Volume 8, Issue 7, July 2020 Edition - GSJ Journal Publication

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Warm Mix Asphalt is a technology which is utilized to minimize energy. More ever, mixtures of asphalt are produced by minimizing compaction and mixing temperature of asphalt. In this paper to assess the effect of additives (Aspha-min and Sasobit) on behavior of mixtures of warm asphalts, laboratory study was conducted to achieve the results. The samples were fabricated and mixed in the laboratory during this study. Samples were prepared by compacting it at 100 degree Celsius and 145 degree Celsius .The samples were subjected to two various procedures of testing. To evaluate the moisture susceptibility and thermal cracking two procedures are used i.e.1/3 model traffic simulator and thermal stress retrained test (TSRST). After experimental work it is concluded that mixtures of warm asphalt prepared with Sasobit is more liable to moisture damage as compared to mixture prepared with Aspha-min. in addition, It was also found that wet/dry rut ratio was not shown any moisture susceptibility in case of asphalt-min mixture while in case of Sasobit mixture it was more susceptible to moisture damage from Third-scale model mobile load simulator (MMLS3) testing. More ever, it was also concluded that performance of low temperature cracking is affected adversely by both type of additives (Sasobit and Asphalt-min) as compared to control mixture.


This Research Paper express the project documents of general framework for the major areas of various government and non-government departments regarding the stabilization of expensive soil. The theme of this research paper is to determine that either soil stabilization technique by local stabilizer is feasible within Pakistan or not, the project provides information related to many parameters. The result of this research paper is the concept which is feasible. By performing test on expansive soil of Mardan by adding the Brick Dust the result shows us that by using 10% of Brick dust in expansive soil it improves result by decreasing the shrinkage and swelling of soil by adding more brick dust in expansive soil the efficiency of brick dust are going to decrease. The expensive soil of Mardan has clayey soil which comes under the category of A6 class of AASHTO soil classification. The average natural moisture content of the soil is more than 25% which makes them water logged and create problem for pavement and building construction. These soil samples were tested by adding brick dust into it. Laboratory tests were conducted for determining finer sieve #200 passing (for finesse modulus), Atterberg’s limits, modified proctor test (for OMC and maximum dry density),unconfined compression test (UCT) and California Bearing Ratio (CBR). Data was collected and analyzed for feasibility. The performance of stabilizers/Additives was compared with the performance of virgin soil. This comparison allowed for fundamental conclusions and recommendations to be made for soil stabilizers and their abilities to be used for new roads, buildings and rehabilitation purposes.


The study was carried out to investigate some physicochemical properties (TDS, EC, PH, %, SMC and temperature), and mineral contents of termiteria and 10 M surrounding soils during wet and dry seasons. The aim was to ascertain status of termiteria and 10 M adjacent soils in supporting crop cultivation in Maiha Local Government Area of Adamawa State, Nigeria. X-ray fluorescence spectrophotometric (XRF) method of analysis was used for the determination of the presence of the elements, while standard methods were used for the studies of the physicochemical properties. Results showed that all the physicochemical parameters were within acceptable limit for good soils. XRF result showed presence of the following elements: Al, Si, K, Na, Ca, Mg, Fe, Mn Ti, Ni, Cr, V, Cu, Ba, Zn, Sr, Ir, Ga Rb, Zr, Yb, Eu, Re, and Ag. Major elements can be arranged quantitatively in decreasing order as; Si > Al > Fe > K > Ti >Ca > Na > Mg >Mn. The elements consisted of most of the sixteen elements needed for proper plant growth and development. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) showed no significant differences between mineral contents of termiteria and 10 M adjacent soils and those of wet and dry season, this shows that mineral contents of termiteria distribute up to 10 M away from them.


