Volume 9, Issue 5, May 2021 Edition - GSJ Journal Publication

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This study sought to carry out a preliminary inquiry on how Gambian-based microfinance institutions influence the formation and growth of Micro, Small and Medium enterprises (MSMEs). Following the increasing rigidity of mainstream financial institutions and the sustained status of the Gambia as a Highly Indebted Poor Country (HIPC), the importance of micro finance as a credible funding alternative for the significant majority at the base of the income pyramid, continues to attract huge academic and practitioner attention. The review of the existing research focused on understanding microfinance as a multifactor phenomenon that draws on institutional goals and uniqueness of home country environments to incentivize entrepreneurs to apply for both star-up funding and funding for the expansion of existing businesses. Hence, existing theories on access to microfinance, regulation of microfinance and challenges of microfinance institutions were critically examined. Data was collected using the questionnaires. The findings of the study highlighted that majority MSMEs had access to MFI Loans although only a few of them were able to secure the amount they required in full. The research study further revealed that significant number of MSMEs beneficiaries of MFI Loans were effectively utilizing the loans for business purposes thus enhancing their growth. Most of the MSMEs indicated a positive effect of MFI Loans towards promoting their product quality and range, increase in branch network, improved cash flow levels and increase in market share. The study recommend that commercial banks and privately owned MFIs must train MSMEs on aspects of financial management before availing loans to them.


Gas flaring is the burning of natural gas and petroleum hydrocarbons in flare stacks by upstream oil companies in oil fields during operations. Gas flaring is the most common source of global warming and contributes to emissions of carbon monoxide (CO), nitrogen (II) oxide (NO) and methane (CH4) which have the propensity of causing climate change and ecological disturbances or destruction. The study assessed the impact of gas flaring on climate change using both primary and secondary data. The primary data was obtained through administration of one hundred and fifty (150) questionnaires which focused mainly on the impact of gas flaring on farm activities; adaptation to gas flaring effects; farmers perception on gas flaring and climate change and crop performance; etc. coupled with intensive fieldwork. The secondary data were gotten by collection of different samples at various proximities from the gas flare locations, measurements and experimentations were meticulously carried out. The data were presented in form of tables showing frequencies and percentages. The result obtained in this research shows a marked trend as all the parameters considered showed a gradient away from the flare point in all the flow stations such as soil pH changing from acidic (4.0-4.2) to near neutral (6.4-6.6) faraway from the flare points and the average low soil moisture content of (17% - 23%) as against 40% for the (50m and 100m) and control distance. These values portray a bad signal for the affected communities. This study recommends that gas flaring should be seen as violet action against the people and that the flared gas should be channeled to meeting the ever increasing demand for energy in the industrial sector of the economy.

The urinary microbiote renal failure with infectious lithiasis in children []

Purpose : The study of the urinary microbiota makes it possible to establish the epidemiological of urolithiasis infected or coloned sometimes by mutli-resistant and cunning microorganisms necessary in the prevention of infectious or functional complications and control his clinical recurrence. Methods : 1-Culture and antibiotics sensitivity tests from microorganims stone kidney after fragmentation have been realized . 2-A direct metagenomic ribosome 16 S V3-V4 PCR in EP 2x300 LP (one MiSeq illumine) of the intraoperative pyelic pyuria urine has been analyzed . Results: 1-The culture of the stone returns positive at bacteria urealytic positive: Morganella morganii sensitive to the calforan ; imipenem and resistant to Cefazolin; Augmentin and Ampicillin . 2-A direct metagenomic analysis of intraoperative pyelic pyuria and the bioinformatic according to the presence of an Anaerobic bacterium : Bacteroides fagilis and others . Conclusion : From this genomic experience , we will have to review the threshold microorganisms and especially the place of Anaerobes or emerging agents by a genomic multicenter study of the urinary microbiota of patients with infections urolithiasis to better management of this public health pathology


This paper examines critically the features that are commonly found and exhibited in human nature even though our experiences about reality is sometimes perceived differently and hence the possibility of cultural specifics cannot be overemphasized. It is equally a truism that some actions of human beings covertly or overtly expressed can only be identified with humanity. Such events and actions may range from culture, language, society and other capabilities which are within the domain of human civilization regardless of colour. Despite obvious differences, some conditions abounds to the extent that we can infer acceptable human universals in human nature and existence. The work examines some of these factors cumulating into an acceptable common human nature. The aim is really not to advance what may seemingly be termed universalist course of action but to show the philosophical imports within the general context of human nature by paying attention to the polemics arising from the problems of evil as an existential human phenomenon, language and biological similarities within this contextual category. KEYWORDS: Problems of Evil, Language, Human nature, Biological similarities, universal.


