In engineering, a truss may be a structure that "consists of two-force members solely, wherever the members square measure organized in order that the assemblage as a full behaves as one object. Axial force and direct stresses and directional deformation in addition to eigenvalue buckling will be studied.

Preparation and characterization of an activated carbon from the bones of Gudali (Bos Indicus) cattle from Adamawa []

The goal of this work was the production and the characterization of activated carbon from the Gudali species bones. The calcination have been done in the presence of phosphoric acid for the production of animal activated carbon as new and eco-friendly adsorbent. A textural and structural characterization was performed during this work. With regard to the textural analysis, results reveal 0.2-5.0 mm, 1.50 %, 17.63 %, of 6.84 and the of 666.251 mg/g for sieve, residual moisture, residual moisture, pHzpc, iodine value respectively. A large exchange surface of our animal activated carbon which can reach 1045 m2/g. Thus, the adsorbent has a microporous surface. Concerning structural analysis, the elemental analysis and the different crystallized phases of the product adsorbent have been determined by semiquantitative X- ray and X-ray diffraction. It appears that the abundant chemical elements constituting the adsorbent are Ca (49.73%) and P (43.21%). From these analyses, it appears that the chemical formula of the product adsorbent is Ca10 (PO4)6 (OH)2. FTIR spectra of the adsorbent showed strong bands at 1023, 872, 724, 599 and 558 cm-1 due to the vibrations of PO43- groups from the natural constituent hydroxyapatite of bone. Bands ranging from 1454 to 1943 cm-1 indicate the presence of C꞊O, C꞊C and C꞊N groups contained in the bone matrix of the organic phase responsible. The SEM images show that the surface of the adsorbent has inhomogeneous shapes, irregular structure, different sizes and pores, with a very developed porosity. Laser particle size distribution gives information about the particle size distribution of the animal activated carbon of the Gudali species. The adsorbent has a volume average diameter of Herdan D [4.3] = 219.613 µm, corresponding to the center of gravity of the volume distribution of our particles.


The use and disposal of lead-acid batteries are increasing every year. Several strategies for their treatment have been put in place, some for the recovery of materials and others for the regeneration of batteries. The latter, which has been practiced for a very long time, has been revolutionized, saving management of the battery parks and reducing harmful waste, although it does not seem to be valued. It is a perfect ecological alternative. The mismanagement of failed batteries can be toxic, threatening water, soil, and the atmosphere, and the health of humans in the profession and the surrounding populations. This study presents all the solutions for managing the faulty batteries that are ecological. A review of the different types of lead recycling methods was carried out, and an experimental survey was carried out in the field with different craftsmen blacksmiths, car mechanics, and companies to identify the different methods resulting from failures. Then, we modeled Petri networks to manage used batteries by highlighting all the possibilities of the recycling process and subsequently proposed a generic recovery of materials by craftsmen. This work is a new management of faulty lead batteries highlighting safely the various players in society in contact with these faulty batteries.


In this paper, we illustrate the design process and schematics of a new design of wireless-node port, having the ability to interface with sensors and actuators alike. It works on the principle of a master-slave network, with each node acting as a slave to the master connected to a cloudbased monitoring system. We focus on the design paradigms to develop a fully capable wireless-node. The aim is to have the designed node be as power-efficient as possible and have maximum configurability without the need of any form of hardware changes. Thus, the node needs to be able to be configured via code, while consuming minimum resources. An Embedded System was developed as a result, which uses an ATtiny85 microcontroller and nRF24L01 module for communication. A simple table of variables stored in the EEPROM of the microcontroller, can fully be modified to suit the type of operation needed by the device. The values of this table may be modified via RF communication from the master-node, thus making the same hardware design feasible and adaptable for both sensor networks, actuator network and even hybrid networks