Abstract Evaluation of noise pollution level was done within the Warri Refining and Petrochemical Company (WRPC) complex with the aim of comparing the noise level data and recommended acceptable standards. A total of six (6) locations within the study area designated as Gas Turbine (GT), Managing Director (MD), Petrochemical Utility (PU) and Fluid Catalytic (FC) were selected. A sound level meter called the Sper Scientific 840013 Model was used to measure the sound/noise levels both in the morning and evening daily for 23 days running. Results showed that the highest noise level measured in the morning was recorded at Gas Turbine (104.1dBA), while the lowest morning reading was recorded at MD’s Block (41.9dBA).The highest noise level measured in the afternoon was at Gas Turbine (100dBA), while the lowest afternoon noise level was recorded at MD’s Block (37.6dBA). The highest noise level reading all through the sites was recorded in the afternoon at Gas Turbine (104.1dBA), whereas the lowest noise level reading was recorded in afternoon at MD’s Block (37.6dBA).The highest and lowest mean average noise levels were 96.5dBA and 48.7dBA at site Gas Turbine & MD’s Block respectively. It was concluded that the noise levels and mean average noise level in all the sites were above the FEPA, OSHA and NIOSH recommended permissible limits which could induce adverse hearing loss and other psychological effects on the workers, security guards, shop owners and passers-by respectively. Key words: Pollution, noise, permissible limits, recommended standards. Corresponding Authors : Anwadike, B. C.,(anbenj@yahoo.com) Omonoba, D.O

BIODIVERSITY CONSERVATION IN NIGERIA: Perception, Challenges and Possible Remedies []

ABSTRACT There are rapid changes in worldwide species distribution and abundance especially in the tropics and subtropics where they occur in abundance relative to other regions of the world .Countries worldwide including Nigeria show strong inclination towards effective biodiversity monitoring to maintain and sustainably utilize their biological resources Nigeria is blessed with a plethora of biodiversity and biological resources including plants, animals and ecosystems to the extent that some of them are threatened to extinction and degradation resulting from the imbalance between economic development and biodiversity conservation. Some major threats to biodiversity conservation in Nigeria include poverty, economic development, incomplete or non implementation and non ratification by government of international treaties and conventions on conservation issues, ambiguous governmental laws on biodiversity, climate change, pollution, invasion by alien species etc According to the IUCN Red list of 2013, Nigeria has a total of 309 threatened species in the following taxonomic categories: Mammals (26), Birds (19), Reptiles (8), Amphibians (13),Fishes (60), Molluscs (1), other Invertebrates (14) and Plants (168) Possible remedies include concerted effort towards the implementation and ratification of treaties and conventions on biodiversity, educating the populace to forgo cultural practices that are inimical to conservation of biological resources. The essence of this paper is to highlight some of these unwholesome practices that endanger biodiversity and to sensitize the populace on the importance of biodiversity conservation practices in Nigeria. Keywords:Biodiversty,conservation,degradation, threats, remedies

Activities of branches of the Turkestan regional Muslim bureau []

In this article is analyzed some historical information and scientific facts on the eve of formation Muslim bureau in Turkistan region appearing different Muslim organizations and activity their branches. In addition, based on archive documents is given information about organizational works for disciplining Muslim bureau branches by Muslim bureau in Turkistan region.

Physicochemical and Sensory Properties of Cassava Mahewu improved with Beetroot (Beta vulgaris L) []

Background: A popular traditional method in which cassava is consumed in Mozambique is mahewu - a non-alcoholic fermented bever-age, and it’s known to be poor in micronutrients. Objective: The objective of this study was to examine the nutritional effect and quality attributes of integrating beetroot pulp into cassava mahewu. Methods: Mahewu was prepared from cassava flour by controlled fermenta-tion using starter culture. Three different blends of cassava mahewu were produced by beetroot pulp at adding 5, 7.5, and 10 g after fer-mentation; 100% cassava mahewu was used as control. Mineral analysis, sensorial properties and proximate were carried out on the blends using standard methods. Results: The results showed that mineral contents range as follows; Fe (0.942 to 8.05 mg/L), K (155.67 to 331.36 mg/L), Na (30.57 to 65.03 mg/L) and Zn (0.104 to 0.328 mg/L) with 7.5 g of beetroot having the highest value and most accepta-ble to consumers based on sensory evaluations. Proximate analysis showed a significance (p<0.05) increase in protein (0.5 to 2.9g/100 g), total ash (0.36 to 1.90g/100 g), fibre content (0.41 to 2.11g/100 g) and vitamin C (3.13 to 6.6%). It was observed that cupper and fat content was not affected (p>0.05) by beetroot addition. Conclusion: The overall results showed that 7.5 g beetroots addition is the most acceptable and nutritious fruit blend for improving cassava mahewu.