The main objectives of this study were to examine the FIFTEEN MAJOR CHALLENGES AND WEAKNESS IN THE RWANDAN EDUCATION SYSTEM in solving the challenges faced by Education Rwanda . The study was guided by three objectives such as: To show us the main problems facing education system Rwanda, To List out some solutions to education system Rwanda, Guideline to government and others institution related to the Rwandan education system. Education lays the foundation for political, social and economic development of any country. A viable education system enables the nation to achieve its national goals. Rwanda as a developing country has faced critical problems of education since its inception and therefore, the system of education has failed to deliver according to the aspirations of the nation. There are various factors responsible for this situation. This paper explores some of the critical problems that have so far plagued the education system of Rwanda. On the basis of critical review of available literature, the paper presents solutions to the existing problems of the education system of Rwanda. The study adopted quantitative and qualitative approaches to collect data from 96 respondents’ employees and beneficiaries from 30 districts by using purposive sampling technique. Data collected was analyzed using SPSS, and the instruments of data collection were questionnaire, interview, and documentary techniques. “THE FIFTEEN MAJOR CHALLENGES AND WEAKNESS IN THE RWANDAN EDUCATION SYSTEM” 1. Poor coordination 2. Leads to the lack of clarification for policy orientation and weak implementation 3. Poor curriculum system 4. No collaboration between policy makers and institutions in Rwandan education system 5. No or poor participation of teachers, lectures ,parents and others stakeholders in Rwandan education system 6. Poor qualified staff 7. Education system not well tailored to the labour market needs 8. Poor or few equipments for TVET and tertiary education 9. Informal sector for TVET graduates largely 10. Poor implementation of Rwandan education system policies 11. No long term or poor strategically plan for education systems(long period) 12. Languages instructors 13. Low salary of the teachers 14. Internal and external influence 15. Alarming dropouts


A fundamental approach to the development of theoretical foundations and the creation of a method for the complex extraction of rare metals (vanadium, uranium, molybdenum, rare earth elements) from black shale ores has been undertaken repeatedly. The proposed methods for processing this type of ore in the republic are based on the use of a hydrometallurgical enrichment method, which will provide a number of valuable components to the Republic of Uzbekistan.

Patient Personas for Better Design & Health []

In Human-Computer interaction (HCI), User-centered design (UCD) systems are significant. To make a useful and usable product, it is important to understand who exactly the user is. In the effort to make better user-centered designs, the concept of Persona was introduced. Persona is the new powerful methodological tool that focuses on empirical data of the user for developing a system, a product, or a service. In specific to our research based on health, our focus is on studying different kinds of patients and building their personas. These patient personas will be helpful for the doctor to understand how to counsel and guide patients towards self-health management. They will not only be beneficial in improving the patient-doctor relationships but also be helpful in product/service marketing campaigns, resource allocation, and website or article content. In this study, data was collected from 50 patients using a questionnaire. The questionnaire involved queries related to the patient’s demographics, lifestyle, behaviors, goals, fears, frustration, and motivations in life. The data was observed and people with the same behavioral patterns were mapped into clusters. Personas were then built and refined.

Towards an Understanding of University Students Response in the Time of Pandemic Crisis: Predicting the COVID-19 Outbreak from Social Media Data: A Socio-Psychological Study in Bangladesh. []

As a major virus outbreak in the 21st century, the Corona virus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has led to exceptional hazards of global people. It has come out as the most devastating and challenging crisis for all people in the contemporary world. Among all peoples, university students are facing a big challenge in this situation. This pandemic has socio psychological impact on university students in Bangladesh. A purposive sampling study was conducted to a massive number of students in different university of Bangladesh and findings were quite alarming. Total sample (110 for Google survey and 48 for FGDs) give the idea about socio psychological situation of university students in Bangladesh. It was found that university students has gone through major socio psychological crisis during the pandemic.

The effect of logistics activities on organizational performance at Wonji/Shoa Sugar Factory []

ABSTRACT The main objectives of the study was to analyses the effect of logistics activities on organizational performance. The study adopted descriptive and explanatory research design as well as quantitative research approach was employed for conducting the study. The population under consideration was employees of Sugar Factory working under facility management and material planning and inventory management. To select respondents from the target population the researcher used stratified random sampling. The representatives selected from each stratum using simple random sampling. The data was collected from both primary and secondary sources. Data analysis was employed using descriptive statistics specifically mean and standard deviation; and inferential statistics namely Pearson correlation coefficient and multiple regression analysis and then presented in tables. The finding of study implies that transportation, inventory, and warehouse management had positive and statistically significant effect on organizational performance. This study recommends, since the results shows that there is significant effect of logistics activities on organizational performance, the management of the organization should incorporate those activities under the study in all aspects of a factory since this constitutes to improve the performance of the factory. KEY WORDS Logistics activities, Organizational Performance, Transportation, Warehouse, Inventory, Wonj/shoa Sugar Factor

GC-MS of Carissa carandas and Formation of Ointment from the Fruit []

The karonda is widely cultivated in subcontinents. It has been reported that plant is extensively used in local remedies. The fruit of plant contain vitamin c 8.8mg/100ml and calcium 32mg/g whereas seed contains the calcium 44.3mg/g of seed sample. The ointment prepared from the fresh fruit and dry fruit of Carissa carandas has potential to heal the wound. For this purpose 26 rabbits were divided into 4 groups. One group was treated with standard ointment, other two groups were treated with dry fruit ointment and fresh fruits ointment. The fourth group was kept untreated. The contraction of wound was calculated in all the groups. Moreover the phytochemical analysis of fruit, leaves and flowers of the plant was also performed with the help of GC-MS, titration and other laboratory reagents.


