Volume 8, Issue 6, June 2020 Edition - GSJ Journal Publication

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Influence of strategic human resource utilization on organizational performance of Machakos County Government, Kenya. []

The study sought to assess the influence of strategic human resource utilization on organizational performance of Machakos County Government, Kenya. The study used a descriptive survey design because the study requires an in-depth understanding of the influence of organization resources on the organization's performance regarding Machakos County. The target populations for this study were all the 154 management staff of Machakos County and were drawn from all the management levels. The study used stratified sampling method to select 110 out of 154 respondents. Data was collected through the use of structured questionnaires. The analysis included both descriptive and inferential statistics. Descriptive analysis included percentages, Mean and Standard Deviation while inferential statistics that was based on linear regression and was used to establish the relationship between human resources utilization and its performance and helped in drawing a conclusion on the relations between variables and the nature of relationship based on a 95% confidence level. The findings shows that strategic human resource utilization (P<0.016) have a positive and significant influence on the performance of Machakos County government, Kenya. The study recommended that there is need for the county government to continue investing in human resources in order to improve its performance. The county government needs to continue in frequent staff training in both short and long term training so that the county government staff can have the required skills and competencies not only to improve the performance of the county government but also be able to handle emerging issues in service delivery. The county government staff needs to have the necessary training in modern technology and emerging issues in work environment.

Food (Fish) Safety & Hygiene Using A Hybrid Smoking Kiln []

Abstract The world over, fish foodis widely consumed across all tribes and tongues due to its high rate of protein. However, lack of proper processing of this food makes it open to microbial contamination which is hazardous to human life. Its inadequate processing means that the distribution, retailing, storing and consumption of the fish will be contaminated. To this end, this paper tends to look as the ways fish is been processed and also introduces a Microcontroller-Based Hybrid Smoking Kiln (HSK) that is basically used for fish processing and preservation under a controlled temperature. The kiln operates at a temperature range 1200C - 2000C to guarantee and even smoking heat and an extended fish shelf-life. The operations of the kiln is to regulate the heat at the set threshold and a servo motor that opens when the heat reaches the upper temperature threshold of 2000C to prevent burning of the fish and closes when the heat temperature drops to the lower threshold of 1200C to ensure an even smoking rate. The use of HSK ensures a hygienic fish processing and preservation thus guaranteeing a premium quality food security for humans. This paper seeks to address the issue of fish being smoked in a hygienic way. Keywords: HSK, Food Security, Hygiene, Food Processing, Food Preservation.

Impact Psychologique du COVID-19 sur les patients traités au Service d’Hépato-Gastro-Entérologie de l’Établissement Hospitalo-Universitaire 1ér Novembre 1954 Algérie Oran []

Le nouveau coronavirus (COVID-19) est une maladie infectieuse qui représente actuellement un risque important pour la santé publique, il a bouleversé notre vie de façon importante. Cela nous demande de nous adapter de manière rapide et exceptionnelle à un phénomène plutôt abstrait (durée, impacts à moyen et long termes, etc.). Cette pandémie à des répercussions sur différentes sphères de notre vie : Personnelle (isolement, confinement, perte de liberté, perte des repères quotidiens, privation de contacts directs avec la famille et les amis. Professionnelle et économique (perte d’emploi, réduction de revenus, modification des conditions de travail…ect). Le confinement qui fait partie intégrante de la réponse de l’ensemble des pays touchés aujourd’hui par la pandémie COVID-19, a également au-delà de la pandémie elle-même, un impact psychologique négative significatif et durable d’où vient l’importance de la prise en charge psychologique. L'aspect psychologique a été inclus dans la prise en charge du patient car notre expérience clinique a démontré le rôle primordial de la prise en charge psychologique dans l'arsenal thérapeutique. Ainsi dans ce travail, nous vous rapportons le profil psychologique de nos patients COVID 19 hospitalisés au service de gastro-entérologie, ou on peut dire que la prise en charge psychologique a côtoyé la prise en charge médicale au service (HGE) pour préserver la santé mentale et physique de nos patients parce que le mental quand ses ressources sont bien utilisées, est capable de voler au secours du corps. Mots clés : COVID 19- Psychologie- impact - mental – anxiété - Confinement-