The project’s focus is going to be on green logistics in Oman and the technology needed to work with it. It is going to carry a study on the emergence of technology-enabled green logistics in Oman. The attention of the project will be on one sector which is the logistics sector, where it will investigate companies in Oman that are interested in applying green logistics. Logistics is explained in many different ways as it is part of the supply chain management. The logistics department is one of the most important departments in any company, hence logistics connects the company to other including different countries, other companies, and the customers. Therefore, logistics is needed to keep the flow of the products/services from the company to the external parties. Green logistics will mostly help in an environmental aspect as it will keep the logistics in the company environmentally friendly. It helps to reduce the iron pollution and environment pollution as well as carbon in the environment of the country. Consequently, green logistics will benefit the company as it benefits the environment too. Technology is important for the sustainability of green logistics; various technologies can be used to enable green logistics. Green logistics is not yet applied in the companies in Oman; however, they can apply it using technology. By the enhancement of technology, it will be easier for the companies to apply it as they update their technology according to its enhancement. Many factors can affect green logistics, as mentioned it will have a huge impact on the environment of Oman to a better environment. It can also make the activities of the company easier and faster to operate. Gathering of the information for the completion of the project will be done through two ways, primary data and secondary data. As a result of the global pandemic, primary data will be collected by contacting the companies through emails and an interview that does not require going to the company or meeting people in person. Secondary data will be collected most as it will be gathered through surfing the internet websites, books, journals, articles and more. There will be qualitative and quantitative research as a lot of the data will be qualitative (descriptive), but there will also be quantitative data (includes numbers) that will be gathered through a questionnaire.


Warehousing is a growing concept which is playing a crucial role in the modern supply chain and logistics sector. There are many safety and security hurdles that are present and can seriously hamper the progress of the logistics. After conducting research with the help of questionnaires and interviews, the paper finds that the Company is struggling and needs to ensure the employee's training and standard operating procedures need to be adopted within the warehouses which will substantially improve the effectiveness of the warehousing services. Proper safety and security protocols needs to be established, and they need to be ensured if they are being fulfilled at the countless warehouses that stretch along different parts of Oman. Furthermore, the paper also finds that information technology can improve the way how warehousing is traditionally done. Once warehousing practices are improved, they will help Company, it will help the organization to generate more revenue and grow much faster.


Ternary compound of Cu2SnO4 alloyed thin films were deposited on glass substrates under the deposition condition of 60oC of NaOH solution, using dual solution synthesis : successive ionic layer adsorption and reaction (SILAR) and solution growth technique (SGT). The crystallographic studies were done using X-ray diffractometer (XRD) and scanning electron microscope (SEM). The deposited alloyed samples were annealed between 100oC to 250oC using Master Chef Annealing Machine. Rutherford backscattering Spectroscopy ( RBS) analysis confirmed the percentage of the elements of , copper, tin, and oxygen in the alloyed thin films. The optical characterization was carried out using UV-1800 double beam spectrophotometer The alloyed thin films of samples A21 and A4 of Cu2SnO4 show optical transmittance of 35%-53% in the ultraviolet region, 40%-54% in the visible, and 55%-61% in the near-infrared regions of electromagnetic spectrum for sample A21 annealed at 150oC. Sample A4 annealed at 250 oC has an optical transmittance of 40% -60% in the ultraviolet region, 64%-67% in the visible and 70%-75% in the near infrared regions of electromagnetic spectrum. The two samples, have equal direct wide band gap of 3.40±0.05eV. Other properties that were investigated are; absorbance, reflectance absorption coefficient, extinction coefficient, refractive index, optical conductivity, and dielectric constants. From the spectral qualities, these compound alloyed thin films may be found useful as H2S sensor, composite materials, heat mirror applications, active layer in various types of solar cells and passive layer in solar-selective surfaces, and are also found interesting as semiconductor materials for optoelectronic applications