Background The oysternut, or kweme is the seed of the liana Telfairia pedata. Oysternuts are often consumed by pregnant women and they are said to have a high protein content (about 25%) and high oil content (55 – 60%). The oil has beneficial minerals and delicious, sweet flavor. The seeds are said to have valuable galactagogue property and are in great demand amongst native mothers who consume them shortly after the birth of a child as a tonic in order to regain their strength and also to improve the flow of milk. The source of galactagogue property of oysternuts is may be due to the presence of caloric value and mineral contents although no scientific data documented on the mineral profile and proximate composition of oysternuts. Therefore the study aimed to determine proximate composition and mineral content in the oyster nuts which may be contributing to the milk production of lactating mothers. Methods The method used in mineral analysis was the atomic absorption spectroscopy (AAS) per AOAC (2010 and oven drying and Kjeldahl method AOAC (2005/6) for proximate composition. Results The results were as follows; mineral contents of the oysternuts were; Mg contains 43.2Mg/100g, Ca 20.97Mg/100g, Zn 0.4Mg/100g, and Fe 0.18Mg/100g. Proximate composition of the oysternuts gave the results as the moisture of 4.22%, ash of 3.32%, crude protein of 3831%, carbohydrate of 7.84% fatty and oils of 49.2%and the gross calorific value of 6.11Kcal/g. Conclusion The findings concluded that the property of promoting milk production may be due to the very calorific value, a large amount of protein and fatty and oil although no enough scientific studies in this area were done against this product. It is recommended for further study to find the antibacterial activity of the outer part of oysternut seeds.

Efficacy of Epidural Blood Patch among patients of PostDural Puncture Headache PDPH: A Cross Sectional Study []

OBEJCTIVE: To evaluate the efficacy of the epidural blood patch for the treatment of post lumbar puncture headache (PEDPH). METHODS: This cross sectional study was conducted in the department of Anesthesia and ICU, Cantonment general Hospital, Rawalpindi,Pakistan over a period of 1 year from Jan 2020 to Decemebr 2020 . Collected Information was entered in SPSS computer software version 23.1 and analyzed for possible results. Mean and SD was calculated and presented for quantitative data like maternal age. Frequency (percentages) were calculated and presented for qualitative data such as gender, ASA status and efficacy (good/poor). Post stratification statistical chi square test was used to see effect modification. P value ≤ 0.05 was considered as significant. RESULTS: Overall, there were 100% (n=326) patients in this study. There were 57.1% (n=186) males and 42.9% (n=140) females. ASA-1 and ASA-2 noted as 73.3% and26.7% respectively. The main outcome of this study was efficacy of treatment. It was observed that,after 1st patch, efficacy was noted as good in 75.8% (n=247) patients, while after 2nd patch it was good in 97.5% (n=318) patients. There was significant difference between the efficacy of 1st and 2nd patch. (χ2 = 17.879 DF = 1, P value=0.000). CONCLUSION: Results of our study concluded that epidural blood patch (EDBP) is the better choice for treatment of epidural puncture headache (EDPH). If one time it is incompletely effective its 2nd patch can be considered. KEYWORDS: Headache, Epidural puncture, Blood patch, Effectiveness.


In order to respond to the harsh environmental challenges, buildings are evolving to adapt to meet the needs of the people without harming the environment within its context. This research considers the Muttrah fish market project located in Muscat city, Oman and how it successfully implemented sustainability principles into its design process and construction. Several traditional markets in Oman experienced a great competition from the entrants of modern markets. The traditional markets failed to compete because of poor planning, inconvenient access, overcrowded trading activities, lack of air circulation and poor sanitation, affecting thousands of vendors. The former local market of Muttrah needed a new design to upgrade its commercial operations, in response to this, a more sustainable development model for Oman’s traditional markets is proposed based on sustainability and hopefully could become an example of traditional market revitalization in Oman.


The purpose of this review article is to examine the potential of shrimp shells in Indonesia for chitin raw material, chitin definition, chitin extraction method and chitin characteristics from shrimp shells. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that Indonesia has the potential for shrimp shells which is quite potential for chitin raw material. Chitin is β- (1,4) -2-acetamide-2-deoxy-D-glucose or β- (1,4) -N-acetylglucosamine. The chitin extraction method can be carried out chemically and enzymatically. The two methods in extracting chitin have two stages, namely deproteination-demineralization and decolorization. Shrimp shell chitin characteristics vary widely in value, depending on the type of shrimp and the method of extraction.

Surimi Fish Elasticity []

Surimi is a food ingredient made from fish meat that is mashed and mashed to form a paste. Good surimi has a grade A level of elasticity because surimi is a gel that will be made into various fish jelly products. This is closely related to what type of fish is used as a base for making surimi. All types of fish can be used as raw material for making surimi, as long as they have the ability to form gels. However, fish that produce the best surimi elasticity are fish that contain high protein, especially myofibrils protein which can form a gel. For this reason, it is very important to examine the elasticity of the surimi from various types of fish to determine the type of fish that is most appropriate to be used as a base for making surimi.

