Volume 8, Issue 4, April 2020 Edition - GSJ Journal Publication

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Oportunities of using Avisenna methods in sphygmographic diagnostics by mean of automated digital processing of cardiac pulse signals []

This article discusses the concept of developing an automated device for processing pulse signals obtained from several nearby wrist points using the methods of Avicenna and modern alternative medicine. Such devices can be used in home and field conditions and are useful in the early warning of various diseases and giving recommendations for the examination of doctors with relevant specializations

GC-MS Analysis of bioactive components of methanolic stem bark extract of Lannea acida (anacardiaceae). []

The aim of the present study was to elucidate the bioactive compounds present in methanolic back extract of Lannea acida extracts using Gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC-MS) techniques The methanolic back extracts of L. acida was analyzed for GC-MS using a HP-5MS capillary column (30 m ×250 µm, i.d., 0.25 µm film thickness) in an Agilent 5975 series MDS gas chromatograph. The GC-MS mass spectra of the identified compounds were compared with those of the National Institute of Standards and Technology database library and Dr Duke library. The results shown the presence of Hexadecanoic acid (20.59%), Tetradecanoic acid (18.18%) and Octadecanoic acid (13.77%) were found as the major component in the methanolic bark extract and the eight minor components such as Dodecanoic acid (8.51 %), Methoxyacetic acid,2-tetradecyl ester and Eicosanoic acid (7.62%) respectively, 7,10-Octad ecadienoic acid, methyl ester and trans-13-Octadecenoic acid, methyl ester (7.70%) respectively, Hexadecanoic acid, methyl ester (4.86%), Dibutyl phthalate (4.12%), Decanoic acid (2.16%) were found in methanolic extract extracts. The results of the present study generated by GC-MS spectrum revealed the presence of the bioactive compounds in the plant which offered a platform for the traditional usage of L. acida in treatment of several diseases.


There is a magic in ‘teacher-learner’ relationship. Teachers’ knowledge, experience, consciousness and motivation can ensure learners’ quality education. The distance from education to quality education can be eliminated if the teacher desires. Leaning of a group of learners can easily be taken from remembering and understanding levels to evaluating and creating levels. Moreover, practice of knowledge can be merged with practice of skills and attitudes. If the teacher plans to engage learners properly applying andragogy, they will become independent learners. If the learners are given authority, they can be able - to accept learning as interesting adventure, to learn to take responsibilities, to take a challenge to think and solve any of the academic problems, to be skilled to seek help from different sources (book, teacher, internet, team members), to develop team spirit and gradually to solve any real life problems. The teacher should not confine his/her learners within the contents only. Rather a platform should be created where they can learn enthusiastically from different sources. The paper will highlight the experience of teaching a course entitled Linguistic and Literary Terminology to the students majoring English at Daffodil International University, Bangladesh. We, as teachers, need to brainstorm for facilitating learners to enhance their level of learning. In fact, at end of the course, while assessing the learners’ achievement, can we ignore the question “whom are we really assessing?”


This automatic changeover system is designed to transfer a house (or business) electricity from the commercial power grid to a local generator and vice versa when an outage occurs. Also known as “transfer switches” they connect directly to the generator, commercial power supply or line, and the house loads. In this system, when the commercial power gets to the automatic changeover system while the generator is still on, the system will automatically switch from the generator to the commercial power source without the load noticing a change in the switching. This work gives a breakdown of the components used for the design of the automatic changeover system.

Case study of the effect of Hydrogenated Styrene-diene on the viscosity of Group-1 base oil and Soybean Oil Vs Group-2 base oil []

As the lubricants play a vital role in the machinery by reducing friction between the parts of the machine, cool it because friction cause the heat and heat cause to reduce the material strength that lead to cause wear and tear in the parts of machine. Generally, lubricants applications are industrial, automotive, transformer etc. that use different grades of different viscosities. So, it would be difficult to produce the base oil of all such viscosities from the refineries. So a refinery produces a range of base oil with specific viscosity that the blending companies use to manufacture the lubricants to meet the industrial demand. one of the most difficult problem is to handle the lubricants of vide range of viscosity. so, in this article Hydrogenated Styrene Diene is investigated as the viscosity modifier by blending it with 400 HVI base oil and also with Soybean oil because Soybean oil can act as environment friendly. Results shows that Hydrogenated Styrene Diene increased the viscosity of base oil and soybean oil at all temperature but it has greater effect with the base oil rather than soybean.