La stéato-hépatite métabolique est parmi les causes les plus fréquentes de maladie chronique du foie. Notre travail est une étude prospective visant à étudier et analyser les facteurs prédictifs de progression de la fibrose hépatique au cours des stéato-hépatites métaboliques qui représentent actuellement un problème de santé publique . Cela nous a motivé à recueillir les cas de NASH syndrome avec ou sans cirrhose hépatique de Novembre 2014 à novembre 2019 soit un suivi de 5 ans. Patients et Méthodes : Il s’agit d’une étude analytique prospective uni-centrique portant sur des patients ayant des critères cliniques, biologiques et/ou histologiques d’une stéato-hépatite non alcoolique. Les patients sont recrutés en prospectif de Janvier 2017 à Décembre 2017, sur des fiches préétablies et uniformisées par le biais de consultation et d’hospitalisation d’Hépato-gastro-entérologie. Sont inclus dans l’étude tous les patients adultes : -Age supérieur à 16 ans, quel que soit le sexe -Présentant une anomalie du bilan hépatique avec ou sans stéatose échographique. -Hépatopathie chronique en absence de cause virale, auto-immune ,alcoolique médicamenteuse surcharge(étiquetée comme cryptogénétique Résultats Nous avons fait ressortir les caractéristiques épidémiologiques , anatomo-cliniques ,préciser les facteurs de risque de fibrose hépatique et apprécier l’incidence du carcinome hépatocellulaire chez les patients porteurs d’un NASH syndrome. Tous nos patients recrutés ont bénéficié d’un bilan étiologique de l’hépatopathie afin d’éliminer une autre cause d’hépatopathie ou une cause secondaire de la stéatose. Les données épidémiologiques et cliniques de nos patients ont été recueillies sur des fiches uniformisées établies à partir d’un questionnaire. Prédominance féminine avec sex Ratio de 3,75 , un âge dans 73.7 % compris entre 43-63 ans , une cirrhose compensée chez 11.4% prédominant chez le sexe féminin et une cirrhose décompensée dans 29.2% des cas . Nous avons noté une augmenté des complications de la cirrhose comme la décompensation 26.3% et le carcinome Hépatique dans 1.8% de nos patients . Conclusion : La prévalence du syndrome métabolique dans notre population est en constante augmentation, avec une augmentation du risque de cirrhose 36, 8 % et de Carcinome Hépato- Cellulaire 1,8 % qui représente une fréquence non négligeable dans notre étude . Ces résultats doivent nous faire changer nos guidelines au Maghreb. Le rythme de surveillance doit être soutenu, chez nos patients d’âge mur supérieur à 50 ans , de sexe féminin en surpoids et qui présente un risque d’insulino-résistance . Mots clés/ NASH- Obésité- HTA –syndrome métabolique- Age-Maghreb