Exploring Registered Nurses Attitude to Postgraduation Education for Specialty Practice []

Background: Nursing is independent and collaborative care of patients of all ages and groups in all setting. The practice includes the promotion of health, the anticipation of illness, and the care of ailing, disabled and dying people by competent nursing practitioner they valued higher education in nursing occupation. Objective: The purpose of this study is to Exploring register nurses’ attitude to postgraduate education for field practice. Do nurses believe that postgraduate education is necessary for specialty nursing practice? Methodology: The Cohort Study will be useful for this research study was to Exploring register nurses’ attitudes to postgraduate education for field practice. The sample size of 30 Nurses and Midwives were included. Purposive Sampling technique will be used in this investigate study. The situation for this research will be the hospital where the nurses and Midwifery staff will easily approach. Results: The results of the study show that there is worth of to Exploring registered nurses attitudes to postgraduate education for field perform. Do nurses suppose that postgraduate learning is required for specialty nursing practice. Conclusion: The study findings revealed that under developing countries there is the result identified that motivation (internal or external) is a strong spur for nurses to pursue postgraduate education and that external incentive such as monetary awards or tangible recognition may be required for some nurses. Continued sustain for nurses who want to follow postgraduate education and strong career ladders for nurses are needed. Keys words: Registered Nurses Knowledge, Post Graducation, Specialty.


Background Healthcare service delivery systems all over the world is need to ensure standard quality of care for achieving expected health outcomes. Although Rwanda has a reputation in good healthcare service delivery system, there are still major concerns about the quality of maternal and newborn health (MNH) care services. The purpose of this study was to examine the impact of community health workers’ motivations on maternal and newborn health services performance. Methods: The sample size was 88 respondents closely interested to CHWs in charge of Newborn and health services in Public hospitals of Kigali. Demographic characteristics of respondents, descriptive and correlation statistics were applied using SPSS. Findings: In general, the research findings showed incentives, non-monetary incentives and membership association since all have scored a strong overall mean of X =2.67, 2.5775, 2.704 and overall mean standard deviation of (ST)=0.76, 1.0775, 0.91 respectively. The research findings further demonstrated that maternal and newborn health services performance stimulate to satisfaction by a mean of (X =2.67) and standard deviation of (SD=0.76) from feedback on performance, the overall mean was (X =2.755) with a standard deviation of (SD=0.695) from Organizational support and overall mean was (X =2.96) with a standard deviation of (SD=0.765) from knowledge and attitude respondents respectively. Pearson Correlation: a correlation between Community health worker’s motivations and Maternal and newborn health services performance equal to 0.847 which means a positive high correlation. Recommendation: After conducting this study, Researcher recommend that community health workers’ motivations is key for maternal and newborn health services performance. Keywords: Community Health Workers, Maternal health, Newborn health services, Motivation

Comparing Different Deep Learning Neural Networks in The Diagnosis of Covid-19 []

Background: Covid-19 has been one of the most challenging pandemics facing the whole world. It has impacted lots of industries and affected the lives of millions of people so far. Due to this huge impact, various healthcare organizations have tried all the efforts to obtain a highly accurate, widely spread method for the diagnosis of Covid-19. Also, data scientists, machine learning and deep learning engineers have used all their skills – with the help of healthcare professionals of course– to aid in finding a suitable method for the diagnosis of Covid-19. Many deep learning models were developed with different accuracy, precision and f1 scores to aid in the process of diagnosing Covid-19. Objective: The aim of this study is to review all the lately published literature to describe how the different deep learning models can be beneficial for the diagnosis of Covid-19. Methods: A systematic review of the lately published literature from Google Scholar, PubMed, Nature journals, Springer and others by searching for related terminology such as (“Covid-19", diagnosis, chest, AI, deep learning). The scope of our search focused on the literature published in the year 2021 in order to analyze and review the latest findings these researches have to help battle this Covid-19 pandemic. The scope also focused on the published literature not including preprints or papers that weren’t peer reviewed in order to be considered as evidence based reliable research. Results: 157 papers were totally found after the search, out of which there were 113 papers that were fitting our scope for this review. 111 papers discussed developing deep learning models that use chest X-ray images, CT scans or both to diagnose Covid-19 and differentiate its patients from healthy individuals. Only 2 papers contained deep learning models that used blood testing results to diagnose Covid-19. Conclusions: Deep learning neural networks and techniques have contributed highly to solve real world problems in different fields and it is very obvious in the case of the Covid-19 pandemic how researchers have done immense hard work to fight this pandemic through developing highly efficient deep learning models that used either CNNs, random forests, SVM or ensemble learning techniques to get high accuracy, precision, f1 scores and recall rate scores which reflects how all these models with their different approaches can significantly contribute to successfully diagnosing patients with Covid-19 from healthy individuals.