This reserach is a preview of the work so far concluded on Artificial Intelligent Systems for the diagnosis of Hepatitis B, which is one of the most common of all Hepatitis ravaging mankind today. A user friendly application programme has been developed which can diagnose and prescribe treatments or recommend a Hepatitis B patient. The applications software has the capacity to monitor patients. The programme is limited to diagnosis and recommends the patient of Hepatitis B virus to his/her Doctor.The data analysis of this project software was varied using the data collected at the polytechnic’s clinic to vary the disease of the various patient diagnosed with Hepatitis B. Thegeneral terms in Hepatitis B are considered under clinical study, general considerations, mechanisms regulation, virology, diagnosis and treatment.Health has a strong impact upon all activities and human experts must have the ability to decide, in any circumstances, what is the illness level of a patient, which is the adequate treatment and which will be the evolution of the patient during the treatment. But medical decision making may be a very difficult activity. There are a lot of applications in artificial intelligence domain that try to help human experts offering solutions for a problem. This paper describes an expert system developed in order to make some predictions regarding the hepatitis infection.

Modified Adomian Decomposition Method for the Solution of Fourth Order Ordinary Differential Equations []

In this work, we introduced the concept of the Modified Adomian Decomposition (MADM) in solving fourth-order ordinary differential equations by first transforming the fourth order ordinary differential equations to an equivalent integral equation (Volterra integral equation of the second kind). Some test problems were considered and the results are compared with the existing methods. The convergence of the MADM was so rapid and involved only few terms of the series.


Factors influencing uptake of pre-exposure prophylaxis(PrEP) among adolescents and young women in Suba sub-County, Homabay County. Emeldah A. Odie1, Jane A. Owenga2 and George Ayodo3 Abstract Background: Pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) is a new biomedical intervention used for prevention of HIV ac-quisition in HIV-seronegative high-risk individuals using antiretroviral drugs before HIV exposure. In the wake of rising HIV infections in adolescents and young women, Pre-exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) provides an opportunity to reduce the HIV epidemic. Method: A descriptive cross-sectional study design involving 394 adolescents boys, girls and young women aged 15-24years was conducted in Suba sub County, Homabay County, Kenya, between September 2017 to December 2019. A systematic random sampling technique was used to select the participant and purposive sampling tech-nique was also used to select health care providers in Suba sub-County health facilities. The study utilized the quantitative and qualitative methods of data collection. A structured questionnaire was administered to the partici-pants and key informant interview targeting the health care providers was used to collect the data. SPSS (Statisti-cal package for social scientists) version 23 was used for analysis and chi-square test was used to determine the relationship and associations among the variables. Qualitative data was analysed through content analysis by ex-amining emerging themes. Results: The key influencing factors to PrEP uptake were: 77(28%) of the respondents aged 19 years and above preferred PrEP services to be offered in designated room in the facility whilst 28(24%) of respondents aged 15-18years preferred youth friendly clinics, 33(28%) of clients had stigma of being branded HIV positive, 101 (26%) had fear of pills, staff attitude to offer PrEP services to the adolescents before parental consent, MOH staff were not able to see PrEP clients, inconsistence facilities operation hours and poor road network. Conclusion: The most identified influencing factors to PrEP uptake were staff shortage , Lack of partner disclo-sure of HIV status to their spouses, terrains, inadequate staff training, lack of parental consent for HIV test to age below 18 years, PrEP provision point and poor adherence to PrEP drug. Ministry of Health should capacity-built HCP on PrEP provision before programme role out to upscale PrEP uptake in all the facilities including private. Keywords: Service delivery, PrEP uptake, Kenya.