A Critical Evaluation of The Impact of Information Technology on The Warehouse Operations []

Currently, information technology plays a major role in the lives of individuals and in the way that individuals conduct business, so there are indications that technology progress and the use of IT will continue to the future. Also, when companies use IT in their business, this enables them to provide innovative products and services of high quality, the ability to reach a large number of customers, communicate with business partners and suppliers around the world, ease of data flow and decision-making process, etc. Therefore, this is represented in the impact of information technology on business in general, which results in the shift from the industrial society and economy to the information society and economy. This study focuses on the critical evaluation of the impact of information technology on warehouse operations and the role of smart IT in improving operations and increasing their efficiency.

Electro-thermal and Optical Properties of SILAR Synthesized PbO Thin Films at Varying Times of Annealing and Constant Temperature []

PbO thin films were prepared by SILAR method deposition on glass substrates by SILAR method using KOH solution with ammonia (NH3) as a complexing agent. The films were subjected to annealing at the same temperature 250°C using annealing machine. The samples were firmly adhered to the substrate. The samples of PbO have thicknesses of 145nm to 115nm. The transmittance is found to be in the range 0.19 to 0.86 for B25 and 0.13 to 0.81 for B26 while for absorbance has a sharp fall from about 0.69 to 0.06 for B25 and 0.86 to 0.09 for B26 as wavelength increases from 250nm to 1080nm. The band gaps obtained under constant thermal treatment and varying times is between 3.7± 0.05eV to 3.6± 0.05eV. The average band gap of PbO is 3.65± 0.05eV. The properties of the PbO thin film makes it suitable for applications in a number of solid state devices such as photo-electrochemical, photovoltaic, photoconductive cells.


Important mathematical problems stem from the fact that calculations are made with numbers considered in isolation, not with numerical expressions. This article aims to point them out and suggest corrections. For this, it is necessary to redefine the concept of “number” and introduce that of “numerical expressions”, in addition to discussing the meaning of “multiplication”, “images and signs”, “equation”, “polynomial” and other issues. The conclusions reached are surprising, not to say disturbing.

A Study on the stock control []

Stock control is one of the essential elements in any company, and through the context we understand that inventory control has an important entity through the business surrounding it. This paper will help provide an analysis of the role of stock control. The main objective of the study presented is to study inventory management and to know the roles of inventory control. Through this, many methods of data collection will be completed, and therefore the study will be conducted according to the required pattern, and the research will be able to develop the project and evaluate the specific requirements of the research. Through a process conducted through a telephone interview with the director of inventory control and others to cover the points through which you will help in analyzing the scope of the study. The researcher also distributes a questionnaire to the employees, and through him the researcher obtains the required conclusions to conduct analyzes of the project. The researcher highlights the mechanism of the role of inventory control, which in turn maps the correct plans in the evaluation process and the great importance of inventory control. In addition to using secondary data for this, it also contributes to complete the project.