La pancréatite aiguë est une inflammation aiguë du pancréas. L'incidence est de 30 pour 100 000 chez l'homme et de 20 pour 100 000habitants chez la femme(31), de 54 ans d’âge médian, atteints d’une première poussée de PA dans 72 % des cas (1). Il existe deux formes : la pancréatite aiguë bénigne, dite œdémateuse, et la pancréatite aiguë nécrosante, potentiellement grave. La migration d'un calcul biliaire dans le cholédoque ou une consommation chronique et prolongée d'alcool, représentent 80 % des causes. (31). Les données internationales montrent une augmentation de la fréquence des PA, et un accroissement de la fréquence des hospitalisations pour PA(1), la mortalité ne dépasse pas 4 % à 6 % contre 8 % à 15 % il y a 20 ans. Les deux principales causes chez l’adulte sont la lithiase biliaire (35 % à 50 % des cas) et l’alcool (30 % à 40 %), les autres pancréatites dites pancréatites aiguës non A non B (pour non alcooliques et non biliaires) représentent 20 % à 25 % des cas alors qu’à l’heure actuelle, le taux de PA idiopathiques ne dépasse pas 7 % à 10 % des cas (17). Une lithiase biliaire est la cause de 45% des PA (avec un pic de fréquence chez la femme de 50–60 ans) (6). PATIENTS ET METHODE : Notre étude va déterminer l’intérêt de l’écho-endoscopie dans le diagnostic de la pancréatite aigüe lithiasique en comparent la sensibilité et la spécificité de cette dernière a celle de l’IRM , et en confrontant ces résultats aux donnes per opératoire. Les Objectifs sont : • Etablir le profil épidémiologique et clinique des pancréatites aigues lithiasiques. • Décrire les caractéristiques écho-endoscopiques des pancréatites aigues lithiasiques • Décrire les facteurs de risque des pancréatites aigues lithiasiques. • Décrire les indications de l’écho-endoscopie en urgence. RESULTAT Ainsi nous avons démontré dans notre étude , que l’échoendoscopie reste un outil diagnostic très sensible , avec une spécificité diagnostic plus élevée que la résonance magnétique nucléaire dans le diagnostic de la pancréatite biliaire microlithiasique , Qui représente l’ étiologie la plus fréquence soit 55% dans notre série chez la femme algérienne d’âge mure en surpoids BMI supérieur à 29. Les deux principales causes chez l’adulte sont la lithiase biliaire (35 % à 50 % des cas) et l’alcool (30 % à 40 %) cette étiologie représente que 8 % dans notre série . Les autres pancréatites dites pancréatites aiguës non A non B (pour non alcooliques et non biliaires) représentent 20 % à 25 % des cas alors qu’à l’heure actuelle, le taux de PA idiopathiques ne dépasse pas 7 % à 10 % des cas (17) soit 6 % dans notre serie . -En cas de négativité de l’examen IRM malgré une forte suspicion de lithiase biliaire, en particulier au décours d’une pancréatite inexpliquée, l’écho-endoscopie est préconisée pour ne pas méconnaître un sludge ou une micro lithiase, cette étiologie est représentée chez 3 nos patients CONCLUSION. Une étude Algérienne s’étalant du 1/1/2011 au 31/3/13 a conclue que l’EE avait une sensibilité de 97.1% et une spécificité de 94.4% pour le diagnostic de lithiase du cholédoque, sa valeur prédictive négative pour ce diagnostic était de 94.4% une différence significative (P<0.05)a été notée entre EE et CPIRM pour le diagnostic des microlithiase ; L’EE a permis de sélectionnes 42 candidats pour une CPRE-SE parmi 64 patients (37).  L’écho endoscopie doit être proposée en cas de négativité des explorations précédentes.  Sa sensibilité et sa spécificité sont proches de 100 % pour le diagnostic de lithiase de la VBP (y compris pour des calculs millimétriques). Malheureusement, la place de l’IRM comme de l’écho-endoscopie reste à discuter en fonction des disponibilités de chaque centre, de leur condition d’accès à l’IRM et de la présence d’un médecin expérimenté en écho-endoscopie(37).

Formulation And Evaluation of Antibacterial Polyherbal Dentifrices []

Dentifrices have been used since the ancient past and one of main irreplaceable components of oral health care. During that period, squashed bone, pulverized egg and clam shells were utilized as abrasives as a part of tooth cleaning. In recent years, focus has shifted towards the release of active ingredients during formulation developments to prevent and /or treat oral illness. But some substances show unpleasant side effects such as tooth staining and altered taste. This led to increased attention of using natural ingredients in herbal dentifrices. Herbal ingredients have several benefits. Commonly used herbal ingredients are Neem (azadirachtaindica) and Guava+(Psidiumguajava). Neem have antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. Neem also have anti caries properties. Dried chewing twigs of neem shows maximum antibacterial activity against S.mutans. Polyherbal dentifrices was prepared using Neem, acacia, guava, calcium carbonate, sodium lauryl sulphate. The formulated polyherbal dentifrices was evaluated for organoleptic and physical properties such as colour, odour, taste, pH and fineness according to standards specified by Bureau of Indian Standards. Antimicrobial susceptibility testing methods was adopted by disc diffusion method. Lab made polyherbal dentifrices was formulated by selecting suitable ingredients to get the formulation more stable. The preliminary in vitro study demonstrated that polyherbal dentifrices was found to be efficacious in terms of all evaluation properties of dentifrices. Hence, by the evidence of in vitro studies, it is concluded that polyherbal dentifrices formulated in a laboratory was found to be good antibacterial property and good quality.