حصر حالات مرضى السل بمستشفى الكويفيه للأمراض الصدرية في بنغازي، ليبيا بين 2010-2018 []

السل هو مرض خطير تسببه Mycobacterium tuberculosis. على الرغم من أن هذا المرض نادر الحدوث في البلدان المتقدمة ، فإن العديد من البلدان النامية، بما في ذلك ليبيا، لا تزال تعاني منه. الغرض الرئيسي من هذه الدراسة هو تسليط الضوء على خطورة المرض، وتحديده لتحسين طرق التشخيص والوقاية المبكرة، بالإضافة إلى السعي للتعاون مع منظمة الصحة العالمية للمساعدة في الحد من المرض وحتى القضاء عليه. تم في هذا البحث جمع بيانات مرضى السل في الفترة ما بين 2010 و2018 من قسم الإحصاء بمستشفى الكويفيه للأمراض الصدرية في بنغازي. تم تحليل هذه البيانات إحصائياً وفقا لعدة عوامل تشمل الجنس، العمر، الجنسية، المنطقة وفترة الاستشفاء. إجمالي عدد مرضى السل 1778 حالة. حالات السل المسجلة تتنوع بين إصابة الرئة وأجزاء أخرى من الجسم، على سبيل المثال، العقد الليمفاوية، العظام والدماغ. تم التعرف على عدد من الحالات مع أمراض مختلفة مرتبطة بالسل مثل متلازمة نقص المناعة المكتسب (الإيدز)، السكري والتهاب الكبد الوبائي. هناك دلائل ظهرت من خلال هذا البحث فيما يتعلق بتأثير الاكتئاب على بعض مرضى السل، والتي ظهرت في نسبة المصابين سواء أكانوا فارين من المستشفى أو تركوها على مسؤوليتهم الشخصية.


This research aims to analyze the implementation of tough coastal area development program (PKPT) in Pangandaran district, West Java, Indonesia. This research was conducted in three villages receiving this programs in Pangandaran district namely, Cijulang Village, Karangjaladri Village and Kertamurti Village starting in August 2019 to November 2019. The research method used was survey. Data collection is done by using purposive sampling technique. Research data consists of two types of data, namely primary data and secondary data. Analysis of the data used in this research includes Guttman Scale Analysis. The results of the analysis showed that the implementation of tough coastal area development program based on communities in the three Villages in Pengandaran District was successful. Cijulang Village is a very successful of the program with an average index value of 87.5%, then followed by Karangjaladri Village with an average in-dex of 75% and finally Kertamurti Village with an average index of 62.5%.

Policy Formulation of Smartphone Utilization in Learning Process at Junior High Schools in Pematangsiantar City Middle School []

This research aims to discuss the initial draft of the smartphone utilization policy model which will be implemented in Pematangsiantar City Junior High School. In this 4.0 industrial revolution era, technology has become an inseparable part of all aspects of human life including education. The technology that is considered to be the most effective and the most efficient way for teaching and learning is smartphone. The usage of smartphones is considered to to be a powerful tool which needs to be considered in improving the quality of teaching and learning in schools. But in reality, there are still many schools in Indonesia that still prohibit the use of smartphones in the school environment. This reseach uses a sequential exploratory mixed method. The first phase is to collect and analyze the data, followed by the collection and analysis of quantitative data. The techniques of collecting data include interviews, observation and documentation. The research was conducted at Pematangsiantar City Junior High School. This research sample uses purposive sampling. The results showed that the importance of using smartphones in schools to facilitate teaching and learning. Also, clear integration is needed to maximize its function and minimize the adverse effects of its use in schools. The first draft of the formulation of smartphone utilization policies in schools is (1) Smartphones are allowed in the classroom, but not fully; (2) The teacher makes a contract with parents and students; (3) Posting a banner prohibiting the using of a smartphone if it is not needed; (4) Intensive control when using a smartphone; (5) Class layout provides easy access to control students; (6) Plan in a timely manner what will be used for each activity; (7) Use social media in the integration of smartphone utilization.