To Measure the quality in an integrated form is necessary to evaluate the performance of any project. A number of papers have been published for evaluating qualities of construction projects. However, limited studies are reported on the measurement of quality in an integrated form. To address this research gap in the body of knowledge, this study is aimed at identifying and analysing the quality of a road throughout their life cycle. Different stages of quality such as concept, design, construction, conformance and quality of performance are considered in this study. On the basis of both, detailed literature review and expert opinions, a total of 54 factors were identified and then a questionnaire was developed to obtain the opinions of respondents to measure the effect of each factor identified. The questionnaire was circulated to owners, engineers, contactors, design consultants, construction managers and 27 responses were received. The effect of each factor was measured in terms of its importance index and then was ranked accordingly. The reliability analysis of data obtained is done using Statistical Package for the Social Science (SPSS). The result of this study demonstrates that owner s policy and effective quality management system found to be highly significant factor at conceptual stage. In the design quality, the nature and type of subgrade soil and design errors found to be extremely important factors. Similarly, quality of raw materials i.e. aggregate etc. and method of construction are of prime importance in quality of construction. Effectiveness of QA/QC program and subgrade failure, rutting, shoving are significant factors for quality of conformance and performance respectively. The findings of this study will help the project managers to focus on the critical factors in order to achieve better quality in construction of road projects which will result in less maintenance cost.


Asphalt cement is the major and important components of hot mix asphalt (HMA). Modifying properties of asphalt enhances mechanical properties of HMA. The practical experiences of Pakistani highway and motorways network showed that high most roads are suffering from wear out, wretch and depress in long term. These stresses are occure due to lack of mechanical quality file of asphalt or the asphalt mixtures as well as the increasing of traffic loads. Until now, the research about new suitable modifiers and new techniques to produce durable and economic HMA is essential. The aim of this research is to investigate the possibility of using different types of new additives as (Silica Fume and Nano Silica) to improve the properties of Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA) concrete mixtures. Also, evaluating the performance of wearing surface pavements (Total Stress and Vertical Displacement) analysis by using Finite Elements program is another objective. For to perform such analysis, thoroughly experimental program is designed and implemented. The experimental procedure is done for four phases including preliminary works, laboratory work, Finite Element modeling and cost analysis. From technical point of view, results indicated that NS (Nano silica) is considered the best modifier followed by SF (Silica Fume) that achieved maximum strength, minimum viscosity flow, higher tensile strength; higher direct compression strength and minimum depress out value Through Plaxis 2D analysis, pavement responses of pavements having modified mixtures achieved lower vertical displacement and total stress than that of control mix. Finally, cost analysis for the direct cost of materials for manufacturing of 1m3 of the unmodified and modified mixtures are conducted. Also, the cost analysis indicated that the cost of producing 1m3 of mixture using NS (Nano Silica) shall be very high and not applicable to be used. Excluding the NS from cost rating leaded to bring the SF as the best modifier with 15.12 % increasing in cost comparing with the control mixture.


Project cost controls in the Nigerian construction sector have always been under studied. For every project to be successfully executed, its cost must have been analyzed and the cost from start to finish noted so as to prevent unnecessary contingency spendings which may hamper the complete execution of the project. Thus this prompted this study on the very aim of ascertaining cost control mechanisms and its impact on engineering services in building and housing project delivery in Nigeria. To achieve the above, the study employed four specific objectives and four research questions. The study is of a quantitative data conducted using descriptive statistical techniques. Additionally, detailed accounts of participant responses during the qualitative interviews were reported and tabulated under appropriate sections. The results of statistical analysis were interpreted: inferences were drawn from the results and discussed thoroughly to bring the research conclusions into focus. Quantitative data collection for this study was conducted through the use of a questionnaire survey. A total of two hundred and twenty-five (225) questionnaires were administered to construction stakeholders (architects, site engineers, project managers, quantity surveyors, contractors, building materials suppliers, site managers and government workers) in the Owerri Imo State of Nigeria. The study however concluded that increase in the building costs has been narrowed down to economic instability of this country. There exist array of factors that obstruct successful procurement of building construction projects. Several of these obstructions have been well researched upon and solutions proffered to improve projects procurement. One aspect of the recommendations that has received less than deserved attention is the proactive way of managing cost, believed will offer the deserved scientific cost management of building construction projects. Finally the study recommends that Construction managers should be cautious in inventory keeping and consumption, and should be weary of materials more sensitive to market pressure as identified in this work. Items that indicated higher sensitivity to market pressure should be given priority in inventory keeping and consumption.