Development of Playback ARS Using VRP Device []

The paper was carried out to develop a playback Audio and Recording System (ARS) using Voice and Record Playback (VRP) device. The recording and playback device is a device that makes use of digital storage devices using ISD17120 IC chip, which stores digitally, sound signals inputted from a microphone with impedance of 9kΩ. The processes carried out by the device are controlled by toggle switches to record, playback, forward, increase or decrease volume, erase and reset, in which each processes are indicated active by LED indicator with different display patterns. The audio output is achieved through 8Ω speaker via an inbuilt class D amplifier in the IC (ISD17120). The devices operate with a frequency of 8 kHz and a duration of 120seconds, the power supply to the device is 9V-DC, operating current of 20mA and standby current of 1μA, which is regulated using the 7805 regulator to produce a 5V to the device. This device is capable of recording up to 100 different messages with zero - power messages storage and eliminates the problem of loss of data on exposure to stray magnetic field and also reduce space occupied.

Design of a Hybrid Microgrid Power Supply System for Rivers State University. []

This research work presents a viability study of a grid-connected hybrid power supply system for the Rivers State University campus located in Port Harcourt City in Rivers state, Nigeria. Port Harcourt city receives an abundant amount of solar radiation all through the year. Hence, a hybrid system comprising of PV, Battery, Utility and Diesel Generator is considered and optimum sizing of the various component in the hybrid system is done using the HOMER software. The electrical load collected from the central substation control panel of the campus records a load profile Average peak load of 2040KW.The hybrid system is designed to equate the peak load at a minimum cost. The simulation results displayed a hybrid system of 2040KW PV system, batteries with the capacity of 708 Ah and Utility was found as the optimum hybrid configuration and it can supply the electricity at a minimum cost of #40.76 kw/h. The total net present cost of the project 8.98 billion naira and it requires initial capital investment of 22.2 million naira to implement the project. The conclusion from this study was that incorporating hybrid to the power supply system contributed in the reduction of the operating cost.

Assessment of the Application of Equity Principle of Social Demand Approach in the Management of Junior Secondary Schools Education in Edo State []

STRACT The study assessed the application of the equity principle of social demand approach in the management of Junior Secondary Schools Education in Edo State. The study was guided by one research question and one hypothesis. The sample consisted of 166 participants (157 principals and 9 chief inspectors of education) selected through proportionate stratified random sampling technique. The descriptive survey research design was used. A researcher developed questionnaire was used to collect data. The questionnaire was of two versions one to be completed by the principals while the other to be completed by the chief inspectors of education. It comprised of 10 items structured on a four point rating scale. The questionnaire was validated by three experts and had the Cronbach alpha reliability coefficients value of 0.83. Mean scores were used to answer the research question while t-test statistics was used in testing the null hypothesis at the 0.05 level of significance. The findings indicated that as assessed by the respondents that there was a low extent of the application of equity principle of the social demand approach. The respondents did significantly differ in their mean ratings of the application of equity principle in the management of Junior Secondary Schools education. Based on the findings, if was concluded that the extent of the application of equity principle was for below the required standard of equity/equality and could result in deprivation of equitable access to quality junior secondary schools education in the state. Among the recommendations made was that the Edo State government should demonstrate serious commitments to her blue prints, acts, policies, standard and programmes on equity/equity. They should empower the relevant agencies with funds, training, monitoring to ensure that the declarations on fulfilling the social demands on junior secondary schools education are not a mere mirage / illusion. Keywords: Equity, Junior Secondary School Education, Educational Management, Universal Basic Education, Policy Implementation.