The brain tumor is one of the major dangerous health problems. Early detection and diagnosis of brain tumors reduce the mortality rate significantly. For efficient detection and classification, this paper has proposed an au-tomatic brain tumor detection and classification algorithm. The proposed algorithm divided into five steps. At first, the input MRI image is preprocessed using principle component-based grayscale conversion coupled with anisotropic diffusion filter to remove unwanted artifacts. After that, the contrast limited adaptive histogram equalization (CLAHE) is introduced to enhance the image contrast. Then the tumor is segmented using a multi-variant thresholding and Chan-Vese algorithm. Now, the statistical features, texture features, wavelet features are measured to classify the segmented objects. Finally, the appropriate features are selected using a genetic al-gorithm and classify the segmented object using an artificial neural network. The performance of the proposed algorithm is tested on publicly available BRATS datasets. The experimental result showed that the proposed al-gorithm achieved 99.5% for the BRATS dataset and 98.3% for augmented BRATS dataset image of accuracy, which is better than many existing well known state-of-arts methods.

Urinary Tract Infection among Male and Female Students in Ambrose Alli University, Ekpoma, Edo State, Nigeria []

This study determined urinary tract infection (UTI) among male and female students in AAU. One hundred apparently healthy students comprising of 50 males and 50 females within the age range of 18-30 years were enrolled for this study. The samples used were early morning mid-stream urine. The samples were subjected to microscopic examination and also cultured on Cysteine Lactose Electrolyte Deficient (CLED), Blood agar and MacConkey agar. The isolates were subjected to biochemical tests and antibiotic susceptibility. Results showed that out of the 100 students, only 10 students had UTI. Out of 50 males, only 2 had UTI and out of 50 females only 8 students had UTI. Results showed that age group 21-25years was found to be mostly infected (with a value) accounting for 8% of the total isolates with 1 male and 7 females while age group 26-30years was the second most infected accounting for 2% of the total isolated with 1 male and 1 females. Antibiotic susceptibility showed that, of all the antibiotics used (Streptomycin, Gentamycin, Ciprofloxacin, Augmentin, Ceporex, Tarivid, Septrin, Riflaxcin, Nalidixic acid, Ampicilin, Erythromycin, Norfloxacin, Rifampicin, Chloramphenicol, Ampiclox, Amoxil, Levofloxacin and Norfloxacin) Streptomycin showed a higher sensitivity pattern followed by Gentamycin and Ciproflox for both gram positive and gram negative organisms.

LAW OF THE THIRD: A Fundamental Research on discovering the Linear Equation regulating Randomness with Replacement []

The foundation of probability theories is randomness, which can be broadly classified into two categories namely, randomness without replacement and randomness with replacement. All the probability theories concerning randomness with replacement is founded on a trivial assumption based on observations in regard to the nature of the activity that the outcome of the next event is independent from the past outcomes. In other words, if there are X equally probable likely outcomes associated with a random activity with replacement, the probability of any one of the X likely outcomes occurring as the next event is 1/X. However, there is another uninvestigated phenomenon of nature that within any X consecutive events subject to randomness with replacement, approximately X/3 probable outcomes do not occur at all. This strange phenomenon is observed by the roulette players in casinos for over a century and they have named it as Law of the Third. In the first phase of this fundamental research, the above observation is empirically validated using data samples obtained from both real and internet based casinos with all possible modes of spinning, including the computer based random number generator (RNG). In the second phase, it is firmly established that this is not a phenomenon unique to the roulette table, but it is a generic law of the nature applicable to any random numerical activity with replacement. The Linear Equation underlying this strange phenomenon is empirically derived during this phase using a non-roulette data analysis. In the third phase, the generic nature of this phenomenon is further validated by applying the equation in other real applications. In conclusion, the probabilities of occurrence of an outcome that has already occurred in the immediate past and not occurred in the immediate past are not the same, against the conventional wisdom that they are the same, as the Law of the Third is not factored into the existing hypothesis, upon which probability theories are founded.