A Rare and Aggressive Secondary Tumour of Vagina [Metastatic Choriocarcinoma] []

Abstract: This is a 38-year-old woman who initially presented to an outside emergency room with vaginal bleeding and abdominal pain for half a year. The pelvic ultrasound demonstrated suggestive features of molar pregnancy. Subsequently, she underwent to dilation and curettage with final pathology diagnosing choriocarcinoma. She was transferred to the hospital for further oncologic management with a recommendation for total abdominal hysterectomy. The same woman returned again to our emergency room with a vaginal mass measured 5× 4×3cm with a chest pain and coughing for a month. Vaginal biopsy with Immunohistochemistry proved it to be choriocarcinoma. Through the CT scan has showed multiple bilateral lung metastases and a vaginal mass with enlarged pelvic and inguinal lymph nodes. The Final diagnosis of Metastatic or Secondary vaginal choriocarcinoma stage III was made. BACKGROUND. This study aimed to assess the level of awareness and knowledge of vaginal metastatic cancer in the general population in Yemen. The value of vaginal excision biopsy in atypical metastatic malignant tumor to vagina remains limited due to the primary intrauterine choriocarcinoma is very rare. In the current study, the authors review the vaginal histology and cytology of carcinoma and identify common histological features that allow for the diagnosis of this uncommon chorionic malignancy. METHODS. A cross-sectional survey using a self-administered questionnaire was conducted to Yemeni adult women aged between15 to 49 years. The collected data were analyzed by microscopy evaluation of H&E-stained sections. The clinical history and all previous histological biopsy were reviewed. RESULTS. Choriocarcinoma is the most aggressive gestational trophoblastic neoplasia with a high incidence of women aged between 15 and 49 years. The vaginal metastasis comprises 30% of all metastatic incidences. Vaginal metastases are found in 20–30% of choriocarcinoma cases and are known to be a poor prognostic factor. We report a case of a patient with choriocarcinoma metastasized to the vagina. CONCLUSION. This study reports for the diagnosis of choriocarcinoma that is made by microscopy histological features. All tumors of choriocarcinoma are characterized by a mixture of two kinds of trophoblastic cells: mononuclear cytotrophoblast and syncytiotrophoblast. The typical arrangement pattern of inner mononuclear cytotrophoblasts surrounded by a peripheral rim of multinucleated syncytiotrophoblasts with a central core necrosis and completely absence chorionic villi. Keywords: Metastases, Vagina, Choriocarcinoma, Primary, Secondary Vaginal Cancer


The study set to investigate strategies to mitigate causal factors of low pass rate in the Zimbabwe School’s Examination Council Advanced Level Accounting, High Glen District, Harare. There has been a five years trend of poor results in Advanced Level Accounting in the District of study which is a cause for concern. A descriptive survey research design was used. The sample comprised of 100 pupils, 4 Teachers of accounting and 4 School Heads. The questionnaires and interviews were used to collect data. Major findings are that unconducive school and home environments contributed to pupil’s poor performance in the subject. Recommendations are that teachers needs to be motivated to attend class and teach. Parents should be proactive in their children’s education.

The Impact of School Environment and Peer Influences on Students Academic Performance in Edo South Senatorial District of Edo State Implication for Counselling []

e study examined the impact of school environment and peer influences on students academic performance in Edo South Senatorial District of Edo State. Four research questions were raised The study used a correlation research design where school environment and peer influence constituted the independent variables whereas students academic performance was the dependent variable. Twenty-one public secondary schools in Edo senatorial District of Edo State were used in the study. The research employed both simple random and purposive sampling techniques to select the respondents. The study subjects were selected using simple random sampling technique. Questionnaires were used to collect data on the school environment and the peer influence and school records were used to obtain students academic performance. Data was analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics (SPSS) version 12.0 was used to calculate correlation coefficient. The study found a positive relationship between school factors and students academic performance. However, the relationship is low if compared to students role performance, home factors and school factors; peer level factors had a positive effect on students academic performance. It is hoped that the findings of this study will be useful to teachers, principals and parents to gain more insight into the psychosocial factors that affect students academic performance and therefore help improve their academic performance. Keywords: School Environment, Peer Influences, Students Academic Performance.