Factors Affecting the Financial Performance of Manufacturing Companies Listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange 2012-2015 Period []

Managers as managers of the company know more about internal information and prospects of the company in the future than investors. As a manager, managers are required to disclose information about financial statements that can be used by various parties, including the management of the company itself specifically to measure financial performance. Financial performance is the company's benchmark in making a profit. Company profits are obtained through managers who can run the company effectively and efficiently. The purpose of this study is to prove managerial and funding have a significant effect on the financial performance of manufacturing companies. The research sample is 30 manufacturing companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange for the period 2012-2015. The selection of 30 manufacturing companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange for the period 2012-2015 has a complete financial report and the company has a large investment or capital to obtain a sample of 30 companies. The research design is quantitative with hypotheses and data sources obtained from the Indonesia Stock Exchange website. The analysis technique uses multiple linear regression with SPSS version 23. The results of the discussion can be concluded that managerial and funding partially have a positive effect on the financial performance of manufacturing companies. Funding has a dominant effect on the financial performance of manufacturing companies. This can be caused by the greater the company makes a profit, the greater the total assets (wealth) the company has. Keywords: Managerial, funding and financial performance

Determinant Factors of E-Commerce and Impacts on Increasing Company Performance []

The implementation of a travel service company is expected to adopt e-commerce as a digitizing company to facilitate online marketing and sales. This study aims to examine and analyze the factors that influence company performance with independent variables consisting of integrated information systems, networking, and technological innovation, using the e-commerce adoption variable as an intervening variable. The data collection method uses a questionnaire distributed to 70 companies engaged in services, namely travel, by using a purposive sampling technique. The population of 103 samples consisted of the travel owner, service department, and marketing department. Data were analyzed using SEM from the PLS 3.0 application. The study results with a significance of 5% to show a significant influence that integrated information systems, networking, and technological innovation have a significant impact on company performance through e-commerce adoption. The adoption of e-commerce as an intervening variable has a significant effect on company performance. This research is supported by the theory (TOE) Technology, Organization, Environment and (RBV) Resource-Based View Theory which theoretically can provide evidence about the factors that influence the adoption of e-commerce in terms of technology, organization, and environment, this research provides support for research progress in the scope of management, especially in terms of company performance, and contribute to the development of information technology in the use of e-commerce in the range of travel service companies.


From last centuries, technologies of Warm Mix Asphalt (WMA) have been used widely. Stakeholders have been motivated due to its benefits to implement this technology. The study of researchers raised concerned that WMA showed good performance in field as compared to the performance in laboratory regarding moisture damages due to resistance .Thus it is important to know more about properties of warm mix asphalt. This article mainly focused on WMA various sources of aggregates, binders of asphalt and additives of WMA. In this study, test on conventional hot mix asphalt and WMA is conducted by using a dynamic mechanical analyzer. Various specimens are prepared to for testing purpose and test are conducted in dry and wet conditions, and at start and after 3 months in control temperature i.e. 60 degree C. The results of test are analyzed using approach of fracture mechanism. Fundamental properties of material are incorporated in this approach, including adhesive bond energy among asphalt binder and aggregates. The Study results showed that with aging performance of WMA is improved while improvement in overall WMA performance is optimized with material selection (Sources of aggregates, asphalt binders and technology of WMA) based on their surface energy compatibility. More ever, few findings from mechanical testing are expanded by the results of surface energy related to moisture susceptibility of WMA.


Suicide continues to be a leading cause of death and has been recognized as a significant public health issue in the world. Rapid advances in data science can provide us with useful tools for suicide prevention, and help to dynamically assess suicide risk in quantitative data-driven ways in Africa. This paper highlight the most current research in digital suicide prevention, including the use of machine learning, smartphone applications, and wearable sensor driven systems. The author also discusses the clinical implication of technology based suicide prevention in the Africa continent.

prevalence and awareness regarding contributing factors of domestic violence among married women []

Domestic Violence is a forceful activity done against the will of a person physically, verbally, sexually or emo-tionally that might harm the person in several ways.there are a numerous factors contributing to domestic vi-olence in a country like Nepal thus people need to be aware of what they are going through. This study was conducted among married women so that the outcomes can be used for the betterment of women’s physical and mental health Cross sectional descriptive study was conducted by using interview with structured nepali version questionaire. 8-10 respondents were interviewed per day. The study was conducted at Kageshori, Manohara 7 Kathmandu. This study aims to reduce the prevalence of domestic violence among married women and make them aware about the consequences it can bring to her physical and mental health. This study can help the women to be aware of swhat actually domestic violence is and what impact can it draw to a women’s health and overall well being.