The rates of mental illness amongst Malaysian youth have been noted to be quite high. Subsequently, majority were reported among school and university students. Thus, it causes urgency in deriving the solution in various platform. However, the number of cases is yet to be reduced with regard to many conventional counseling services. On the other hand, the government were urge to provide solution which is preferably in a form of preventive rather than cure. Techniques such as meeting counselors at schools is impractical due to sensitivity of problems faced by students. Thus, this paper takes a new look at preventing this problem from occur with the help of computer-based applications known as My Pocket Counselor. This mobile based application offers an assessment services which used for guidance purpose. Counselors from six universities were interviewed as part of requirement gathering. The trace ability matrix was used to map the proposed system’s functionality with those user requirements. The product was constructed using responsive design to increase the operability of the system. This web-based system represents an innovative alternative to counseling service providers especially those who are from universities.


ABSTRACT The GDP growth in Turkey 2018 decline abnormally as a result of the Turkish Lira (TL) depreciation against United State dollar($) quarterly 2018. In view of that, the researcher investigated into the effects of inflation and banking sector indicators performance on the GDP growth on Turkish’s economy. The study used quarterly data from secondary data source between 2009q1 to 2018q4 and investigated the data with Johansson Approach to Cointegration. Data for the study were analyzed with Augmented Dicky Fuller (ADF) test and the findings revealed that the variables of interest was stationary at their first difference level. Also, the study further used Johansson Cointegration approach to determine if there is Cointegration among the variables and surprisingly the result showed that there is long run relationship among the GDP growth and the explanatory variables. The study found that there is long run and positive relationship existence between the interest rate, cash reserve required, bonds, treasury bill and GDP growth of Turkish’s economy. While the variables such as consumer price index (CPI), producer price index (PPI), deposits and real exchange rate showed statistically insignificant on GDP growth of Tukey.Meaning that these variables have negative impact on the Turkish’s GDP growth. Again the findings concluded that inflation has negative impact on GDP growth of Turkey likewise the banking sectors indicators such as interest rate, cash reserve required,bonds,treasury bill have positive impact on the economic growth of Turkey.Finally, the findings proofed that every 1% increase in the Turkey banking sector indicators in this study induce rapid growth on the economy whereas every 1% increase in inflation indicators like consumer price index(CPI),producer price index (PPI) drastically decline the GDP growth in a rapid level in Turkey. Keywords: Gdp Growth, Inflation, Banking Sector Indicators, Co-integration, Economic growth.

Determination of Potassium bromate in Bread in Jos Metropolis []

Jos Metropolis is a town in north central Nigeria, it is the Headquarter of Plateau state. A total of 30 bread samples were selected randomly from ten shops in Jos Metropolis and used for the determination of the presence of potassium Bromate in the bread samples. The presence of potassium bromate in the samples was qualitatively analysed by the action of potassium bromate on potassium iodide. The change in colour of the test sample from light yellow to purple colour indicated the presence of potassium bromate in the sample. The concentration of the bromate in the samples were spectrophotometrically determined. The results showed that potassium bromate is still used as additive in bread despite the fact that it has been banned. The concentration of the bromate in the bread samples ranged (4.375-0.25 mg/g). This value is reasonably higer than the value reported by other researchers in other part of the country. The mean concentration of the additive in the sample decreases in this other; A = D >E > C > F > B > G > J > H > I. Also, the mean concentration of potassium bromate in all the samples was significantly different (p<0.05) from the maximum permissible level of 0.02 mg/Kg established by the United State Food and Drug Administration (US. FDA) for potassium bromated in bread. It is recommended among others that baker shoud use other additives that are not of health concern and also, there is need to educate the consumer on how to identify bromate contaminated bread.