Guiding the conflict afflicted city of Kabul towards an era of socio-cultural and economic inclusivity |Urban Innovative spaces for the diverse and multi-ethnic nation of Afghanistan| []

The paper aims to develop an urban design framework that brings about socio-economic inclusivity and cross-cultural vibrancy in the urban environment of Kabul, the capital city of Afghanistan. The city has been in an era of budding development of democracy and civil society for more than twenty years, and now needs to emerge as an integrated community fostering active associations between the diverse ethnic groups of Kabul who have remained at conflict with each other. In 2001, the country emerged from two decades of war and political violence where we saw the Afghanistan civil war and Taliban oppression plunging the country into massive social, political and economic challenges. By 2000, the state had virtually collapsed as a legitimate political entity. Afghanistan has caused the collapse of Soviet Union, is and has always been a strong united nation against outsiders but within the country, the conflict remains unresolved. Due to political brawls between the diverse ethnic groups (Tajik, Pashtoon and Hazara) and also the geographical orientation of the origin place of these groups has led to conflicts within the communities and lack of inclusive social engagement within the city. In theory, Afghanistan has a highly centralised state but in reality, it has experienced a form of de facto decentralisation (Beall & Schütte, 2006). The city of Kabul with a population of over 5 million has been a main seat for political power between different ethnic groups of Tajik, Pashtoon and Hazara which prompted the conflict and resulted in civil war for almost five decades. Kabul being the center of power and economy, witnessed heavy densification and immigration within no time. However, the rapid influx of population and economic as well as infrastructural challenges emerged too rapidly and led to unprecedented and unplanned growth of the city. This type of development hardly gave any focus towards social cohesion and development of active public spaces and urban infrastructure that could hold the communities together, thus resulting in social segregation and lack of cross-culturalism. The paper therefore aims to analyse the issues and parameters creating this social and physical divide and what limitations in the planning processes prompted this conflict. The research shall also look into various case examples and semantic responses where similar issues of conflict and social divide were overcome by urban design solutions. Thereafter, we can establish how urban design and place making frameworks can be devised to integrate the communities and foster unified and peaceful socio-economic associations in conflicted cities. Also the focus shall be on restoration and cultivation of common grounds and socio-cultural hubs to reinstate peaceful urban living and promote physical and social interactions between diverse societies. Keywords: MULTI-ETHNIC CITY – CONFLICT – DENSITY – SOCIAL SEGREGATION - CULTURAL HUB

Enhancing Spatial Organization & Relationship to Optimize Efficiency In Digital Library []

A library is a curated collection of sources of information and similar resources, selected by experts and made accessible to a defined community for reference or borrowing. It provides physical or digital access to material, and may be a physical location or a virtual space, or both. A library that is designed with keen consideration on proper spatial organization and relationship to optimize efficiency and ensure it is a digitally considered space. Library should no longer be confined places but should adopt and open spatial plan that will allow interaction between scholars this is why including learning commons are necessary. The functionality of the library space and how this space relate is dependent on how the spaces flow into themselves. Principles and guidelines in achieving this paper carefully examined. This paper therefore seeks to emphasize principles that should be adhered, to ensure the optimization of space and how they relate to themselves through the review of studies and related articles.

Integrated approach to Wetlands and River Basin Management: The case of the Netherlands Meanderene de Maas River project []

The integrated approach to wetland management incorporated stakeholder analysis, governing policies and frameworks for wetland management as well as the analysis of ecosystem goods and services. This is very vital in the effective and sustainable management of Wetlands to ensure people-based and eco-friendly options. The Maas (Meuse) River basin project in the Netherlands involved the engagement of all stakeholders and interest groups in the planning process. The in-depth consultations with experts aimed to culminate in a preferred design out of the six different designs developed to execute the Maas wetland project. The three designs considered were revolved around agriculture, nature development, dyke resizing and/or relocation, river bank manipulations to increase river water retention for effective water regulation; thus, their potential impacts were assessed in this study. Semi-structured interviews, visual site observations and direct approach were used to collect data. Results revealed the varying challenges the project posed on the environment and the people. The ecosystem service analysis showed that the three proposed designs namely; the Iconic Maas, the Lommerijke Maas and the Ruige Maas designs for the project were eco-friendly and support ecosystem goods and services however, agriculture was excluded from Lommerijke and Ruige Maas designs. The farmers and residents on the dyke area are negatively affected as relocation was inevitable if the Lommerijke Maas design is considered. The features of Lommerijke and Ruige designs do not accommodate agriculture on the flood plains but will enhance carbon sinks via nature development and afforestation. The Iconic Maas scenario permits cultural heritage and farming. These outcomes were assessed based on both national and international guidelines, policies and regulatory standards governing the implementation of wetlands and climate change-based projects. The Netherlands government therefore, considered the climate impact, wetland conservation and national safety policies as priority. Thus, this integrated process fostered inclusive consideration, public participation/stakeholder education and ecosystem prioritization for effective implementation and sustainable management successes for climate change mitigation.