A study on the impact of E-recruitment process on vision 2040 employment in Communication companies []

To explore the focus of OmaCommunication companies’ HRM on how to enhance its competitive advantage in attracting talents. To ascertain the best practices involved in the form of success factors for the e-recruitment process for the future of the company. To establish areas of improvement in the current e-recruitment process in reliance to Oman Vision 2040.

China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC): Regional Sovereignty and Indirect Benefits []

A true friendship is one that can withstand the toughest tests of time. It should be strong enough to deal with any thick and thin situations regardless of the consequences. Every aspect of the relationship between the two countries be it strategic, diplomatic, commercial or political have always stood strong and never wavered for even a bit. The paybacks of the project will become visible progressively and they certainly call for strength and will power both on the part of Pakistan and China to attain their foreseeable goals in the preeminent achievable approach. Moreover, there should be liberated and facilitated exchange programs of students as well as business personnel between the two countries. Pakistani companies should be encouraged to develop joint ventures with multinational Chinese countries, which would help infiltrate the Chinese market as well as the global market. These joint ventures will also help in transfer of technology, management skills and improve innovation in products and services. A day-by-day soaring intensity of mutual associations between Pakistan and China has become a permanent attribute of international relations in existing times.


his paper investigates the effect of corporate governance on accounting practice in Nigeria developing economy. Three objectives were raised alongside with three hypotheses. The research design adopted for the study is expo facto research design. The population of the study consists of all the 10 companies in the oil and gas sector quoted in the Nigeria Stock Exchange as at December 2018. The time period for the study was 2010-2018, a longitudinal data and binary logistic regression analysis was carried out to determine the desire relationship on the model of the study. The findings reveals that (BOSIZE) has significant and positive relationship with accounting practice (ACCTPRA), Next board independence (BOINDEP) has a significant and positive relationship with accounting practice. The study recommended among others that, companies in Nigeria should improve more on their level of accounting practice by paying closer attention to corporate governance mechanisms as a means of improving on the quality of accounting practice as this will greatly enhance the growth in a developing economy. Also, financial reporting council (FRC) and other the regulatory bodies of financial reporting in Nigeria should come up with a uniformity, mandatory compliance guideline for oil and gas companies to follow in engaging on accounting practice. Keywords: Corporate Governance, Board Size, Independence, Accounting Practice, Developing Economy


The study examines Adolescents gender and their social adjustment the role of the counselor in Nigeria. Adolescent in schools tend to exhibit unacceptable behaviours which invariably affect their social adjustments. Some of these problems emanate from externally and internally determined sources. The gender of an individual affects the way, he/she relates with others and would influence the adolescents social pattern. An understanding of the gender type of adolescent will help the school counselors to know their adjustment. The study adopted correlation research design to determine the relationship between the adolescents gender and their social adjustment. The population of the study was 48,867 junior secondary school adolescents in Edo South Senatorial District of Edo State. The sample for the study consisted of 720 adolescent students drawn through multi-stage sampling procedure. Two instruments were used in this study namely; the Eysenck personality questionnaire (EPQ) and Social Adjustment Scale (SAS). The internal consistency reliability alpha coefficient obtained 0. 78. The findings from the study revealed amongst others, that large number of females adolescent introverts and extroverts exist in the public junior secondary schools; while the male adolescent introverts and extroverts were not much. Furthermore, that there is no significant relationship between adolescent male introverts and their social adjustment. Based on the findings of the study, it was recommended among other that school counsellors should provide frequent counselling services for adolescents and information that could improve their social adjustment and the counsellors should also encouraged parents to expose their children especially (adolescents) to sound formal education as well as training them in social norms. KEYWORDS: Adolescents, Gender, Personality, Social Adjustment, Conusellor