Education status and factors affecting effective education among indigenous Tharu community in Nepal []

This paper examines the education status of the indigenous community of Tharu community and factors affective effective education among them. A total 61 sampled were collected using simple random sampling technique of the study area of Padampur village in Chitwan district, Nepal. Majority of the respondents (38%) were under age of 35 to 40 years and 93% respondents were male. Majority of family were nuclear type (78.7%). Agriculture as the most important occupation among Tharu households for their life subsistence and dealing with society. Two-third of households had NRs. 30000 to 50000 annual earning and same expenditure. Majority of the households have been expensed in other things than that of children education. Out of total samples, only 14% expensed on children education, 19% on farming, 24% on food/entertainment, 13% on health, 8% on transport and 21% expensed on welcoming their guest. The literacy rate of the respondents’ family members was 58.5% under the age of 14 to 45 year old. The total school drop-out during academic time among Tharu students was very high (36.5%) in the study area. Majority of Tharu’ children were dropped from school due to early marriage (21.4%), poor economic condition (19%), parent negative attitude (15%), copy to other (8.6%), feeling of aloneness and humiliation (8.1%), language difficulty (6.3%) and burden of household work (5.9%). The status of education among Tharu family was very low as compared to higher caste family in the society. Parent negative attitude, school holistic quality, behavior of teachers, less access in decision making, failure in examination, parent education, copy to others/friends were the major social factors for low educational status in the Tharu community whereas the early marriage, sex discrimination among son and daughter, mobility to other places were the major cultural factors. The major hindering economic factors in Tharu education were small farm size for producing crops, non-productive occupation such as subsistence farming and household chores, low income and high expenses in feast, festival and welcoming the guest, large family size with minimum food sufficiency and unemployment. Most of the cases of drop out from the school were seen as the result of early marriage of girls and boys. To reduce the early marriage, it would be better to conduct the awareness on early pregnancy and its negative impact for maintaining the overall socio-economic status of the family. It also recommended that there should be the orientation about the parent awareness, suitable age of marriage to their children and impact of population growth on family. Income generating program such as goat farming, vegetable farming, banana cultivation, fish farming, buffalo/rearing and bamboo crafting would be suitable to boost up the economic condition of the Tharu in sustainable way for motivating them to deploy their children to the school. Keywords: Education, Tharu community, School drop-out, Nepal


ABSTRACT Purpose: The purpose of this discussion is to identify the nexus between technology and economic growth, with the Nigerian economy as a focal point. Technology is often considered as a driving force behind the growth and advancement of many countries of the world, particularly their economies. Based on contemporary happenings and trends, it became imperative that we try identifying the inextricable nexus between technology and Nigeria’s economic growth, with much emphasis on how it had impacted or would impact on the Nigerian economy using certain economic parameters. Design/Methods/Approach: This paper adopted a qualitative research design, in which data collection involved the collection of archival data and of which interpretation was based on the researchers’ perspectives, evaluations and inferences. Findings: The paper came to a conclusion that technology is the key driver and engine room behind the advancement of various economies of the world; as such, Nigeria and her economy would immensely benefit from technology and what it has to offer. Practicality: The paper concluded by giving five (5) key policy recommendations that would help accelerate the growth of the Nigerian economy, via leveraging on technology. Originality/Value: This paper reflects pure and thorough individual research and profound interpretations, given by the researchers; thus, producing new knowledge. Keywords: Technology, Economic Growth, Nigeria, ICT, Development Paper Type: Research/Discussion paper

The study of Corrosion inhibition of Mild Steel in 2.0 M Hydrochloric acid by avocado pear leaf extract. []

Corrosion inhibition of mild steel in 2.0M HCl solution by extract from avocado pear leaf was investigated using weight loss method. It has been found that the extract acts as an effective corrosion inhibitor of mild-steel in hydrochloric acid as a corrodent. The inhibition process is attributed to the formation of an adsorbed film of inhibition on the metal surface which protects the metal against corrosion. The inhibition efficiency and surface coverage (Ɵ) of extract from avocado pear leaf increased with increase in inhibitor concentration. The adsorption of extract of avocado pear leaf on mild steel surface was found to obey Langmuir’s adsorption isotherm. The negative free energy value (-∆Gads) indicates that the adsorption of inhibitor molecule was of physical adsorption and the reaction was spontaneous extract from avocado pear leaf could serve as an excellent corrosion inhibitor owing to the fact that it is eco-friendly, cheap, biodegradable and highly acceptable by environmental regulation.