Analysis of 499 Brazilian dekasegi living in Japan: their profile, occupational features and health problems []

Introduction: From 80´s decade, an inverse migratory process to Japan has started due to the Brazilian economical crisis. These migrants were denominated as dekasegi, going out from their homeland to accumulate capital. With this process, health problems has been emerging in this migrant population. Objective. To study the profile of dekasegi who have visited Generate Consulate of Brazil in Nagoya, Japan in 2000 complaining a health problem. Methods. A questionnaire was administered to analyse features, work conditions, disease and accident experiences. Results: We studied 499 cases, 260 (52.1%) male and 239 (47.9%) females with a mean age of 36 years (range: 18-65 years). Most had Brazilian citizenship (N = 465, 93.18%). Concerning the level of education, the majority of cases (N = 279, 55.9%) had secondary school education. Regarding the type of work, comparing the sex distribution, construction had more male cases (60, 23.07%) while in the field of ​​services, they had more female cases (N = 108, 45.19 %) employed. About 92.78% had health insurance. Considering working conditions, the average number of working hours was 10.2 hours. 240 cases (48.1%) reported support in the workplace from the part of management, 200 cases (40.08%) reported poor conditions of work, 175 cases (35.07%) performed heavy manual labor, 144 cases (28.86%) has worked with exchange of shifts, and 17 cases (3.41%) reported environmental hazard. Regarding the classification of disease by medical specialty, there were reports of 154 cases (30.86%) of Internal Medicine, 105 cases (21.04%) of Cardiology, and others. 24 cases (4.81%) suffered an accident in Japan. Conclusion. This study reported that some health issues may be related to the stress aggravated by working conditions. Moreover, dekasegi have been living more than 6 years in Japan. This population has been aging. As consequence, health problems have been growing. However, further studies are needed for better clarify.

Internal factors hindering SMEs from entering in to international market in Ethiopia, the case of Fitche town. []

Abstract Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) play an important economic role in many countries and are recognized as an important vehicles of economic diversification, employment creation, income generation and distribution, and poverty alleviation. SME occupy a prominent position in the development agenda of many developing countries like Ethiopia. Currently, in Ethiopia, the Government has been promoting the development of SMEs through the formulation and implementation of Micro and Small Enterprises Development Strategy and the number of SMEs in the country is steadily growing. But, much more important than increase in their numbers, their current status, stage and pace of development is significant because most SMEs are hibernated from growing and faced with the threat of producing and marketing their products to foreign markets due to many factors. Little research exists that examines factors constraining entering of SMEs in to international markets. The purpose of this study is to assess factors related to marketing and management hindering SMEs from entering in to international markets in Fitche town. The study was employed through descriptive design; in which stratified random sampling method was used to collect data from SMEs owners/ managers of three selected sectors according to the objective of the study with a total population of 223 and 139 samples of managers. The samples were selected randomly from each stratum using proportionate allocation after stratification of the sectors. Questionnaires and interviews were used as tools of data collection in the study. The data was analyzed using descriptive statistics and presented through figures, tables and percentages. It is generally recognized that SMEs face unique challenges, which affect their opportunity to enter in to international market and hence, diminish their ability to contribute effectively to sustainable development. The findings indicate that the most common factors constraining the internationalization of SMEs in Fitche are: lack of working capital, lack of market access, lack of managerial training and experience; and scanty of marketing information. . Key words: Internationalization/Exporting, SMEs, Internal Factors.


ABSTRACT Database management systems allow for massive storage of data. In a relational database there is a need to keep sensitive information’s hidden from a group of users. The specification that what a particular user is allowed or not allowed to access should be specified in a declarative manner. The database return answers that do not reveal anything that should be kept protected from a particular user. For this secrecy views can be set. Then a query about any of those views returns no meaning full information. The databases are not physically changed for this purpose, Updates are only virtual. For maintaining privacy there is semantics of secrecy views, virtual updates and secret answers to queries are used. The virtual updates are based on null values and slicing. Slicing partitions data both horizontally and vertically, Slicing preserves better data utility than generalization and can be used for membership disclosure protection. Another important advantage of slicing is that it can handle high-dimensional data.

The Effects of Emotional Intelligence Among Project Stakeholders in the Digital Age []

This research set out to examine the effects of emotional intelligence (EI) among project stakeholders in the digital age. A structured questionnaire was administered to 42 project practitioners of one of operating construction companies, in Durban, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. In total, 32 (76%) questionnaires were returned, constituting valid responses used for data analysis. The respondents comprised the project manager, project coordinator, and team members of the project. Both descriptive and inferential statistics were adopted. The results revealed that there is a statistically significant, large, positive correlation between EI and performance of project practitioners. The findings also indicated that self-awareness and social awareness lead to better self-management and improved quality relationships with others. The study concluded that the adoption of high EI by project practitioners would enhance the performance of the entire team in which they work.

What is the effect of monetary policy on the exchange rate in Ghana? []

The paper examines the monetary policy exchange rate nexus for Ghana during the period 1960 to 2012 using annual time series data. Using the Johansen, and vector error correction method (VECM), it is found that there exists a stable long-run and short-run relationship between monetary policy and exchange rate. Using the ordinary least square method (OLS), it is also found that there exists a positive effect of monetary policy on the exchange rate. Monetary policy must be well managed to ensure a stable exchange rate and sustainable growth and development. Multivariate modelling should be considered in future studies taking into account other variables such as interest, and inflation.

Typhoid Outbreak investigation in Mbare, Suburb of Harare City, 2017 []

Abstract Introduction: Typhoid fever is a life-threatening epidemic prone disease caused by a gram negative bacterium, Salmonella Typhi (S. Typhi). Typhoid fever is a notifiable disease in Zimbabwe under the public health act. Typhoid fever continues to pose an important public health problem especially in urban setting. Typhoid diseases occurrence in Zimbabwe is reported to be endemic as it is now known to occur every year, and manly due to poor sanitation and erratic water supply. Humans are the only natural host and reservoir of the bacteria and spread is from person to person through the fecal-oral route, by ingestion of food or water contaminated with faecal matter. The incubation period is usually 8- 14days but can range from 3 days to 2 months. City Health Department reported 245 cases of suspected typhoid fever cases from October 2016 to February 2017. An investigation was initiated to identify possible source of transmission so as to institute control measures. Methods: An unmatched 1:1 case-control study was conducted. An interviewer based questionnaire was administered to study participants so as to identify risk factors for contracting typhoid in Mbare. A case was described as a resident of Mbare who presented with a Fever of 380C and other signs and symptoms of typhoid between October and January 2017. Water samples were collected from boreholes and municipal water for microbiological analysis. Data was analyzed using Epi Info statistical package version Results: 72 cases and 72 controls were enrolled in the study. Drinking water from a borehole [OR= 5.9 (2.12-18.46), p=0.02], attending a gathering [OR= 3.9, 95% CI= (1.33-7.56) p=0.032], boiling drinking water [OR= 0.24, 95% CI= (0.09-0.62), p=<0.001], and burst sewer pipe or refuse within 500m of household [OR= 9.83 95% CI= (3.81-24.41) p=0.025], were factors associated with contracting typhoid. Independent risk factors for contracting typhoid were drinking water from a borehole [AOR= 5.9, 95%CI= (2.12-18.46) p=0.03], and burst sewer pipe at home [AOR=9.23; 95% CI= (3.81-2.26) p=0.04)]. Faecal coli forms and E. coli and salmonella were isolated from 22/37 boreholes samples. 11/12 school boreholes were contaminated with E. coli and salmonella. 2/2 municipal water had 0.08-0.2mg/liter of residual chlorine, instead of the 0.2mg/liter recommended. Stool and blood specimens were cultured and serotyped for Salmonella typhi and 30 cases were confirmed positive. Ciprofloxacin, Erythromycin and Rocephin were used for case management. Conclusion: Contaminated water from borehole was the probable source of the outbreak as most of the boreholes were wrongly cited and shallow. Boiling water and the use of narrow mouthed water containers for water storage was a protective factor. Harare City Engineer must invest in repairing water and sewage reticulation systems in Mbare and other high density areas. The surveillance system for typhoid failed to detect some of suspected typhoid cases as the cases were misdiagnosed. This was a point source outbreak and is supported by the incubation period which was suggestive of common contamination from contaminated boreholes due to sewer sippage into the poorly constructed boreholes and poor sanitation. Keywords: Typhoid, outbreak investigation, contaminated boreholes, Harare City Health

Trends in Import of fish and fish products in Ethiopia []

Abstract The objective of this study is to analyze trends in imports of fish and fisheries products and their importance in the ground of Ethiopia’s economy. As Ethiopia is a land locked country the demand to fish and fish products has been satisfied that comes from fresh water bodies like lakes, reservoirs, rivers and wetlands and even if it is relatively insignificant from aquaculture. On the other hand the country imported fish and fish products from different countries to satisfy the demand . The results showed imports of Fish and fisheries products tend to decrease in most years. During the study periods-2014 to 2018 imports of Ethiopia fisheries products decrease in volume. But the imported fish and fish products were marine fish products and this importation is inevitable as the importation were marine water lives. Key words: Fish, Fish products, Import, Ethiopia, Trends


Lake Ziway, is one of the most northern parts of Rift Valley Lakes and is located in Oromia Regional State of Ethiopia. The main objective of the study was to analyze the determinants of fish production in Lake Ziway. The data was collected from both primary and secondary data sources; primary data obtained by open and close ended questionnaire. The secondary data were obtained from different written documents (Journals, Books and internets) and woreda agricultural offices. Focus group discussions (FDG) were undertaken to identify the major value chain process and problems or challenges in the process that face the main actors in the study area. According to the result, competition with illegal fishers, pollution of water by farms and flower farming, lack of enforcement from the government, overfishing and reduction in fish resources, poor post harvest handling practices were determinants that affect the fishers to produce fish and fish products badly. Therefore, it is recommended that the responsible bodies like the woreda agriculture office and research centers need to have a plat form to discuss on the problems facing the Lake and fishers then give them access to technologies and or quality inputs. Key words: Lake Ziway, Determinants, Production, Ethiopia

How records management can contribute to economic revival and gaining investor confidence in Zimbabwe’s new dispensation []

African countries’ economies in general have been characterised by corruption and poor governance. This has resulted in the depletion of financial resources and an increase in taxpayer’s contributions hence making it difficult to grow economically. While international organisations such as the World Bank and the International Monetary fund have over and again stressed the need for African countries to ensure the prevalence of good governance coupled by transparency, accountability and responsibility in order to improve the standard of living and ensure that there is good governance, little has been done to kick start such initiatives. This then has resulted in increased corruption and hindering development in these countries.The management of records in public enterprises on the contrary, result in good performance indicators. Record keeping is a fundamental activity of public administration. They further state that without records there can be no rule of law and no accountability. Relevant and accurate public records must exist if governments are to preserve the rule of law and to demonstrate fair, equal and consistent treatment of citizens. As such, Records are vital to virtually every aspect of the governance process. Such sentiments show the important role that can be played by records management in contributing towards an accountable and responsible public sector that in turn can lure investors in the country hence the thrust of this paper. This paper therefore provides a rundown of the current state of public records, showing the contribution of records management to good governance and as such, investor confidence.


This study attempted to explain the short-run and long-run effect of financial inclusion on poverty reduction in Ethiopia over the period 2004-2018, on quarterly basis. This study applied ARDL approach with an optimal ARDL model (4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4) to formulate and estimate the effect of financial inclusion on poverty. The results of ARDL bounds test for co-integration show that the poverty headcount index in Ethiopia is co-integrated hence has long-run relationship with financial inclusion. However, the results of long-run estimation indicated that the variables of financial inclusion have no significant effect on poverty reduction in the long run. The study also revealed that, unlike the long-run effect, Commercial Bank branch per 100000 adults; Depositors in commercial bank branches per 1000 adults; Borrowers from commercial bank branches per 1000 adults; and saving in microfinance institutions positively and significantly affect poverty reduction in Ethiopia. On the other hand, Loan provided by micro finance, institutions have a negative and significant effect on the poverty index which is unexpected sign. The Error correction (ECM) test also revealed that about 6.2% of the previous quarter’s deviation from the equilibrium path is corrected every quarter. The test for bidirectional causality has also depicted that there is a bidirectional relationship between the Poverty index and Commercial bank branches per 100000 adults and Loan provided by Microfinance institutions, saving in microfinance institutions. But there is only a unidirectional relationship between poverty and commercial bank branches and depositors in commercial bank branches per 100000 adults. The results of this study imply that poverty can be reduced, particularly in the short-run, by extensively ensuring the ease of access, availability, and usage of the formal financial system.

Determinants of Antiretroviral Treatment Interruptions among HIV and AIDS Patients Kuwadzana, Harare []

Abstract Introduction: Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) is a retrovirus that causes Acquired Immuno deficiency Syndrome (AIDS). The introduction of antiretroviral therapy coupled with expanded coverage in patients accessing ART has improved the quality of life and survival. The treatment is complex in the sense that it requires strict drugs intake to scheduled time with no interruption and, also attending scheduled checkups. City Health Department reported that there are patients in care at Kuwadzana Polyclinic who had stopped ART for unknown reasons. An investigation was initiated to identify possible causes of ART treatment Interruption so as to institute control measures. Methods: An unmatched 1:1 case-control study was conducted. An interviewer based questionnaire was administered to study participants so as to identify risk factors for ART treatment Interruption. A case was described as an HIV and AIDS patient between 15-49 years of age, who were on ART for at least 6 months or more, and had missed two or more doses of ARV drugs since they started treatment for more than 2 consecutive days. ART registers from April 2016 to January 2017 were reviewed. Data was analyzed using Epi Info statistical version Results: 156 participants were enrolled; 78 cases and 78 controls were interviewed in the study. Forgetting taking ARV drugs [Crude OR 9.66 (p = <0.01], Being married was a strongly protective factor for both sexes, females [OR 0.44 (95% C.I. 0.24-0.89) and males [OR 0.32, (p=0.05)], background of primary education or less had a higher risk of treatment interruption to ART [OR 5.13 (p = 0.8)]. Bad attitude of health workers was found to be also a contributing factor [OR1.04 (95% C.I. 0.56-2.86)]. Females were more likely to be associated with stigma [OR 1.27 (95% C.I.0.64-1.87)], males [OR 0.92 (95% C.I.0.36-2.56)]. Pentecostals were 1.89 times more likely to be associated with treatment interruption [OR 1.89) (95% C.I. 0.77-3.24)], than protestant members [OR 1.12 (95% C.I. 0.65-1.25)]. Too much paper work for the health staff was observed. For instance files for patients were pulled out each time patients had to come for review or for drug collection. In addition there were out patient’s cards, green book and attendance register, which needed to be written by the nurse for every client. Conclusion: This study documented good knowledge about ART, but treatment interruption still remains a major challenge. Unsatisfactory attitude of health workers, receiving drug compliance counselling from non-health workers was associated with treatment interruption. Forgetfulness, frequent travels, stock out of some ARV drugs, fear of being sacked from workplace, long waiting time and alcoholism were some of the reasons patients‟ missed taking their ARV drugs. The system was not able to screen patients who were missing their doses at home but keeping correct appointment dates. Keywords: ART, Treatment Interruption, Harare City Health